如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……
1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……
汉语拼音:kōng diào
Forcing a state-owned factory to shut down for a bit may seem easier than convincing millions of people to turn down their air con.
勒令一家国营工厂短时停产可能比说服数以百万计居民关掉空调更加容易。The utility model relates to an improvement of a rolling double-rotor compressor used in a household refrigerator and an air conditioner.
本实用新型涉及家用冰箱、空调用滚动双转子式压缩机结构的改进。He was criticized by his manager because he forgot to turn off the air conditioning when leaving the office.
他离开办公室时忘了把空调关掉,为此受到了经理的批评。Yes, once the Perfect 16 is installed, you can dispose of any other filters that were previously used in your HVAC system.
是的。一旦安装完美16,您可以移除先前安装在供热通风与空调系统中的任何其他过滤器。Before reaching for the air conditioning unit brochure, though, there are a number of measures to try at home to help keep things cool.
但是,在考虑安装空调之前,可以采取一些措施,帮助家里保持凉爽。Air conditioning is one of the best ways to keep a dog cool, but is not always dependable.
空调的最佳方式之一,要保持冷静的狗,但并不总是可靠。Presents the calculation method of design energy efficiency ratio for an air conditioning system and its subsystems.
提出了空调工程及其子系统设计能效比的计算方法。At the end of the day we motored back to the 21st century in an air-conditioned bus.
天近黄昏,我们乘空调公共汽车又回到了21世纪。He got three other cards and used them to buy new furniture, lights and an air conditioner for his home, which he shared with his parents.