




1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:qì dù








  1. 气魄风度。

    《晋书·苻坚载记下》:“ 猛 瓌姿儁伟,博学好兵书,谨重严毅,气度雄远。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷二:“ 昭素 喜其开敏,谓人曰:‘观 李生 才能气度,他日必为卿相。’”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三八:“只见两个十五六的小官人,一齐走出来,一样打扮,气度也差不多。” 刘伯承 《回顾长征》:“﹝ 朱总司令 ﹞表现了坚定的政治原则性与伟大的气度。”

  2. 指诗文的气韵。

    明 王世贞 《艺苑卮言》卷四:“ 杜审言 华藻整栗,小让 沉 宋 ,而气度高逸,神情圆畅。” 刘师培 《南北文学不同论》:“﹝七子之作﹞气度渊雅逊 东汉 ,而魄力则过之;诗尤为悲壮。”

  3. 犹气运。

    唐 吕岩 《七言》之五六:“长将气度随天道,不把言词问世徒。”

  4. 风气习俗。

    宋 王谠 《唐语林·政事上》:“ 河朔 气度尚在,常闻鬱鬱扼腕。” 老舍 《老字号》:“还有许许多多可宝贵的老气度,老规矩,由 周掌柜 一进门, 辛德治 看出来,全要完!”



  1. The crystal handle will add an air of dignity as you pretend your lover is an obstinate mule while you ride him around the bedroom.


  2. She was a slim, petite woman, with a regal bearing that made her appear taller than she was.


  3. He spoke abruptly so as to give the impression of a strength he did not possess.


  4. Every character is perfectly realized. It's funny and thrilling but with a really big heart in the middle of it.


  5. On large occasions like the present, Mrs. Wilson's innate generosity came out.


  6. Hessler was gracious enough to see the humor in the article and to give sage advice to aspiring writers.


  7. One of my teachers has ever told me that one's bearing decides the height of his thinking.


  8. the whole spirit of tolerance transported along the Great Wall, gives us the courage of the chivalrous.


  9. Correlation coefficients between the thermal conductivity and bulk density, open porosity, permeability a. . .


  1. 男人的气度

    The bearing of a man.

  2. 英俊就是气度

    Handsome is that handsome does

  3. 一种贵族的气度

    a patrician air

  4. 相貌威武, 气度不凡

    be extraordinarily dignified and impressive in appearance

  5. 这位女士气度非凡。

    The lady has real tone.

  6. 必须具备的是气度。

    Must possess's be tolerance.

  7. 他有着恢宏的气度。

    He has extensive tolerance.

  8. 一款在身, 气度不凡

    have an unusual demeanour with one suit on

  9. 卷烟纸透气度的测定

    Determination of Air Permeance for Cigarette Paper

  10. 水松纸透气度检测技术

    A measuring technique for tipping paper porosity in tobacco

  11. 所以我明白,我的气度不如你。

    So I know that my bearing is less than yours.

  12. 他扮演的古代皇帝气度恢宏。

    The emperor he played was magnanimous.

  13. 他扮演的古代皇帝气度恢宏。

    The emperor he played was magnanimous.

  14. 二, 气度阔然, 大宅之美

    Magnanimous Bearings Revealing the Beauty of the Grand House

  15. 这是一种气度宽大的姿态。

    This was a generous gesture.

  16. 真皮精制皮带, 精美非凡, 气度非凡。

    a genuine leather Belt carefully made is exceptionally fine and helps you to preserve an outstanding Bearing.

  17. 高孔隙率,高透气度,压差低。

    High porosity, high air permeability and low pressure drop.

  18. 名牌西服, 一款在身, 气度不凡。

    You will have an unusual demeanour By putting on a suit of famous Brand western style clothes.

  19. 稳定透气度降低变异系数的措施

    Measurement of Stabilizing the Permeability and Decreasing the Variance Coefficient of Cigarette Paper

  20. 这位先生受过良好的教育, 气度高雅。

    The gentleman was welleducated, and elegant.

  21. 哈佛精神就是崇尚学术自由的气度!

    Harvard spirit is to uphold academic freedom of tolerance!

  22. 做生意要有买卖不成情义在的气度。

    When we do Business we should remain friendly even if the Business fails.

  23. 你身穿新的夜礼服,显得气度非凡。

    In your new evening gown you look like a million dollars.

  24. 杨木浆制造高透气度卷烟纸的研究

    High Porosity Cigarette Paper Made of Poplar Pulp

  25. 因此动物疫苗行业仍然处于高景气度。

    Therefore animal vaccine industry is still in the high degree of economy.

  26. 提高卷烟纸透气度的工艺配方研究

    Study on the Technological Composition by the Use of which Air Permeability of Cigarette Paper is Raised

  27. 实木外观, 浮雕工艺, 尽显居室豪华气度

    Real wooden appearance, relief craft, show the luxurious manner of the room to the limit

  28. 谁在指点江山, 谁将青春气度挥散晴空

    Who instruct the rivers and mountains, who waves the youth manner the scattered clear sky

  29. 高透气度成型纸对卷烟降焦的作用

    Effect of High Porosity Plug Wrap Paper on Tar Content Reduction of Cigarette

  30. 他有男子汉的宽怀气度, 也有男子汉的柔肠侠骨。

    He has the Kuanhuai manly bearing, but also the man Rouchangxiagu.


  1. 问:气度拼音怎么拼?气度的读音是什么?气度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:气度的读音是qìdù,气度翻译成英文是 bearing

  2. 问:气度恢宏拼音怎么拼?气度恢宏的读音是什么?气度恢宏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:气度恢宏的读音是qìdùhuīhóng,气度恢宏翻译成英文是 Widely tolerance.


