


尊重,有礼貌地对待:尊~。致~。~重(zhòng )。~爱。~仰。恭~。~辞。~慕。~献。表示敬意的礼物:喜~。寿~。有礼貌地送上去:~酒。~香。谨慎,不怠慢:慎始~终(自始自终都谨慎不懈)。姓。……





汉语拼音:jìng yè








  1. I put the plastics tube under my arm, too. Since she was such a great teacher, how can i be a poor student?


  2. Two years ago, a regular survey shows that this company had experienced a great slide down in "dedicated degree of staff" .


  3. Possess strong communication skills and writing ability, able to work under pressure, full of good team spirit and professional dedication.


  4. While work respect orientation and social responsibility orientation has no significant predictive power on organizational commitment.


  5. Some netizens also think Rui seizing the opportunity to ask question is an act of dedication to his work.


  6. Expert cinematography, compelling acting, and a story that leaves the viewer both sorrowful and angry, are a strong combination.


  7. Able to do, a strong sense of responsibility, have a strong sense of professionalism, respect for the leadership of Solidarity colleagues.


  8. As you see him on the pitch - committed, dedicated, the intensity of his game - is what he's like off the pitch.


  9. As a company requires more than before, diligent, and moral good backbone are those who do not speak to his tasks fulfilled the condition.


  1. 能干并且敬业

    competent and industrious.

  2. 爱岗敬业诚实守信

    Love Job and Keep Promise

  3. 谈敬业, 创新与报国

    Professional dedication, innovation and serve the country

  4. 主动积极, 工作严谨, 敬业

    Initiative rustler, work is precisenes, respect.

  5. 爱伤敬业为医之道

    The principle for a physician is to show love to the patients

  6. 他是一个敬业的公仆。

    This man is a hardworking public servant.

  7. 勤奋敬业, 有高度的责任感

    Background Requirements Diligent and highly committed

  8. 黑道小混混,比你还敬业。

    Those little rascals are more hardworking than you.

  9. 诚信,敬业,综合控制能力强。

    integrity, professionalism and comprehensive control ability.

  10. 教师的职业观与敬业精神

    The Professional View and Hob Loving Spirit of Teachers

  11. 人们公认他聪明、正派和敬业。

    He is widely regarded as bright, decent and committed.

  12. 具有良好的敬业精神和团队精神。

    Has the good professional spirit and the team spirit.

  13. 责任心强, 有敬业精神, 勤奋好学。

    a strong sense of responsibility, and professionalism, studious.

  14. 很好的敬业和团队合作精神。

    With good working attitude and teamwork spirit.

  15. 能承受较大的工作压力, 工作敬业。

    Can work under pressure and dedicative.

  16. 能承受较大得工作压力,工作敬业。

    Can work under pressure and dedicative.

  17. 你是公司最敬业的员工之一。

    You are one of the most devoted employees in the company.

  18. 具有敬业,负责,团队合作的精神。

    Professionalism with dedication, responsibility, and teamwork orientation.

  19. 良好的敬业精神和团队协作能力。

    Industrious with work, and a sense of teamwork.

  20. 三人都是很好的演员,都很敬业。

    Three actors are very good, very professional.

  21. 顽强的敬业精神来源于利益的激励

    tenacious dedication stems from the excitation of the interest

  22. 最敬业的女人要来上演好戏了。

    The hardest working woman in the road show business.

  23. 公司的用人观务实,敬业,团队,创新

    CYMs ideology of employees Realism, diligence, teamwork and creativity.

  24. 也许你的某个员工敬业过头了呢?

    Maybe one of your employees got a little overzealous?

  25. 公司的口号是团结,务实,敬业,进取。

    The motto of the company is unity, practicality, conscientiousness and aggressiveness.

  26. 她的敬业精神使他的合同得以续签。

    Her dedication was attended with a contract extension.

  27. 她的敬业精神使他的合同得以续签。

    Her dedication was attended with a contract extension.

  28. 这是多么懒惰,冷漠,不敬业的态度!

    Of all the lazy, indifferent, unbusinesslike attitudes to have!

  29. 与如此敬业和才华横溢的团队工作。

    Working with such amazingly talented and dedicated staff.

  30. 救生工作由一支敬业的志愿者组成。

    The lifeboat service is run by a team of dedicated volunteers.


  1. 问:敬业拼音怎么拼?敬业的读音是什么?敬业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敬业的读音是jìngyè,敬业翻译成英文是 be committed to one’s work

  2. 问:敬业乐群拼音怎么拼?敬业乐群的读音是什么?敬业乐群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敬业乐群的读音是jìngyèyàoqún,敬业乐群翻译成英文是 Dedicated work and study; deal with the masse...

  3. 问:敬业精神拼音怎么拼?敬业精神的读音是什么?敬业精神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敬业精神的读音是jìng yè jīng shén,敬业精神翻译成英文是 enterprising spirit; devotion to one's career...



“敬业”是个多义词,它可以指敬业(汉语词汇), 敬业(麦克劳德、布雷迪著图书)。