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建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……
汉语拼音:mén dòng
《三侠五义》第五三回:“上了臺阶一看,双门大开,门洞底下天花板上高悬鐡丝灯笼。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二十:“月亮还没上来,门洞里很黑。” 孙犁 《秀露集·画的梦》:“那些小贩,把他们的画张挂的人家的闲院里,或是停放大车的门洞里。”
A young man in dark glasses leaped out into the drizzle holding what looked like a carrycot and snaked toward the entrance.
一个带墨镜的年轻人走进细雨,手里好像还拿着个婴儿摇篮朝门洞这边蛇行而来。And the pavement by the side of the gates over against the length of the gates was the lower pavement .
铺石地,就是矮铺石地在各门洞两旁,以门洞的长短为度。and there was a room with a door in the covered way of the doorway, where the burned offering was washed.
门洞的柱旁有屋子和门。祭司(原文作他们)在那里洗燔祭牲。Inscribed above the door, "security" , local people said that this was South openings .
门洞上方镌刻“保障”二字,当地人说,这是南门洞。As the title of the doorway, wood, wood industry international standardization, the door. Good polity and high.
正如标题所言,木门门洞的统一,意味着木门行业国际的标准化,门企的标准化。利国利民利企。Gate toward the east, sit on the top, with a tall among the doorways and abutted city gate opposite is brick 100 longevity figure screens.
大门坐西朝东,上有高大的顶楼,中间城门洞式的门道,大门对面是砖雕百寿图照壁。His father and the smith and a third man squatting on his heels inside the door were talking .
他的父亲,铁匠和一个蹲在门洞里的人正在说话。Its portico faced the outer court; palm trees decorated the jambs on either side, and eight steps led up to it.
廊子朝着外院。门洞两旁的柱子都有雕刻的棕树。登八层台阶上到这门。Its portico faced the outer court ; palm trees decorated its jambs , and eight steps led up to it .