


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


阳性的人:~性。~人。~孩。~女平等。儿子:长(zhǎng )~。封建制度五等爵位的第五等:~爵。……



汉语拼音:yǒu nán






  1. 古国名。后用作姓氏。有,词头。

    《史记·夏本纪论》:“ 禹 为 姒 姓,其后分封,用国为姓,故有 夏后氏 、 有扈氏 、 有男氏 。”



  1. Thank God for gay men. Thank God for gay men, because if it were not for gay men, I would not talk to men at all.


  2. if i had a boyfriend, i would definitely not be as angry as you.


  3. The door opened and a line of young men and women came out of the building, some on them on their own two feet, some carried on stretchers.


  4. In my dream she was out of my classroom and told me that she'd got a boyfriend, and they had just got steady.


  5. she confided to me that she had a boyfriend.


  6. They show up in the early-morning hours: Chinese men and women, waiting silently and somewhat nervously outside of Apple stores in New York.


  7. He told me that he liked me since the day he met me but felt it inappropriate to tell me that because I had a boyfriend.


  8. Before I came China this time, I thought that maybe Judy had found a boyfriend and then I can meet him, maybe can have dinner together.


  9. Without male teachers as a role model, the effect of peer actions and street culture is all-powerful.


  1. 有男有女的人群

    mixed company

  2. 部队里有男有女。

    Troops are composed of both sexes.

  3. 部队里有男有女。

    Troops are composed of both sexes.

  4. 一层有男厕所。

    There be a gentleman's lavatory on the grind floor.

  5. 是的,我们有男女关系

    Ah,yes,we were sleeping together.

  6. 这里有男按摩师吗

    Do you have a masseur here.

  7. 有男高音的成年男子。

    An adult male with a tenor voice.

  8. 身边有男同性恋朋友吗?

    Had a close gay male pal

  9. 选中的不仅有男的也有女的。

    Not only men but also women were chosen.

  10. 有男低音,有男高音,还有节奏声。

    There was bass, tenor and rhythm.

  11. 可能会有男的约你出去。

    You may get a man to ask you out.

  12. 饭店有男浴室和女浴室。

    The restaurant has bathrooms for men and women.

  13. 饭店有男浴室和女浴室。

    The restaurant has bathrooms for men and women.

  14. 有男可建房,无妇不成家。

    Men make houses; women make home.

  15. 体操在奥运会中的项目有男女艺术体操,

    The programme of the Olympic Games only includes Artistic Gymnastics for men and women

  16. 那儿有男同志司机,男同志警察和男同志伐木工。

    There are gay truck drivers and gay cops and gay Iumberjacks.

  17. 不想问了, 虽然田间已有男女来做工。

    He no longer felt like asking, although peasants were alms working in the fields.

  18. 我们的回答者有男的也有女的,但女的少一些。

    Our respondents were both men and women, but the women were just slightly in the, majority.

  19. 许多美国学院和综合大学都有男、女篮球队。

    Hundreds of American colleges and universities have men's and women's basketball teams.

  20. 她不喜欢在她吃早饭的时候有男的来泡她。

    She doesn't want guys hitting on her during her breakfast.

  21. 有男 女单人滑,双人滑和冰上舞蹈4个项目。

    Has male,the female single skating,the pair skating and ice dancing 4 projects.

  22. 经常用以指称有男有女的人群中的一人

    Frequently, Bhe, himbandBhisbare used to refer to a member of a group which includes both males and females

  23. 昨日在山顶公园接待了来宾,有男的也有女的。

    Yesterday we received a lot of guests, malefemale, in Victoria Peak Garden.

  24. 有男, 女运动休闲鞋, 正装皮鞋。及各种仿皮鞋!

    Have male and female sports shoes, dress shoes. And all kinds of imitation leather shoes!

  25. 只有男女猪猪碰到一起女猪猪才会亲嘴,说话,脸红。

    Only when men and women with female Pig Pig will kiss, talk, blush.

  26. 他们其中几位,有男有女,今天也在这个大厅里。

    A few of them, women and men, are with us in this hall today.

  27. 贵族名册列有男贵族,女贵族及其世系的贵族姓名录

    A book listing peers, peeresses, and their families.

  28. 但现在有所改变了, 我们既有男演员, 也有女演员。

    But now things have changed. We have both men and women performers.

  29. 军发现有男被锁在仓内, 冷不防被萍从后击晕。

    Gune found out that Ping locks Nam, but he is knock out by Ping afterwards.

  30. 您的朋友约翰,是船上英国人中的佼佼者,有男中音的歌喉。

    Your friend John, as he is known among the English people on board, has a good baritone voice.


  1. 问:有男子气概的拼音怎么拼?有男子气概的的读音是什么?有男子气概的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有男子气概的的读音是,有男子气概的翻译成英文是 virile