







汉语拼音:xīn fèi








  1. 心中,内心。

    唐 郑据 《七老会诗》:“更无外事来心肺,空有清虚入思神。”

  2. 喻真情实感。

    五代 齐己 《寄友生》诗:“凉夜攲枕应得梦,平生心肺似君多。” 明 谢榛 《四溟诗话》卷一:“ 江淹 拟 刘琨 ,用韵整齐,造语沉着,不如 越石 吐出心肺。”

  3. 指良心。

    老舍 《四世同堂》四三:“你是什么东西!我一天到晚打内打外的操心,你坐在家里横草不动,竖草不拿!你长着心肺没有?”



  1. When I go on tour, I get in, like, a really healthy place where I try to do cardio because onstage I get really out of breath.


  2. The ancient art of mantra chanting, to open up the heart and lungs, will also be explored.


  3. High intensity cardio workouts every day, weight lifting at least twice a week and a strict nutritional eating schedule would be necessary.


  4. This last is perhaps the single best way of curbing cancer and diseases of the heart and lungs, as well as raising money for health care.


  5. The upper energizer refers usually to the part above the diaphragm, including the heart, lungs and head as well.


  6. "(Laughter) He said, " He was in a car wreck, and I pulled him out, gave him CPR, and I saved his wife's life as well.


  7. The victims were more likely to have complications and a poor prognosis if there was no first aid CPR implementation.


  8. Rapid initiation of CPR and uninterrupted chest compression seem to be effective in case of catastrophic VAE with cardiac arrest occurred.


  9. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is another method often used to restore the beating of the heart.


  1. 心肺感受器

    cardiopulmonary receptor.

  2. 心肺并发症

    cardiopulmonary complication.

  3. 心肺研究所

    Max Plank Institute for Heart and Lung Research.

  4. 胸部与心肺

    CHEST, heart and lungs.

  5. 心肺监护仪

    cardiacrespiration monitor.

  6. 心肺适应力

    cardiorespiratory adaptation.

  7. 心肺移植术

    heart and lung transplantation.

  8. 初级心肺复苏

    basic life support

  9. 心肺康复科

    department of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.

  10. 心肺呼吸系统

    cardiorespiratory system.

  11. 心肺危险指数

    cardiopulmonary risk index.

  12. 心肺耐力训练

    cardiorespiratory endurance training.

  13. 心肺转流机

    cardiopulmonary bypass unit.

  14. 心肺之间的血液循环

    circulation of blood between the heart and the lungs

  15. 心肺也开始失去功能。

    The heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered.

  16. 巩膜无黄染。心肺正常。

    The sclera was not icteric. The heart and lung was normal.

  17. 我听一下你的心肺,好吗

    May I listen to your heart and lungs

  18. 游泳能有助于你的心肺保持健康。

    Swimming can help to keep your heart and lungs healthy.

  19. 碳酸氢钠在心肺复苏中的应用

    Evaluation of the administration of sodium bicarbonate during cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  20. 属于心肺,与心肺有关或涉及心肺及其功能。

    Of or pertaining to or affecting both the heart and the lungs and their functions.

  21. 甚至心肺的活动量也大大减少了。

    Even the movements of the heart and lungs are greatly reduced.

  22. 他就像是有头发的心肺复苏假人

    He's like a CPR dummy with hair.

  23. 中性粒细胞蛋白酶与心肺转流肺损伤。

    Current concepts of neutrophil proteinases in acute lung injury caused by cardiopulmonary bypass.

  24. 大鼠心搏骤停与心肺复苏模型的建立

    A model of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in rats

  25. 做过心肺移植手术后,她的身体不断好转。

    Since her heart and lung transplant operation she has gone from strength to strength.

  26. 尼卡地平对心肺转流中高血压的疗效观察

    Effect of nicardipine on hypertension during extracorporeal circulation

  27. 建议你把自己推向心肺运动的最大限度。

    It is recommended you push yourself to the utmost limit with the cardio.

  28. 目得研究垂体后叶素在心肺复苏中得作用。

    Objective To study the effect of administrating vasopressin on cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

  29. 体外膜肺氧合治疗用于心肺复苏的临床研究

    Clinical experience of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation resuscitation in cardiac arrest patients

  30. 心肺转流中氨甲环酸对血小板的保护作用

    Effects of tranexamic acid on platelet during cardiopulmonary bypass


  1. 问:心肺机拼音怎么拼?心肺机的读音是什么?心肺机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺机的读音是xīn fèi jī,心肺机翻译成英文是 heart-lung machine

  2. 问:心肺的拼音怎么拼?心肺的的读音是什么?心肺的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺的的读音是,心肺的翻译成英文是 cardiopulmonary

  3. 问:心肺面拼音怎么拼?心肺面的读音是什么?心肺面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺面的读音是xīn fèi miàn,心肺面翻译成英文是 facies pulmonalis cordis

  4. 问:心肺分流拼音怎么拼?心肺分流的读音是什么?心肺分流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺分流的读音是xīn fèi fēn liú,心肺分流翻译成英文是 cardiovascular shunt

  5. 问:心肺制备拼音怎么拼?心肺制备的读音是什么?心肺制备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺制备的读音是xīn fèi zhì bèi,心肺制备翻译成英文是 heart-lung preparation

  6. 问:心肺复苏拼音怎么拼?心肺复苏的读音是什么?心肺复苏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺复苏的读音是xīn fèi fù sū,心肺复苏翻译成英文是 cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  7. 问:心肺杂音拼音怎么拼?心肺杂音的读音是什么?心肺杂音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺杂音的读音是xīn fèi zá yīn,心肺杂音翻译成英文是 cardiopulmonary murmur

  8. 问:心肺标本拼音怎么拼?心肺标本的读音是什么?心肺标本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺标本的读音是xīn fèi biāo běn,心肺标本翻译成英文是 heart-lung preparation

  9. 问:心肺分流术拼音怎么拼?心肺分流术的读音是什么?心肺分流术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺分流术的读音是xīn fèi fēn liú shù,心肺分流术翻译成英文是 cardiopulmonary bypass

  10. 问:心肺复苏器拼音怎么拼?心肺复苏器的读音是什么?心肺复苏器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺复苏器的读音是xīn fèi fù sū qì,心肺复苏器翻译成英文是 cardiopulmonary resuscitator

  11. 问:心肺脑复苏拼音怎么拼?心肺脑复苏的读音是什么?心肺脑复苏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺脑复苏的读音是xīnfèinǎofùsū,心肺脑复苏翻译成英文是 Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation, CPCR...

  12. 问:心肺生物力学拼音怎么拼?心肺生物力学的读音是什么?心肺生物力学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺生物力学的读音是xīn fèi shēng wù lì xué,心肺生物力学翻译成英文是 cardiopulmonary biomechanics

  13. 问:心肺感受器反射拼音怎么拼?心肺感受器反射的读音是什么?心肺感受器反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肺感受器反射的读音是xīn fèi gǎn shòu qì fǎn shè,心肺感受器反射翻译成英文是 cardiopulmonary receptor reflex