







汉语拼音:zǒu sī









  1. 指非法运输或携带金、银、外币、货物等进出国境的行为。

    清 王韬 《拟设洋药总司议》:“且走私轮船,又復迅捷异常,乘夜偷渡,不服盘詰。” 艾芜 《南行记·我的旅伴》:“他们有着别个友人所没有的最大的缺点,赌钱、走私、吃鸦片。”

  2. 指不依法纳税而在国内私运货物的行为。

    茅盾 《旅途见闻》:“不过,也还有最可怜的‘走私’者,那就是一些不识大体、不知爱国的小贩,他们凭着双肩两条腿,从私货的聚散据点,贩了可怜的小小一担,老鼠似的绕过关卡,好容易来到城市,博取蝇头之私。”



  1. It will be 'a decree to take the gold sector, ' which still remains in the hands of a 'mafia and smugglers, ' he said.


  2. As one of the crimes which destroys the social market economy, the essence of smuggling offense is not detachable from that of crimes.


  3. Eighteen people including at least eight airline workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport.


  4. As a result, desperate small traders were buying permits through brokers or trying to smuggle goods through the Great Wall.


  5. They also claimed to have found a boat on which ammunition for the attacks was allegedly smuggled from Pakistan.


  6. According to local media, authorities found a drug smuggler's tunnel linking the northern border city of Tijuana with the United States.


  7. Informed sources, the American Southwest, Arizona has always been a drug smuggling and illegal immigration "disastrous. "


  8. Professor Wei said the legitimate sales would cut into the smugglers' profits but would not wipe them out.


  9. In the United States and Mexico, near the border, drug smuggling has been a problem despite repeated prohibitions.


  1. 走私海洛因

    traffic in heroin.

  2. 买卖走私货品

    trade in contraband.

  3. 武器走私风波

    disturbance of smuggling weapon.

  4. 走私必须取缔。

    Smuggling must be suppressed.

  5. 走私贩私活动

    smuggling and sale of smuggled goods

  6. 走私贩毒活动

    smuggling and drug traffic activities

  7. 盗猎走私活动

    unlawful hunt and smuggling activity.

  8. 走私投机倒把集团

    group that smuggles or speculates

  9. 他被控告走私。

    He is charged the smuggling.

  10. 走私很难根绝。

    Smuggling is hard to root away.

  11. 走私麻醉剂的人

    a narcotics runner.

  12. 潜在走私者

    of sensitive nuclear technologies.

  13. 兜捕一伙走私犯

    close in on the gang of smugglers

  14. 走私物品被扣留。

    The smuggled goods are seized.

  15. 交给了走私者。

    to the smugglers.

  16. 走私运入许多鸦片

    Smuggle in a lot of opium

  17. 毒品/ 枪支走私者

    drugs/ gun runner

  18. 她跨境走私香烟。

    She smuggled cigarettes across the border.

  19. 他走私汽车发了。

    He became very rich for smuggling cars in.

  20. 走私进口/ 出口某物

    to smuggle something in/ out

  21. 走私犯正逃往边境。

    The smugglers were in flight for the border.

  22. 对毒品走私犯予严打

    Launch a crackdown on drug smugglers

  23. 打击资本外逃和走私

    The crackdown on capital flight an smuggling.

  24. 走私违禁品的非法买卖走私

    Illegal traffic in contraband smuggling.

  25. 他们否认共谋走私毒品。

    They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs.

  26. 对麻醉品走私犯处以死刑

    Slap on the death penalty for narcotics smugglers

  27. 这批走私货物宣告没收。

    The smuggled goods were condemned.

  28. 走私案涉及海关和警方。

    The smuggling case involves Customs and the police.

  29. 我们当场抓到那个走私犯。

    We caught the smuggler on the spot.

  30. 走私犯罪俗称洗私钱。

    And the offense of smuggling is popularly named as laundering smuggled money.


  1. 问:走私拼音怎么拼?走私的读音是什么?走私翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私的读音是zǒusī,走私翻译成英文是 smuggle

  2. 问:走私人员拼音怎么拼?走私人员的读音是什么?走私人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私人员的读音是zǒusīrényuán,走私人员翻译成英文是 smugglers

  3. 问:走私犯拼音怎么拼?走私犯的读音是什么?走私犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私犯的读音是zǒusīfàn,走私犯翻译成英文是 smuggler

  4. 问:走私罪拼音怎么拼?走私罪的读音是什么?走私罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私罪的读音是zǒusīzuì,走私罪翻译成英文是 offense of smuggling

  5. 问:走私者拼音怎么拼?走私者的读音是什么?走私者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私者的读音是,走私者翻译成英文是 bootlegger

  6. 问:走私贩拼音怎么拼?走私贩的读音是什么?走私贩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私贩的读音是,走私贩翻译成英文是 bootlegger

  7. 问:走私团伙拼音怎么拼?走私团伙的读音是什么?走私团伙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私团伙的读音是zǒusītuánhuǒ,走私团伙翻译成英文是 smuggling gang

  8. 问:走私嫌疑拼音怎么拼?走私嫌疑的读音是什么?走私嫌疑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私嫌疑的读音是zǒusīxiányí,走私嫌疑翻译成英文是 suspicion of smuggling

  9. 问:走私案件拼音怎么拼?走私案件的读音是什么?走私案件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私案件的读音是zǒusīànjiàn,走私案件翻译成英文是 smuggling case

  10. 问:走私漏税拼音怎么拼?走私漏税的读音是什么?走私漏税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私漏税的读音是zǒu sī lòu shuì,走私漏税翻译成英文是 bootlegging

  11. 问:走私物品拼音怎么拼?走私物品的读音是什么?走私物品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私物品的读音是zǒu sī wù pǐn,走私物品翻译成英文是 smuggled goods

  12. 问:走私行为拼音怎么拼?走私行为的读音是什么?走私行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私行为的读音是zǒu sī xíng wéi,走私行为翻译成英文是 act of smuggling

  13. 问:走私集团拼音怎么拼?走私集团的读音是什么?走私集团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私集团的读音是zǒu sī jí tuán,走私集团翻译成英文是 smuggling ring

  14. 问:走私嫌疑人拼音怎么拼?走私嫌疑人的读音是什么?走私嫌疑人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私嫌疑人的读音是zǒusīxiányírén,走私嫌疑人翻译成英文是 person suspected of smuggling

  15. 问:走私帮助犯拼音怎么拼?走私帮助犯的读音是什么?走私帮助犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私帮助犯的读音是zǒu sī bāng zhù fàn,走私帮助犯翻译成英文是 accessory to smuggling

  16. 问:走私文物罪拼音怎么拼?走私文物罪的读音是什么?走私文物罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私文物罪的读音是zǒusīwénwùzuì,走私文物罪翻译成英文是 crime of smuggling cultural relics

  17. 问:走私武器罪拼音怎么拼?走私武器罪的读音是什么?走私武器罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私武器罪的读音是zǒusīwǔqìzuì,走私武器罪翻译成英文是 crime of smuggling weapons

  18. 问:走私毒品犯罪拼音怎么拼?走私毒品犯罪的读音是什么?走私毒品犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私毒品犯罪的读音是zǒu sī dú pǐn fàn zuì,走私毒品犯罪翻译成英文是 crime of drug smuggling

  19. 问:走私者大赛车拼音怎么拼?走私者大赛车的读音是什么?走私者大赛车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私者大赛车的读音是Zǒusīzhědàsàichē,走私者大赛车翻译成英文是 Smuggler's Run

  20. 问:走私集团首要分子拼音怎么拼?走私集团首要分子的读音是什么?走私集团首要分子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走私集团首要分子的读音是zǒu sī jí tuán shǒu yào fèn zǐ,走私集团首要分子翻译成英文是 smuggling ring head