


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……


长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……



汉语拼音:tuī duàn








  1. 判断。

    续范亭 《感言》:“真要推断国家命运,必须先推断世界命运。” 王西彦 《古屋》第二部一:“这是从我的这间房子的四堵墙壁上的各种大小不一的题字上就可以推断出来的。”



  1. Describes how the inference process translates the node types encountered in an XML document into a schema structure.

  2. This might be caused by injudicious fluid administration after trying to correct intraoperative hypotension due to neurogenic shock.

  3. Recall that type information is often inferred in Scala (unlike Java), meaning we don't always show type annotations explicitly.

  4. But in trying to protect patients, doctors may be misjudging them and the consequences of not sharing our suspicions.

  5. He begins with Tibet, but it isn't hard to see the relevance of his conclusions to the current situation in Xinjiang.

  6. He reasoned that since she had not answered his letter, she must be angry with him.

  7. However, if data are available, the outcome based on regular lattice seems to be more reliable due to its uniform size and spacing.

  8. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that this aspect of interoperability has not been formally tested as part of WS-I compliance.

  9. Some of his listeners inferred that it had become the world's fifth-biggest economy.


  1. 因果性推断

    causal inference.

  2. 无理性推断

    rabid speculation.

  3. 根据事实推断

    to put two and two together

  4. 想出推断出,解出

    To figure out.

  5. 不是简单的推断。

    Not simplistic extrapolation.

  6. 演绎, 解释推断分析

    To deduce construe.

  7. 我否定你的推断

    I reject that supposition.

  8. 推断的依据是什么?

    What is the evidence upon which this is based?

  9. 根据事实推断出结论

    infer a conclusion from the facts

  10. 根据事实那。作者推断那。

    Based on the fact that,the author infer that.

  11. 如何推断文言文实词词义

    How to conclude the meaning of the substantive in

  12. 由此可以推断出什么呢

    What can be inferred from it?

  13. 不知道我这样推断对不对?

    Do not know if I infer this is not it?

  14. 我们推断病源就在那里。

    We've extrapolated the point of origin there.

  15. 我推断火星上没有生命。

    I assume that there is no animal life on Mars.

  16. 我们的统计支持了我们的推断。

    And that's exactly what we find.

  17. 先验贝叶斯推断验证

    experience Bayesian deduce

  18. 这个推断并不是没有道理。

    Such an inference is not without reason.

  19. 以上的推断并非毫无根据。

    The above assertion is not idle speculation.

  20. 大意推断,细节列举专项训练

    QWho did the man buy the books for.

  21. 我们可以推断黑棋输了。

    We can infer that black lost.

  22. 他推断得迅速但不准确。

    He figures quick but inaccurate.

  23. 但是正如同你所推断的。

    But as you so brilliantly deduced.

  24. 我们可以推断会议推迟了。

    We may reasonably conclude that the meeting has been postponed.

  25. 密炼机的推断控制系统

    The Internal Mixer Inferential Control System

  26. 推断这一古老手稿的年代。

    To date an ancient manuscript.

  27. 推断通过猜测而得出结论

    A conjecture arrived at by guessing.

  28. 演绎从既定事实中推断出

    to assume or work out from given facts

  29. 我推断他会说他愿意合作。

    I understood him to say that he would cooperate.

  30. 法庭推断其供述为逼迫。

    The court concluded that his confession had been forced.


  1. 问:推断拼音怎么拼?推断的读音是什么?推断翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断的读音是tuīduàn,推断翻译成英文是 deduce

  2. 问:推断…拼音怎么拼?推断…的读音是什么?推断…翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断…的读音是Tuīduàn …,推断…翻译成英文是 to deduce that...

  3. 问:推断允诺拼音怎么拼?推断允诺的读音是什么?推断允诺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断允诺的读音是tuī duàn yǔn nuò,推断允诺翻译成英文是 raising a promise

  4. 问:推断品系拼音怎么拼?推断品系的读音是什么?推断品系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断品系的读音是tuī duàn pǐn xì,推断品系翻译成英文是 putative variety

  5. 问:推断框架拼音怎么拼?推断框架的读音是什么?推断框架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断框架的读音是tuī duàn kuàng jià,推断框架翻译成英文是 framework of inference

  6. 问:推断结构拼音怎么拼?推断结构的读音是什么?推断结构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断结构的读音是tuī duàn jié gòu,推断结构翻译成英文是 framework of inference

  7. 问:推断统计拼音怎么拼?推断统计的读音是什么?推断统计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断统计的读音是tuī duàn tǒng jì,推断统计翻译成英文是 inferential statistics

  8. 问:推断贮量拼音怎么拼?推断贮量的读音是什么?推断贮量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断贮量的读音是tuī duàn zhù liàng,推断贮量翻译成英文是 inferred reserves

  9. 问:推断障碍拼音怎么拼?推断障碍的读音是什么?推断障碍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断障碍的读音是tuī duàn zhàng ài,推断障碍翻译成英文是 dyslogia

  10. 问:推断性理解拼音怎么拼?推断性理解的读音是什么?推断性理解翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断性理解的读音是tuīduànxìng lǐjiě,推断性理解翻译成英文是 inferential comprehension

  11. 问:推断法学家拼音怎么拼?推断法学家的读音是什么?推断法学家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断法学家的读音是tuī duàn fǎ xué jiā,推断法学家翻译成英文是 speculative lawyer

  12. 问:推断统计学拼音怎么拼?推断统计学的读音是什么?推断统计学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断统计学的读音是tuī duàn tǒng jì xué,推断统计学翻译成英文是 inferential statistics

  13. 问:推断通讯装置拼音怎么拼?推断通讯装置的读音是什么?推断通讯装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推断通讯装置的读音是tuī duàn tōng xùn zhuāng zhì,推断通讯装置翻译成英文是 deductive communicator




拼音:tuī duàn 基本解释 1. [infer;deduce]∶根据事实或前提进行推理判断事实的因果关系。 我们看到烟就推断有火 2. [judge]∶判断 推断国家命运 详细解释 判断。 续范亭 《感言》:“真要推断国家命运,必须先推断世界命运。” 王西彦 《古屋》第二部一:“这是从我的这间房子的四堵墙壁上的各种大小不一的题字上就可以推断出来的。”