


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……





汉语拼音:tuī cè








  1. 依据已知的测度未知的。

    《宋书·律历志下》:“三精数微,五纬会始,自非深推测,穷识晷变,岂能刊古革今,转正圭宿。” 宋 苏辙 《春后望雪》诗:“老农强推测,妄谓春当改。” 明 王廷相 《慎言·五行》:“吉凶祸福之至,亦有不直於理者,圣人所不知也。故推测之术,圣人不贵。” 闻一多 《战后文艺的道路》:“根据已然推测必然,是科学的客观预见。”



  1. The moment you realize that your intuition about your own behavior might be wrong it is clear that you need another, more objective input.


  2. Few details of Steve Jobs ' health have ever been made public, but experts speculate that his cancer may have been a case of late diagnosis.


  3. Price surmised that the front of the mechanism probably had a pointer showing where along the ecliptic the sun would be at the desired date.


  4. But it was a projection that those who had lived through nothing but worst-case scenarios found difficult to believe.


  5. and he suspected, in the depths of her innocently-gazing soul, a glow of feeling that it would be a joy to waken.


  6. A sort of stool pigeon, as far as I could gather. At least that was what she was trying to make me believe.


  7. It would be easy to speculate about what we could have done differently, but that wouldn't turn back the clock.


  8. All seem to be at their peak abundances during their spring (and presumably fall) migrations (Feb-Mar).


  9. The next step was to start the four-step process of questions, hypotheses, data collection, and analysis all over again.


  1. 这只是推测

    That's a guess.

  2. 奇异的推测

    vaporous conjecture.

  3. 同意或推测

    Agreement and supposition.

  4. 推测犯罪动机

    infer a criminal motive

  5. 观点推测题?

    Which point of view may the author agree to?

  6. 比贝伯推测

    Bieberbach conjecture.

  7. 我也这样推测。

    So I gather.

  8. 由事实上推测

    judge from the fact

  9. 推测性用法

    epistemic use.

  10. 米勒类推测验

    Miller Analogies Test.

  11. 无根据的推测

    an unfounded inference.

  12. 一个合理推测。

    An educated guess.

  13. 比率推测法

    Ratio trend and projection method.

  14. 从现在推测未来

    read the future in the now

  15. 他推测他将成功。

    He speculated that he would succeed.

  16. 还处在推测阶段。

    It's still speculative.

  17. 岩画内涵的推测

    Guess of the Meaning of Petroglyphs

  18. 大有推测多余地

    There are ample grounds to supposition

  19. 推测供氧量的

    based on tests with mice.

  20. 我推测她已死。

    I presume she is dead.

  21. 我们没有必要推测。

    Well, we don't have to speculate.

  22. 这种推测缺乏根据。

    This conjecture is not well founded.

  23. 当然,一切只是推测。

    Of course, all just speculation.

  24. 不要凭推测作答。

    Don't answer by guess.

  25. 我只能推测理由。

    I can only guess the reason.

  26. 那些推测是对的。

    Those conjectures are correct.

  27. 他的推测是错误的。

    He was wrong in his conjecture.

  28. 推测基于或涉及推测的

    Based on or involving conjecture.

  29. 我们只能推测将来。

    We can only speculate about the future.

  30. 我推测他会来的。

    I gather he is coming.


  1. 问:推测拼音怎么拼?推测的读音是什么?推测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测的读音是tuīcè,推测翻译成英文是 infer

  2. 问:推测…拼音怎么拼?推测…的读音是什么?推测…翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测…的读音是Tuīcè …,推测…翻译成英文是 to speculate that...

  3. 问:推测上拼音怎么拼?推测上的读音是什么?推测上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测上的读音是,推测上翻译成英文是 presumably

  4. 问:推测井拼音怎么拼?推测井的读音是什么?推测井翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测井的读音是,推测井翻译成英文是 image well

  5. 问:推测的拼音怎么拼?推测的的读音是什么?推测的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测的的读音是tuī cè de,推测的翻译成英文是 tentative

  6. 问:推测导航拼音怎么拼?推测导航的读音是什么?推测导航翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测导航的读音是tuī cè dǎo háng,推测导航翻译成英文是 Dead Reckoning Navigation

  7. 问:推测纬度拼音怎么拼?推测纬度的读音是什么?推测纬度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测纬度的读音是tuī cè wěi dù,推测纬度翻译成英文是 Estimated Latitude

  8. 问:推测经度拼音怎么拼?推测经度的读音是什么?推测经度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测经度的读音是tuī cè jīng dù,推测经度翻译成英文是 Dead Reckoning Longitude

  9. 问:推测领航拼音怎么拼?推测领航的读音是什么?推测领航翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测领航的读音是tuī cè lǐng háng,推测领航翻译成英文是 Dead Reckoning

  10. 问:推测性原因拼音怎么拼?推测性原因的读音是什么?推测性原因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测性原因的读音是tuī cè xìng yuán yīn,推测性原因翻译成英文是 inferred cause

  11. 问:推测系统分析拼音怎么拼?推测系统分析的读音是什么?推测系统分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测系统分析的读音是tuī cè xì tǒng fēn xī,推测系统分析翻译成英文是 conjectural system analysis

  12. 问:推测选择规则拼音怎么拼?推测选择规则的读音是什么?推测选择规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测选择规则的读音是tuī cè xuǎn zé guī zé,推测选择规则翻译成英文是 rule of conjectural choice

  13. 问:推测领航导航拼音怎么拼?推测领航导航的读音是什么?推测领航导航翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测领航导航的读音是tuī cè lǐng háng dǎo háng,推测领航导航翻译成英文是 dead reckoning navigation

  14. 问:推测领航教练员拼音怎么拼?推测领航教练员的读音是什么?推测领航教练员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测领航教练员的读音是tuī cè lǐng háng jiào liànyuán,推测领航教练员翻译成英文是 Dead Reckoning Trainer

  15. 问:推测性损害赔偿金拼音怎么拼?推测性损害赔偿金的读音是什么?推测性损害赔偿金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测性损害赔偿金的读音是tuī cè xìng sǔn hài péi cháng jīn,推测性损害赔偿金翻译成英文是 speculative damages

  16. 问:推测航行信息处理机拼音怎么拼?推测航行信息处理机的读音是什么?推测航行信息处理机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测航行信息处理机的读音是tuī cè háng xíng xìn xī chǔ lǐ jī,推测航行信息处理机翻译成英文是 Dead Reckoning Information Processor

  17. 问:推测领航模拟指示器拼音怎么拼?推测领航模拟指示器的读音是什么?推测领航模拟指示器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推测领航模拟指示器的读音是tuī cè lǐng háng mó nǐ zhǐ shì qì,推测领航模拟指示器翻译成英文是 Dead Reckoning Analog Indicator




【读音】tuī cè


【出处】《宋书·律历志下》:“三精数微,五纬会始,自非深推测,穷识晷变,岂能刊古革今,转正圭宿。” 宋·苏辙 《春后望雪》诗:“老农强推测,妄谓春当改。”

【示例】明·王廷相 《慎言·五行》:“吉凶祸福之至,亦有不直於理者,圣人所不知也。故推测之术,圣人不贵。” 闻一多 《战后文艺的道路》:“根据已然推测必然,是科学的客观预见。”
