


1. 揣 [chuǎi]2. 揣 [chuài]3. 揣 [chuāi]4. 揣 [tuán]5. 揣 [zhuī]揣 [chuǎi]估量,忖度:~测。~摩。~度(duó)。~想。~情(忖度情理)。不~冒昧。姓。揣 [chuài]〔挣(zh……


1. 摩 [mó]2. 摩 [mā]摩 [mó]擦,蹭,接触:~擦。~天。~崖(山崖上刻的文字、佛像等)。~肩接踵。~顶放踵。摸,抚:~弄。~挲(suō)研究,切磋:观~。揣~(a.研究,仔细琢磨;b.估量,推测)。古同“磨”,磨擦。摩 [……



汉语拼音:chuǎi mó








  1. 亦作“ 揣摹 ”。揣度对方,以相比合。

    战国 时之游说术。揣度国君心思,使游说投合其本旨。《战国策·秦策一》:“﹝ 苏秦 ﹞乃夜发书,陈篋数十,得 太公 《阴符》之谋,伏而诵之,简练以为揣摩。” 汉 王充 《论衡·答佞》:“ 仪秦 ,排难之人也,处扰攘之世,行揣摩之术。” 宋 陆游 《南唐书·烈祖纪》:“有 徐玠 者,事 温 为 金陵 行军司马,工揣摩捭闔。” 元 尚仲贤 《气英布》第一折:“贤弟,你是个武将,只晓的相持廝杀的事,却不知揣摩的事。”

  2. 指纵横家之书。

    宋 张载 《张子语录》卷中:“詖、淫、邪、遁之辞,古语孰近……遁辞无守,近於揣摩、《説难》。” 元 李汾 《再过长安》诗:“自怜 季子 貂裘敝,辛苦灯前读揣摩。”

  3. 忖度,估量。

    唐 高适 《封丘作》诗:“揣摩慙黠吏,栖隐谢 愚公 。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷八:“ 吕吉甫 问客:‘ 苏子瞻 文辞似何人?’客揣摩其意答之曰:‘似 苏秦 张仪 。’” 明 孟称舜 《桃花人面》第二出:“思他念他,这泪脸儿没处躲。咱将痴心儿自揣摩,未必他心似我。”《老残游记》第十回:“‘乳虎’就是你们 玉太尊 ,其餘你慢慢的揣摹,也是可以知道的。”昆曲《十五贯》第三场:“想我 过于执 自从到任以来,屡逢疑难案件,幸亏我善于察言观色,揣摹推测。”

  4. 研究,玩味。

    唐 杨炯 《<王勃集>序》:“揣摩三古,开阐八风。”《醒世恒言·李道人独步云门》:“医者意也,无过要心下明,指下明,把一个意思揣摩将去。怎么靠得死方子,就好疗病?” 清 陈廷焯 《白雨斋词话》卷八:“两 宋 词,精絶者约略不过五百餘首,足备揣摹,不必多求也。” 李劼人 《大波》第三部第一章:“像 王大人 这种能收能放,能上能下,能刚能柔,能进能退的本领,倒应该好生揣摹揣摹。”



  1. You know, sitcom allows you to spend more time to develop a character , hence makes it a more engaging experience .


  2. 'Where? ' said Prudence, who was staring at me and evidently wondering if this was the same man she had known so much in love.


  3. First, I would gauge her mood that day, and if I found her unapproachable, I would write her a note requesting a meeting.


  4. That's it. You expected more? Okay, we have more details below, but from here, you can probably figure it out for yourself.


  5. You should feel them out in advance, and never be in the position of guessing what you think they want to see.


  6. Instead of trying to read minds and hitting a brick wall, you may have to take charge and risk running afoul of the suits.


  7. The public debate about architecture quite often just stays on contemplating the final result, sort of the architectural object.


  8. "He had a far greater ability to take on character than I had at his age, " Eugene says.


  9. His eyes went strange, you knew that dangerous flash in his eyes so well as you knew yourself.


  1. 揣摩语境选取语义

    Choosing the Meanings of English Words from Their Contexts

  2. 他试图揣摩她的心情。

    He tried to gauge her mood.

  3. 你是如何揣摩股市的?

    How do you feel about the stock market?

  4. 我不停地揣摩他的心思。

    I kept speculating on what he might be thinking.

  5. 揣摩上心是官场的基本原则。

    Surmising the heart is the basic principle of officialdom.

  6. 我就是揣摩不透他的意图。

    I just can't fathom out his intention.

  7. 我简直揣摩不透他的用意。

    I simply couldn't figure out his intention.

  8. 我简直揣摩不透他得用意。

    I simply couldn't figure out his intention.

  9. 他将揣摩一下今天讨论的问题。

    He will get a feel after the problems discussed today.

  10. 后果没有动词从上下文来揣摩。

    The consequent is without verb to be implied by context.

  11. 他在揣摩着他们行为反常的原因。

    He was feeling after a reason for their unusual conduct.

  12. 大量的研究揣摩自己, 意识到自己的聪明漂亮。

    Do alot of research. Realizing you are beautiful and smart.

  13. 我揣摩不透他那番话的意味所在。

    I can't figure out the implications of what he said.

  14. 我希望你们可以聆听并试着揣摩我的话。

    I want you to listen and try to appreciate what I am saying.

  15. 柯林斯开始揣摩着这方面的可能性。

    Collins entertained that possibility.

  16. 恶人等待我,要灭绝我,我却要揣摩你的法度。

    The wicked are waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder your statutes.

  17. 这种愤世嫉俗的人生观使当今的年轻人难以揣摩。

    This cynicism makes today's young people hard to predict.

  18. 她总算把那个长句的意思揣摩出来了。

    She managed to puzzle out the meaning of that long sentence.

  19. 何况,这还是母亲对她孩子的气质的揣摩呢。

    And this, moreover, was a mother's estimate of the child's disposition.

  20. 欣赏诗歌时, 你得学着揣摩字里行间得意思。

    While appreciating poetry, you must learn to read between the lines.

  21. 欣赏诗歌时,你得学着揣摩字里行间的意思。

    While appreciating poetry, you must learn to read between the lines.

  22. 这一点我想弄明白,你揣摩那是什么意思?

    That's the thing I want to get at. Now what do you reckon it is?

  23. 她什么都读,新闻中的任何只言片语都要一一揣摩。

    She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.

  24. 你变成了一个揣摩别人心思的人,一个算命先生。

    You become a mind reader and a fortune teller.

  25. 我揣摩你打算告诉我们,昨天晚上你没喝醉酒,哼?

    I suppose you're going to tell us you weren't drunk last night, hunh ?

  26. 我得同事赫尔穆特?索南费尔特比较善于揣摩心理。

    My associate Helmut Sonnenfeldt was psychologically more adept.

  27. 法官们为了解释法律会尽力去揣摩国会的立法意图。

    We really do not know what a statute means until it is interpreted by the courts, whose judges attempt to construe congressional intent.

  28. 我揣摩着这件事的背后必定有重要人物在指挥。

    I reasoned that somebody important must have been at the other end of the line.

  29. 选题方面要注意有创意,联系实际和揣摩组织者的意图

    In the aspect of subject matter, we should conjecture the intent of organizers.

  30. 我尽量去揣摩他那漫无头绪的话意, 而他却干笑着。

    He laughed dryly as I tried to make sense of his ramblings.


  1. 问:揣摩拼音怎么拼?揣摩的读音是什么?揣摩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揣摩的读音是chuǎimó,揣摩翻译成英文是 speculate



“揣摩”一词的使用源头,可上溯至2000多年前的战国时代。《史记》里讲到苏秦为了功名,四处游说。结果,“出游数岁,大困而归。”回家后,兄弟嫂妹妻妾一家人没人理他,私下还都嘲笑他的落魄和狼狈。苏秦羞愧极了,暗暗伤心,但是出人头地拜相封侯的野心并没有丧失。他决心让家人对他刮目相视,便闭门不出,把先前的藏书全翻出来,读来读去找到一本周代的书,名叫《阴符》。这本书苏秦读了一年,读出心得来,这个过程曰:“揣摩”。他十分高兴,说:“此可以说当世之君矣!” “揣摩”二字十分形象,用语言诱导别人说出真意,然后,慢慢迎合逼近,最终一举俘获。它很容易使人想起某些猫科动物的捕食,悄悄地、不露声色地逼近猎物。 不过,“揣摩”之目的既在猎获,难免在揣人之情时,用一些奉承迎合之语。且莫将“揣摩”当成善解人意。