


1. 琢 [zhuó]2. 琢 [zuó]琢 [zhuó]雕刻玉石,使成器物,常喻用心推敲考虑、刻意求工:~磨。雕~(a.雕刻玉石等;b.过分地修饰文字,使人觉得不自然,如“~~之风不可长”)。~刻。~句。玉不~,不成器。琢 [zuó]〔~……


1. 磨 [mó]2. 磨 [mò]磨 [mó]摩擦:~刀。~墨。~练。~砺(摩擦使锐利,喻经受磨练)。~合。研~。~漆画。阻碍,困难:~难(nàn)。好事多~。消耗,消灭:~损。~耗。~灭。拖延,耗时间:~缠。~功夫。磨 [mò]粉碎粮食……



汉语拼音:zhuó mó









  1. 雕刻和磨治玉、石。

    《荀子·大略》:“人之於文学也,犹玉之於琢磨也。”《史记·礼书》:“情好珍善,为之琢磨圭璧,以通其意。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·委羽山》:“洞之侧产方石,周正光泽,五色错杂,虽加琢磨,殆不是过。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·万年桥》:“ 明 严嵩 见其石色莹洁,琢磨工整而爱之。”

  2. 比喻修养德业,研讨义理,修饰诗文等。

    南朝 齐 王融 《三月三日曲水诗序》:“斧藻至德,琢磨令范。” 宋 王安石 《送石赓归宁》诗:“稍出平生言,道艺相琢磨。” 元 王旭 《中和书院书记》:“孝弟忠信,以立其本;诗书礼乐,以明其用。切磋琢磨,以致其精,则才成德就。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·李青莲诗》:“ 至德 以后, 贾至 等《早朝大明宫》诸作,互相琢磨,始觉尽善。”

  3. 磨炼;折磨。

    《儿女英雄传》第八回:“ 安公子 此时经了那姑娘的这番琢磨,脸儿也闯老了,胆子也闯大了,也来帮着 张老 搬运。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第四章:“穷苦的生活又能琢磨出倔强的性情。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十六:“而他的全部神气,使人感觉到人世间一切罪恶的享受,以及痛苦,已经把他琢磨到了麻痹的地步。”

  4. 思索,考虑。

    老舍 《赵子曰》第十四:“好极了,你算把古人的举动态度琢磨透了!”《花城》1981年第6期:“他话中的意思,我当然可以琢磨出来!”



  1. The old gentleman read this advertisement from end to end, in a low voice, as if he were studying it.


  2. When you get an idea, you've got to think of a reason for doing it, not of a reason for not doing it.


  3. Trying to download videos, but doesn't seem to be working. Will work on it.


  4. "As the company has had more exposure and visibility, I have had to realize that more people take what I say seriously, " he says.


  5. But when she found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss a guy who chewed tobacco she began to think she was fooling herself.


  6. I was lying in bed one night trying to figure out a way I could get some dogs when I heard the deep baying of a coon hound.


  7. He began to reflect that he ought to make something of himself with Kurt's help.


  8. He was a fine, handsome youth, smart, sensitive, tenacious, and bold, but with something in him that was elusive, dark, wild.


  9. but he often supped his stew still dressed in his bus-driver's jacket with its shiny badge, a token of his devotion to his job.


  1. 琢磨一些数字。

    Crunch some numbers.

  2. 多面型琢磨

    brilliant cutting.

  3. 他琢磨了一会儿。

    For a moment he was thoughtful.

  4. 他正在琢磨问题。

    He is turning a problem over in his mind.

  5. 她反复琢磨他的话。

    She pondered over his words.

  6. 所以需要不断琢磨它。

    So we need to think about it here.

  7. 他又在琢磨使坏呢!

    He's up to some mischief again!

  8. 我在琢磨该怎样回答。

    I am pondering how to respond.

  9. 你表现得如此难以琢磨。

    You behave so strange and so unpredictable.

  10. 琢磨第一天上班穿什么

    Oh,deciding what to wear on my first day back to work.

  11. 琢磨第一天上班穿什么。

    Oh, deciding what to wear on my first day back to work.

  12. 我在琢磨到何处度假。

    Im debating where to go on holiday.

  13. 我琢磨不出他的意图。

    I could not puzzle out his intentions.

  14. 我自己琢磨,他应该更好。

    I figure to myself he ought to be better.

  15. 对某事物产生琢磨的兴趣

    Take an intelligent interest in sth

  16. 其他的你們就自己琢磨吧。

    So you can probably piece the rest together.

  17. 我开始琢磨 这就是目标吗?

    And I began to wonder, Is this the goal?

  18. 逐一琢磨琢磨,再接着往下读。

    Think about them one at a time before going on to the next one.

  19. 我们的老师总是琢磨标点符号。

    Our teacher has a bee in his bonnet about punctuation.

  20. 那些孩子在琢磨什麽鬼花样?

    What mischief are those children hatching ?

  21. 我昨晚一直在琢磨你的话。

    I've been mulling over what you said last night.

  22. 那些孩子在琢磨什么鬼花样?

    What mischief are those children hatching?

  23. 我反复琢磨下午发生的事情。

    I mulled over the events of the afternoon.

  24. 他们到底怎么琢磨出来的啊?

    You know, how on earth did they know all this?

  25. 此时,我正琢磨我的创造性工作。

    At the moment, I'm refining my creative work.

  26. 黑色是收敛的, 沉郁的, 难以琢磨的。

    Black is restrained, depressive and hard to ponder.

  27. 船夫琢磨了一下,决定抛弃诚信。

    Boatman pondering a moment, decided to abandon the faith.

  28. 每一样东西都值得你去琢磨。

    Everything is worth pondering over.

  29. 我一直在琢磨撤退的事情呢。

    I have been working on the problem of the retreat.

  30. 为什么要琢磨这个词的意思呢

    Why grope after the meaning of a word


  1. 问:琢磨拼音怎么拼?琢磨的读音是什么?琢磨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:琢磨的读音是zuómo,琢磨翻译成英文是 ponder

  2. 问:琢磨拼音怎么拼?琢磨的读音是什么?琢磨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:琢磨的读音是zhuómó,琢磨翻译成英文是 polish

  3. 问:琢磨某事拼音怎么拼?琢磨某事的读音是什么?琢磨某事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:琢磨某事的读音是Zuómo mǒushì,琢磨某事翻译成英文是 to give something some thought



“琢磨”是个多义词,它可以指琢磨(汉语词语), 琢磨(相关诗歌)。