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唐 方干 《残秋送友》诗:“料想还家后,休吟《行路难》。” 明 唐寅 《琐窗寒·秋思》词:“渐江枫玉露初匀,料想 衡阳 雁来宾。”《说唐》第四二回:“ 殷 马 二人见人多了,料想寡不敌众。” 孔厥 《新儿女英雄续传》第二一章:“从她那洒脱的外表看来,谁都不会料想到,她也曾为 小胖 的病,失过眠,掉过泪。”
It was quite late by the time we returned. I expected that my uncle would be asleep, as he regularly went to bed quite early.
我们回到家的时候已经相当晚了。我料想叔叔已经睡了,因为他通常睡的很早。Seen in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.
从这个角度看,问题(problem)并不像人们一般料想的那样严重。He seemed happy about this, but for Lily things were going a bit faster than she had anticipated, and this was a lot to take in.
西弗勒斯说起这些的时候看起来很开心,可对莉莉来讲事情的变化比她料想的快了一点,她一下子有点接受不了。Seen from other aspect, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.
从其他方面看,问题并不像人们料想的那样严重。generally this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.
从这个角度看,问题并不像人们一般料想的那样严重。A lot of people are only just beginning to twig that this could go on longer than was thought only a few weeks ago.
许多人只是刚刚开始注意到,这种情形持续的时间可能比短短几周前所料想的要长。"Well, " said Mr. Gradgrind, breaking into a smile, after being for the moment at a loss, you are even more dispassionate than I expected.
“好!”葛擂硬先生踌躇了一会儿,然后笑逐颜开地说,“你比我料想的还要冷静得多。”Harry is propelled into a terrifying position he might never have sought, while Neville remains the tantalising ' might-have-been '.
哈利被推进了他不曾料想的可怕境地,而纳威只是“曾经可能的人”。I did not see it again for more than a year. I did not expected that it has grown so large.