




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:yù jiàn








  1. 谓根据事物的发展规律预先料到将来。

    《史记·龟策列传》:“卜筮至预见表象,先图其利。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·杂论》:“营 洛 之议,若预见有 靖康 之祸者,其谋虑之深长可知。” 艾青 《光的赞歌》诗:“这种光洞察一切,预见一切,可以透过肉体的躯壳,看见人的灵魂。”

  2. 指能预先料到将来的见识。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十九章:“战事完全按照 毛主席 的伟大预见发展了。” 周恩来 《关于当前民主党派工作的意见》:“在革命战争和阶级变化的发展上,需要我党有领导的预见,但证实这个预见的正确,还需动员全党领导群众在实际工作中循着这个预见的方向努力奋斗。” 袁鹰 《悲欢·横眉》:“‘杀人者终必覆灭’,多么有力的宣判,多么英明的预见。”



  1. This would anticipate the changing interests and concerns of all the big trading nations in a way that the Doha agenda did not.


  2. Before the Thursday-afternoon White House gathering, Bush aides were trying to rally support in anticipation of a close series of votes.


  3. I saw the car slowly inclined to stop on the left side of the road, opposite a few cars could have foreseen all this, first stop in tight.


  4. Neptune retrograde may have created a bit of a financial drain, or some unforeseen expenses.


  5. Master, your vision. . . your vision was right. Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He's on his way.


  6. It would be based upon a set of principles, including making rules of origin objective, understandable and predictable.


  7. The effects of any treatment with a medicine cannot be predicted with absolute certainty.


  8. The blast from Beijing may have been predictable but it was also out of sync with China's recent conciliatory noises on trade.


  9. Depends on how much risk there is of things going wrong that you didn't expect.


  1. 你无法预见

    You cannot see it.

  2. 英明的预见

    brilliant foresight.

  3. 他能预见未来。

    He can foresee the future.

  4. 可以预见,知识经济。

    Can foreknow, intellectual economy

  5. 论运动技术预见

    On the Sport Technique Foresight

  6. 预见什么,由不得你。

    Visions can't be controlled.

  7. 预见到有问题

    to foresee trouble

  8. 预见他会被刺杀。

    That he was gonna be assassinated.

  9. 预见他会被刺杀。

    That he was gonna be assassinated.

  10. 预见某事将要发生。

    To foresee that something will happen.

  11. 预见祸患,避祸一半。

    A danger foresee is half avoided.

  12. 他庆幸自己有预见。

    He congratulated himself on his foresight

  13. 预见未来的神奇本领

    an uncanny ability to foresee the future

  14. 预见的往往就是事实。

    Perception often equates with reality.

  15. 它使您预见您的缺点。

    It makes you foresee your imperfections.

  16. 在不久/ 可预见的未来

    in the near/ foreseeable future

  17. 以及将来可预见的伤害

    for each of you.

  18. 他从未预见这一结局。

    He had not foreseen this eventuality.

  19. 这种预见有三个作用。

    The foresight functions in three ways.

  20. 这种情形是可以预见的。

    This was predictable.

  21. 预见后果是非常难的。

    It was not easy to foresee the consequences.

  22. 莫莉有预见未来得能力。

    Molly has the power to see into the future.

  23. 莫莉有预见未来的能力。

    Molly has the power to see into the future.

  24. 莫莉有预见未来的能力。

    Molly has the power to see into the future.

  25. 体贴的软件能预见需求

    Considerate products anticipate human needs

  26. 库存量反映预见的销售量。

    Stock level respecting the forecast.

  27. 他是对的,他早有预见。

    And he was right, he had.

  28. 我能找到机遇,预见可能。

    I can see opportunities, envision possibilities.

  29. 这又不是我能预见的

    I couldn't have seen that coming.

  30. 他毫无预见风险的能力。

    He doesn't have an ounce of ability of foreseeing hazards.


  1. 问:预见拼音怎么拼?预见的读音是什么?预见翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预见的读音是yùjiàn,预见翻译成英文是 foresee

  2. 问:预见的拼音怎么拼?预见的的读音是什么?预见的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预见的的读音是yù jiàn de,预见的翻译成英文是 anticipatory

  3. 问:预见惩罚拼音怎么拼?预见惩罚的读音是什么?预见惩罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预见惩罚的读音是yù jiàn chéng fá,预见惩罚翻译成英文是 anticipating punishment

  4. 问:预见表象拼音怎么拼?预见表象的读音是什么?预见表象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预见表象的读音是yù jiànbiǎo xiàng,预见表象翻译成英文是 anticipatory image

  5. 问:预见式干预拼音怎么拼?预见式干预的读音是什么?预见式干预翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预见式干预的读音是yù jiàn shì gān yù,预见式干预翻译成英文是 proactive intervention

  6. 问:预见性盈利拼音怎么拼?预见性盈利的读音是什么?预见性盈利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预见性盈利的读音是yùjiànxìng yínglì,预见性盈利翻译成英文是 forward looking earnings

  7. 问:预见式行动倾向拼音怎么拼?预见式行动倾向的读音是什么?预见式行动倾向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预见式行动倾向的读音是yù jiàn shì xíng dòng qīng xiàng,预见式行动倾向翻译成英文是 proactive orientation



词目:预见  拼音:yùjiàn 基本解释预见 yùjiàn [foresee;predict] 根据科学规律预先料到事物的变化结果 预见 yùjiàn [precognition;foresight;prevision] 能预先料到的见识 详细解释1. 谓根据事物的发展规律预先料到将来。

《史记·龟策列传》:“卜筮至预见表象,先图其利。” 明 王鏊《震泽长语·杂论》:“营 洛 之议,若预见有 靖康 之祸者,其谋虑之深长可知。” 艾青 《光的赞歌》诗:“这种光洞察一切,预见一切,可以透过肉体的躯壳,看见人的灵魂。”