







汉语拼音:shāo zhì






  1. Pottery drum, also known as drum soil, clay is fired into the dark box, and then cast made of animal leather.


  2. In the 18th century it would have resided no doubt in the Chinese royal palace and was most certainly fired in the Imperial kilns.


  3. They said to one another: "come, let us make bricks and bake them hard'; They used bricks for stone and bitumen for mortar. "


  4. Disclosed is an environmental protection and energy conservation novel kiln, belonging to a roller kiln for sintering a ceramic product.


  5. You do not always know if a clay object will survive being fired at high temperatures.


  6. Bo changes a brick: this is a kind of high temperature of the porcelain tiles, ceramic tile is all the most hard one.


  7. It need not fire, and protect infield and circumstance. It is a sort of new type architecture material.


  8. As it happened, Mr Zimmerman had developed a "data glove" some years before, with the intention of using it to mould virtual pottery.


  9. This vase of peony can be so brilliant and dazzling in colors only after repeated coloring and firing.


  1. 当时用陶土烧制。

    at first they were made of pottery clay.

  2. 在窑里烧制陶器

    Burn clay pots in a kiln.

  3. 氨燃烧制氮催化剂

    ammonia combustion catalyst

  4. 砖是在窑中烧制得。

    Bricks are fired in a kiln.

  5. 砖是在窑中烧制的。

    Bricks are fired in a kiln.

  6. 利用钢渣烧制水泥熟料

    Cement Clinker Burning with Using Steel Slag

  7. 重要的是奶茶烧制的过程。

    What's important is the process of making milk tea.

  8. 用烧制的泥瓦片做的屋顶。

    A roof made of fired clay tiles.

  9. 工人们把土烧制成砖。

    The workers burned clay to bricks.

  10. 烧制的温度可能会达到1400摄氏度。

    The fires may as hot as 1400 degrees Celsius.

  11. 烧制得温度可能会达到1400摄氏度。

    The fires may as hot as 1398 degrees Celsius.

  12. 闽南红砖窑的传统烧制工艺

    The Traditional Firing Craft of Red Brick Kiln in South Fujian

  13. 竹炭竹醋液连续化烧制技术

    Bamboo Charcoal and its Pyroligneous Liquid Continuous Production Technology

  14. 都是用这些酱烧制而成的。

    Are all cooked with this kind of soy paste.

  15. 景泰蓝是用特种工艺烧制而成的。

    The cloisonne technique is a special technique.

  16. 景泰蓝是用特种工艺烧制而成的。

    The cloisonne technique is a special technique.

  17. 屋顶的瓦是用黏土烧制而成的。

    A roof tile is made of baked clay.

  18. 一次可以烧制出多少件瓷器呢

    At one time in a dragon kiln this size

  19. 麻婆豆腐, 用豆腐和辣肉汁烧制的。

    It called Ma Po Tofu, means Tofu in spicy meat sauce.

  20. 麻婆豆腐,用豆腐和辣肉汁烧制得。

    It called Ma Po Tofu, means Tofu in spicy meat sauce.

  21. 砖坯烧制过程中氟逸出特性研究

    Fluorine Emission in Firing Bricks Process

  22. 鼓腔用陶土烧制 是土鼓的遗存。

    The drum cavity is made of pottery clay, inherited from the earth drum.

  23. 用废料作熔剂原料低温烧制瓷砖

    Porcelain brick calcination with discuse material as flux at low temperature

  24. 人们在所谓的窑炉中烧制碗盘。

    People bake bowls and dishes in oven called kilns.

  25. 当地人又开始用碎木烧制木炭了。

    Locals are back to turning wood charcoal.

  26. 这个漂亮的茶壶是用紫砂烧制而成的。

    This beautiful teapot is made of purple clay.

  27. 这个漂亮的茶壶是用紫砂烧制而成的。

    This beautiful teapot is made of purple clay.

  28. 这座立窑是专门用来烧制石灰石得。

    The erected stove is specially made for firing limestone.

  29. 这座立窑是专门用来烧制石灰石的。

    The erected stove is specially made for firing limestone.

  30. 这座立窑是专门用来烧制石灰石的。

    The erected stove is specially made for firing limestone.


  1. 问:烧制拼音怎么拼?烧制的读音是什么?烧制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧制的读音是shāozhì,烧制翻译成英文是 To make a base made of clay into a finished produc...

  2. 问:烧制品拼音怎么拼?烧制品的读音是什么?烧制品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧制品的读音是shāo zhì pǐn,烧制品翻译成英文是 coctile

  3. 问:烧制磷肥拼音怎么拼?烧制磷肥的读音是什么?烧制磷肥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧制磷肥的读音是shāo zhì lín féi,烧制磷肥翻译成英文是 calcined phosphate fertilizer