


1. 亡 [wáng]2. 亡 [wú]亡 [wáng]逃:逃~。流~。失去:~佚。~羊补牢。死:伤~。死~。灭:灭~。~国奴。救~。兴~。亡 [wú]古同“无”,没有。……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:wáng mìng








  1. 谓削除户籍而逃亡在外。泛指逃亡,流亡。

    《史记·张耳陈馀列传》:“ 张耳 尝亡命游 外黄 ……是时脱身游,女家厚奉给 张耳 。” 司马贞 索隐:“ 晋灼 曰:‘命者,名也。谓脱名籍而逃。’ 崔浩 曰:‘亡,无也。命,名也。逃匿则削除名籍,故以逃为亡命。’”《文选·陆机<谢平原内史表>》:“ 张敞 亡命,坐致朱轩。” 李善 注:“命,名也。谓所犯罪名已定,而逃亡避之,谓之亡命。” 宋 王安石 《委任》:“ 陈平 ,亡命之虏也,出捐四万餘金,不问出入。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十一章三:“大革命失败后,我到 日本 去亡命。”

  2. 指逃亡者。

    汉 扬雄 《解嘲》:“ 范雎 , 魏 之亡命也,折胁摺髂,免於徽索,翕肩蹈背,扶服入槖。” 唐 吴兢 《贞观政要·君臣鉴戒》:“ 伊尹 , 有莘 之媵臣; 韩信 , 项氏 之亡命。” 明 陈继儒 《珍珠船》卷二:“ 隋 既平 陈 , 南海 有五六百家居水为亡命,号曰游艇子。”

  3. 指铤而走险不顾性命的人。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·景帝纪》:“ 吴 之所诱者,无赖子弟、亡命、铸钱姦人,故相诱以反。”《新唐书·王及善传》:“ 俊臣 凶狡不道,引亡命,污戳善良,天下疾之。”《花月痕》第四二回:“当初 员逆 倡乱,结了五个亡命,号为‘五狗’。”

  4. 拼命,不顾一切。

    《天雨花》第十一回:“ 毛成 着急十来分,用力一挣衣破裂,脱了身儿亡命奔。” 叶紫 《星》第一章:“亡命地从湖滨跑回来,放好桶,晒好衣裳,在进到卧房的时候, 梅春姐 已经身疲力软了。”



  1. It seems to me that their elegant movements are not really exile. In fact, movement can be inspiring.


  2. Jackie Chan's action is often flee to the challenges of life.


  3. Art thou angry with us unto utter destruction, not to leave us a remnant to be saved?


  4. Vercel, the hapless real estate agent is falsely persecuted by the police for murdering his wife and her lover.


  5. Each of these organizations was visited and interviews were conducted with the local and expatriate managers of each firm.


  6. On his way to flight, he plundered money and values without restraint.


  7. Sarah told him that she would like to run away with them.


  8. But the whistleblower comes to realise that the president acquiesces in corruption of the grossest kind, and flees for his life into exile.


  9. There are reports that she resurfaced during the Galactic Civil War as a combatant in Jabba the Hutt's demolition contests.


  1. 亡命飞车等

    to drive, etc. at breakneck speed

  2. 成了亡命的丧犬。

    Become a dog on the run.

  3. 你就要开始亡命天涯了

    You're about to become a fugitive.

  4. 我怀疑他是一个亡命者。

    I suspect he is a fugitive.

  5. 我自己也要从此亡命天涯了。

    And, I will also run for my own life.

  6. 我们正调查一个秘密亡命团体。

    We work a covert fugitive team.

  7. 他们属于一个亡命恐怖分子小组。

    They belong to an outlaw terrorist group.

  8. 系好安全带准备你的亡命之旅!

    Buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life!

  9. 而且我们在抓一个武装的亡命徒。

    While we're chasing an armed fugitive.

  10. 那个亡命的匪徒正朝着警察开枪!

    The desperate bandit's firing at the police!

  11. 那个亡命得匪徒正朝着警察开枪!

    The desperate bandit's firing at the police!

  12. 逃至加拿大, 拒绝引渡, 自此成为亡命徒。

    Fled to canada, fought extradition and has remained a lamster ever since.

  13. 成龙的亡命动作经常是向生命挑战。

    Jackie Chan's action is often flee to the challenges of life.

  14. 在亡命的途中, 他大肆抢劫钱财, 准备外逃。

    I threw restraint to the winds and cut and slashed until the whole man of him was snarling.

  15. 萨拉告诉他, 她愿意跟着他们一块亡命天涯。

    Sarah told him that she would like to run away with them.

  16. 噢!来吧。系好安全带准备你的亡命之旅!

    All right. Buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life!

  17. 想要找个人陪莪看日出黄昏, 顺便陪莪亡命天涯。

    Want to find someone to accompany me to watch the sunrise sunset, and accompany me to the fugitive.

  18. 亡命小组的人让我告诉你他们有更高的计划。

    Fire Team Bravo asked me to tell you they have a better plan.

  19. 我要去掉我那个亡命徒名字了,我不会再用它了。

    I gotta get rid of my outlaw name. that's not gonna work any more.

  20. 我们对那些亡命得罪犯从来不抱任何不切实际得幻想。

    We never cherish any unrealistic fancies about those desperate criminals.

  21. 我们对那些亡命的罪犯从来不抱任何不切实际的幻想。

    We never cherish any unrealistic fancies about those desperate criminals.

  22. 今天我亡命了, 我对自己有信心, 我是今天比较好的那个选手。

    I just went for my shots today. I believed more in myself, and I was the better player today.

  23. 观鸟是一个伟大的方式来解脱亡命夺宝, 是一个与大自然。

    Bird Watching is a great way to escape the rat race and be one with nature.

  24. 如同许多亡命者, 他在阿根廷平静的生活了许多年。

    Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years.


  1. 问:亡命拼音怎么拼?亡命的读音是什么?亡命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亡命的读音是wángmìng,亡命翻译成英文是 to flee; live in exile

  2. 问:亡命徒拼音怎么拼?亡命徒的读音是什么?亡命徒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亡命徒的读音是wáng mìng tú,亡命徒翻译成英文是 desperate criminal

  3. 问:亡命之徒拼音怎么拼?亡命之徒的读音是什么?亡命之徒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亡命之徒的读音是wángmìngzhītú,亡命之徒翻译成英文是 desperado; desperate criminal

  4. 问:亡命天涯拼音怎么拼?亡命天涯的读音是什么?亡命天涯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亡命天涯的读音是Wángmìng tiānyá,亡命天涯翻译成英文是 The Fugitive

  5. 问:亡命国外者拼音怎么拼?亡命国外者的读音是什么?亡命国外者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亡命国外者的读音是,亡命国外者翻译成英文是 expatriate



(1).谓削除户籍而逃亡在外。泛指逃亡,流亡。《史记·张耳陈馀列传》:“张耳尝亡命游外黄……是时脱身游,女家厚奉给张耳。” 司马贞索隐:“ 晋灼曰:‘命者,名也。谓脱名籍而逃。’ 崔浩曰:‘亡,无也。命,名也。逃匿则削除名籍,故以逃为亡命。’”《文选·陆机》:“ 张敞亡命,坐致朱轩。” 李善注:“命,名也。谓所犯罪名已定,而逃亡避之,谓之亡命。” 宋·王安石《委任》:“陈平,亡命之虏也,出捐四万余金,不问出入。”《东周列国志》第九十六回:“今君得罪于王,亡命走燕,燕畏赵王之讨,必将束缚君以媚于赵王,君其危矣。” 郭沫若《洪波曲》第十一章三:“大革命失败后,我到日本去亡命。”