







汉语拼音:jiè chuāng






  1. 又称疥癣。由疥虫引起的传染性皮肤病,多发生于手腕、指缝、臀、腹等部位。症状是局部起丘疹和水疱,非常刺痒。

    清 俞樾 《茶香室三钞·佣作坊》:“有一夫,疥疮满身前拜。曰:‘去得,去得。’”

  2. 指有类似疥疮症状的严重疾患。

    《三国演义》第二四回:“ 绍 曰:‘吾生五子,惟最幼者极快吾意;今患疥疮,命已垂危,吾有何心更论其事乎?’”



  1. His flesh crawled as if he had a scabies .


  2. One year after treatment, one of the patients no longer had respiratory infections, chronic diarrhea, or scabies.


  3. A severe form of crusted scabies is described in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


  4. Excoriations are caused by scratching with the fingernails in an effort to relieve itching in a variety of diseases (eczema, scabies).


  5. Treatable eyes Qingmang, Yi Film cover eyes and children scabies .


  6. In Xi'an New City's drug rehabilitation center , a cured patient is fuming sulfur in an iron canister to cure an itch .


  7. Scabies usually spreads through direct contact with an infected person .


  8. Adapt: Herpes, Acne, Dermatitis, Scald, Prurigo, Skin Tickle, Hemorrhoids, Eczema, Folliculitis, Scabies , Colpitis and Pruritus Cutanea.


  9. When diagnostic scabies , the doctor wants to check assay to decide the diagnosis of scabies .


  1. 生了疥疮。

    I have poison ivy.

  2. 发痒。长疥疮

    suffer from the itch.

  3. 疥螨会引起疥疮。

    Itch mites cause scabies.

  4. 疥螨会引起疥疮。

    Itch mites cause scabies.

  5. 疥疮的治疗用药。

    The cure of scabies uses drug.

  6. 他身上长了疥疮。

    A sore formed on his body.

  7. 中药洗涤剂治疗疥疮

    Treating Scabies by Washing with Chinese Herbal Medicine

  8. 报告挪威疥疮1例。

    A 65 years old man suffered with Norwegian scabies was reported.

  9. 有几种方法治疗疥疮。

    There are several ways to treat scabies.

  10. 小儿疥疮误诊100例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of100 Misdiagnoses in Children with Itch

  11. 他身上痒得象害了疥疮。

    His flesh crawled as if he had a scabies.

  12. 您这疥疮长多长时间了?

    How long have you had this scabies?

  13. 铍宝药膏治疗疥疮60例疗效观察

    Clinical Effect Observation of Pibal Cream in Treatment of 60 Patients with Scabies

  14. 疥疮是一种非常可怕的 皮肤病。

    Psoriasis is very dreadful disease of the skin.

  15. 本文报道了214例疥疮的诊治经验。

    The treatment of214 cases of scabies was reported.

  16. 本文报道了214例疥疮得诊治经验。

    The treatment of212 cases of scabies was reported.

  17. 正在使用替代品治疗疥疮和虱子。

    Alternatives are being used for scabies and lice.

  18. 气象因素与疥疮发病的关系研究

    Study on relationship between meteorological factors and morbidity of scabies

  19. 疥疮是由疥螨引发的一种皮肤病。

    Scabies is a skin condition caused by a mite called Sarcoptes scabiei.

  20. 没有任何症状也可能感染上了疥疮。

    People can be infested with scabies without having any symptoms.

  21. 想得到一张诊断为疥疮, 可以很沮丧。

    Trying to get a diagnosis for scabies can be very frustrating.

  22. 这个名字源于希腊词, 意思是疥疮痒。

    The name is derived from the Greek word psora which means to itch.

  23. 自拟灭疥汤治疗疥疮1286例疗效观察

    The Effect of Mitigal Soup on Scabies in 1286 Cases

  24. 有点像疥疮, 我再用显微镜看一下。

    It sounds like scabies. Let me take a look under the microscope.

  25. 部分建筑业民工疥疮发病状况调查与防治

    Survey on scabies attack status of building workers and prevention and treatment

  26. 出现疥疮症状的患者应立即向医生求诊。

    People who have symptoms of scabies should consult doctor promptly.

  27. 可治疗眼目青盲、翳膜遮眼及小儿疥疮。

    Treatable eyes Qingmang, Yi Film cover eyes and children scabies.

  28. 疥疮是一种拥挤环境居住得人得主要疾病。

    Scabies is mainly a disease of people living together in cramped quarters.

  29. 疥疮是一种拥挤环境居住的人的主要疾病。

    Scabies is mainly a disease of people living together in cramped quarters.

  30. 在诊断疥疮时, 医生要作检查化验确定疥疮的诊断。

    When diagnostic scabies, the doctor wants to check assay to decide the diagnosis of scabies.


  1. 问:疥疮拼音怎么拼?疥疮的读音是什么?疥疮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疥疮的读音是jièchuāng,疥疮翻译成英文是 scabies; psora; puces

  2. 问:疥疮的拼音怎么拼?疥疮的的读音是什么?疥疮的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疥疮的的读音是jiè chuāng de,疥疮的翻译成英文是 scabetic

  3. 问:疥疮恐怖拼音怎么拼?疥疮恐怖的读音是什么?疥疮恐怖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疥疮恐怖的读音是jiè chuāng kǒng bù,疥疮恐怖翻译成英文是 scabiophobia


