




规矩,法式:~式。~序。章~。规~。进展,限度:~度。进~。日~。过~。道路的段落:路~。行(xíng )~。里~。启~。前~。衡量,考核:计日~功。姓。……



汉语拼音:qián chéng








  1. 前面的路程。

    唐 孟浩然 《问舟子》诗:“向夕问舟子,前程復几多?” 宋 王安石 《送僧游天台》诗:“前程好景解吟否?密雪乱云缄翠微。” 沙汀 《记贺龙》十五:“那个自愿做我们的向导的老乡,又领着我们走了好几里路,并且仔细地交代过我们的前程,然后才和我们分手。”

  2. 比喻未来在功业上的成就。

    《旧五代史·周书·冯道传》:“时有 周玄豹 者,善人伦鉴,与 道 不洽,谓 承业 曰:‘ 冯生 无前程,公不可过用。’”《说唐》第四五回:“ 咬金 大叫道:‘此去投 唐 ,自有大大前程。’” 郭小川 《祝酒歌》:“饮酒赞前程的,是咱们社会主义新人这一辈。”

  3. 指功名职位。

    《金瓶梅词话》第十一回:“﹝ 谢希大 ﹞把前程丢了。”《儒林外史》第五三回:“再过一年,我就可以得个知府的前程。” 清 顾张思 《土风录》卷八:“生监以上通呼曰前程……本为路程,借为人身阶衔也。” 田汉 《江村小景》:“你也弄了点什么前程没有?”

  4. 特指婚姻。

    元 无名氏 《隔江斗智》第四折:“听的箇东君今日綺筵开,则俺这美前程世间无赛。”此“前程”指 孙 刘 的婚姻。 元 关汉卿 《救风尘》第一折:“我看了些觅前程俏女娘,见了些铁心肠男子辈,便一生里孤眠,我也直甚頽。”

  5. 犹盘缠,费用。




  1. One of those who perhaps had a greater influence on his career than any other individual was Dr.


  2. I continue sometimes to feel unhappy about my work, to worry about my future and to be disappointed with myself and with my friends.


  3. Great Expectations was written by Charles Dickens around the time of 1860-1861 and was initially written as a periodical for a newspaper.


  4. I began to think that Herbert must have greater expectations than I had.


  5. "Great Expectations" The story has its unique features; there is a time to let the reader unable to stop feeling.


  6. He then said that I did not look like an ordinary person and that I would have a great future.


  7. When I reached years of reflection I began to look round me and take stock of my progress and position in the world.


  8. I was not pleased with this interview, and thought it was strange that the news of my expectations had not made me happier.


  9. Silvio Berlusconi is to stake the fate of his government and his own political future on a confidence vote in parliament on Friday.


  1. 前程眺望塔

    future overlooking tower.

  2. 你前程无量。

    You have a bright future.

  3. 职业前程辅导

    career counseling

  4. 她前程远大。

    She has a great future ahead of her.

  5. 旅客们各奔前程了。

    The travelers parted company

  6. 祝你前程无量!

    To your future!

  7. 有美好的前程

    have good prospects

  8. 祝你前程无量!

    To your future!

  9. 对前程无把握

    insecure of the future.

  10. 祝你前程好运!

    Good luck in your new endeavor.

  11. 职业前程发展管理

    career management

  12. 前程无量的青年

    young people with brilliant prospects

  13. 前程远大的年轻人

    a youngster with a future

  14. 谦和稳重, 前程远大。

    Fair and softly go far in a day.

  15. 谦和稳重,前程远大。

    Fair and softly go far in a day.

  16. 想起将来的前程

    think what the future holds

  17. 展望前程, 信心百倍。

    Looking ahead, we are filled with boundless confidence.

  18. 展望前程,信心百倍。

    Looking ahead, we are filled with boundless confidence.

  19. 他前程似锦。

    He has a glittering career ahead of him.

  20. 他确信我前程远大。

    He was sure there was a great future ahead of me.

  21. 她知道自己前程远大。

    She knew she was destined for a great future.

  22. 祝你前程似锦。

    I wish you a happy future.

  23. 她会有美好的前程。

    Good prospects are waiting for her.

  24. 因吸毒而断送了前程。

    Brought to ruin by drugs

  25. 远大的前程等待着你。

    A greatfutureisreservedforyou.

  26. 丑闻断送了他的前程。

    The scandal ruined his career.

  27. 一步必然开始一段前程

    One step must start each journey

  28. 祝你得前程充满彩虹!

    May your future be filled with rainbow!

  29. 祝你的前程充满彩虹!

    May your future be filled with rainbow!

  30. 她的前程看来很暗淡。

    Her future career prospects look dim.


  1. 问:前程拼音怎么拼?前程的读音是什么?前程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前程的读音是qiánchéng,前程翻译成英文是 future

  2. 问:前程承运人拼音怎么拼?前程承运人的读音是什么?前程承运人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前程承运人的读音是qián chéng chéng yùn rén,前程承运人翻译成英文是 precarriage by



“前程”是个多义词,它可以指前程(1933年张石川、程步高联合执导电影), 前程(汉语词语), 前程(黄旭东著长篇小说)。