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1. 券 [quàn]2. 券 [xuàn]券 [quàn]古代的契据,常分为两半,双方各执其一,现代指票据或作凭证的纸片:债~。国库~。入场~。证~。稳操胜~。券 [xuàn]〔拱~〕门窗、桥梁等建筑成弧形的部分。……
汉语拼音:zhài quàn
I got a desperate email last week from a woman who had sold all her stocks in panic in March and moved the money into bonds.
周我收到了一位女性充满绝望情绪的电子邮件。她在3月份的恐慌气氛下抛出了所有股票,将资金投入到债券中。"The small size of the dedicated investor base make it a volatile asset class, but the fundamentals remain solid, " she argues.
她表示:“专注于新兴市场企业债券的投资者数量不多,这让它成为一种波动性较大的资产类别,不过它的基本面依然稳健。”With shareholders wiped out by a default, the big question would be how much money bondholders could reasonably expect to recover.
违约之后股东会净身出户,因此重要的问题是,根据合理预期,债券持有人应该有望收回多少投资。This fear is at least partly behind the recent rise in yields across the eurozone.
欧元区债券收益率普遍上升,至少在一定程度上反映出了这种担忧。Issuance activities of non-Exchange Fund paper slowed down in the year amid economic downturn and a poor external environment.
由于经济衰退、外围环境欠佳,年内非外汇基金票据及债券的发债活动减少。As with many things China, it is unclear how much, or even whether, it is making meaningful changes to its currency and bond holdings.
和中国的许多事情一样,中国将对其外汇储备和债券持有情况做出何种程度的调整、甚至它是否会做出大幅调整,这些都是未知数。The money could then be used to support any other eurozone countries that have difficulty borrowing on world bond markets.
这笔资金此后还可向难以从全球债券市场借款的欧元区其他国家提供支持。Bond markets continued to gyrate Thursday after a sharp run-up in 10-year Treasury yields the day before.
继美国国债收益率周三大幅上扬后,债券市场的收益率周四仍在高位徘徊。'You're just never going to see that in short-term bond funds, ' Mr. McDevitt warns.