




事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:chèn jī








  1. 乘机,利用机会。

    许地山 《缀网劳蛛·换巢鸾凤》:“ 祖凤 趁机问他:‘你认得 金成 么?’” 茅盾 《脱险杂记》五:“这一个弱点如果给他看破了,那他一定要趁机敲诈的。”



  1. and she was glad to find it necessary to come to a conclusion, and be able to refresh her spirits by a change of place and neighbour.


  2. Private property is no longer respected, either because governments seize the assets or because goods cannot be protected from criminals.


  3. I brought Natasha. Get a bit of work done. Thought I might make it a not entirely wasted weekend.


  4. The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown.


  5. He took advantage of the occasion and said: "Big king, human is friendly to wild animal. "


  6. As you seem to take advantage of our leniency in this matter.


  7. And the Wall Street Journal said, the company is taking the advantage of Google's dwindling business in China to enlarge its shares.


  8. Buying a piece of Bear Stearns was attractive to KKR as an entree into the lucrative brokerage business at a time when prices were cheap.


  9. This was the critical moment, and one of nerves less steady, or of a training that had been neglected, would have seized it to rise and fly.


  1. 趁机捞一笔大钱

    seize the opportunity to make a fast buck

  2. 她趁机利用了她的朋友。

    She took advantage of her friend.

  3. 还是就想趁机揩油而已

    Or you just like what you feel?

  4. 他们认为你会趁机逃跑。

    They think you're still a flight risk.

  5. 你喜欢趁机混水摸鱼。

    You delight to fish in troubled waters.

  6. 政府趁机重申其基本政策。

    The government took the opportunity to restate its basic policies.

  7. 你可能会趁机占我便宜。

    You might be able to take advantage of me.

  8. 明明趁机拿走了宝盒!

    And Mingming seized the opportunity to take the treasure box away.

  9. 你要打铁趁热, 趁机行事。

    You should strike while the iron is hot.

  10. 明明趁机拿走了宝盒!

    And Mingming seized the opportunity to take the treasure box away.

  11. 不是那些想趁机揩油的人。

    Not one of those who seize the opportunity to touch.

  12. 他趁机大谈喝酒的弊病。

    He improved the occasion to dwell on the evils of drinking.

  13. 你就可以趁机小无聊小猥琐一下。

    Checkposition could be a winner.

  14. 我们趁机得到错过的证据并且让我们

    And we swoop in with the missing proofs and make ourselves

  15. 某个人趁机到台上换了一张钱。

    someone came onstage and swapped the bill.

  16. 贵方在趁机利用我公司的宽容态度。

    You are taking advantage of our leniency in this matter.

  17. 汤姆咬了他得手指, 趁机跳回水里。

    Tom bit the man's finger and dropped back into the water.

  18. 汤姆咬了他的手指,趁机跳回水里。

    Tom bit the man's finger and dropped back into the water.

  19. 就好多了?你不想趁机多休息几天?

    Already? Don't you want to milk it for a few more days?

  20. 凶犯趁机逃进了附近的一个楼梯间。

    The assailant fled down a nearby stairwell.

  21. 我觉得自己好傻 当初没有趁机逮捕你。

    I'd have felt pretty dumb for not arresting you when I had the chance.

  22. 菲利普趁机反唇相机,不过并无恶意。

    Philip turned on her, but not unkindly.

  23. 不要批评你不了解的人, 要趁机向他学习。

    Don't criticize whom you don't know people and learn from them.

  24. 他显出犹豫不决的样子,约翰趁机施加压力。

    He looked uncertain, John pressed home his advantage.

  25. 当然, 当你认为没人注意时, 会趁机偷看。

    But of course you looked later, when you thought no one was paying attention.

  26. 西蒙见她犹豫不决, 便趁机占尽优势。

    Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage.

  27. 对冲基金趁机攻击下一个脆弱的币种。

    Hedge funds attacked the next vulnerable currency.

  28. 诸葛亮便设下圈套, 趁机削弱曹军得实力。

    Zhuge Liang will set a trap, take the opportunity to weaken the strength of Cao.

  29. 诸葛亮便设下圈套,趁机削弱曹军的实力。

    Zhuge Liang will set a trap, take the opportunity to weaken the strength of Cao.

  30. 他趁机用豪言壮语鼓舞了那些消沉的支持者。

    His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound.


  1. 问:趁机拼音怎么拼?趁机的读音是什么?趁机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趁机的读音是chènjī,趁机翻译成英文是 take advantage of the occasion; seize the chance...




拼音:chèn jī

解释:[seize the opportunity;use one's spare time] 乘机;抓住机会,趁机捣乱乘机,利用机会。 出处:许地山 《缀网劳蛛·换巢鸾凤》:“ 祖凤 趁机问他:‘你认得 金成 么?’” 茅盾 《脱险杂记》五:“这一个弱点如果给他看破了,那他一定要趁机敲诈的。” 相关词语: 趁时趁节 趁常 趁趁摸摸 趁热打铁 趁墟 趁波逐浪 趁衙 趁怀 趁凉 趁期 趁虚而入 趁脚跷 趁办 趁熟 趁座 趁时 趁空 趁汉 寻趁 杂趁 赶趁 打铁趁热 随趁 忙投急趁 打趁 朝趁暮食 佣趁 驱趁 逼趁 短趁 营趁 四趁 相趁 逐趁 赶趁人 逗趁乘机,利用机会。