


向死者供献祭品致敬:祭~。~酒。稳固地安置:~都(dū ㄉㄨ)。~基。~定(使稳固安定,如“~~基础”)。……





汉语拼音:diàn dìng








  1. 安定,稳定。

    《清史稿·礼志七》:“ 道光 八年, 回疆 奠定,锡宴 正大光明殿 。” 梁启超 《致籍亮侪、熊铁厓、陈幼苏、刘希陶书》:“夫己氏之不足以奠定此国,自昔固已共忧,徒以顾全大局,投鼠忌器之故,甘牺牲一切,与之戮力。”

  2. 确立;建立。

    朱光潜 《<楚辞>和游仙诗》:“《离骚》奠定了赋体诗的风格。” 徐迟 《汉水桥头》:“而它,长江大桥,更将为祖国的桥梁事业奠定新的基础。”



  1. He reached into the bush, and what do you think, there lay a fiddle and a blowpipe, all ready, just as if they had been ordered.

  2. And in laying it out I even determined that if I had designed it differently, the layout would have fewer holes in the board.

  3. It is all too clear that the global economic imbalances that laid the foundation for the recent recession are still present.

  4. Chrysler was also able to ink key labor deals with unions in the United States and Canada, laying the groundwork for the Fiat alliance.

  5. So I kind of sat down and wrote it, very conscious of the fact that I was laying the foundations of a discipline.

  6. I expect, however, that fully grown females that are well fed might be able to lay up to 20 eggs.

  7. Dr. Spencer had invented what was to revolutionize cooking, and form the basis of a multimillion dollar industry, the microwave oven.

  8. DOM forms a very effective base on which easy-to-use systems can be built by following a few simple principles.

  9. IT IS no exaggeration to say that the foundations of the modern globalised world were made of sugar.


  1. 奠定了基础

    lay a good foundation.

  2. 奠定坚实的基础

    lay a strong foundation

  3. 奠定某物的基础

    to lay the foundation of something

  4. 为某事奠定基础

    to lay the foundations/ basis for something

  5. 为奠定牢固的基础

    laid a solid foundation for

  6. 奠定了良好的基础

    have laid a good foundation

  7. 奠定可靠的物质基础

    provide a solid physical support

  8. 落体理论的奠定。

    Galileo was also the first to establish the law of falling bodies.

  9. 因此,奠定另外空手道等。

    Mas Oyama opened his first Dojo in Mejiro, Tokyo.

  10. 他们奠定我,对行使垫。

    They lay me down on the exercise mat.

  11. 为将来奠定坚实的基础

    Lay a good foundation for the future

  12. 但是这只是奠定了基础。

    But we have only laid the foundation.

  13. 为将来的谈判奠定基础

    Laid the groundwork for future negotiations.

  14. 他,以及他们,奠定了基础。

    He, and they, laid the groundwork.

  15. 良好的教育为成功奠定基础。

    pave A good education paves the way to success.

  16. 他们摊开披着奠定了他。

    They spread out a cloak and laid him on it.

  17. 强化终身体育教育奠定终身体育基础

    Strengthen Lifelong Physical Education Lay the Foundation of Lifelong Physical Culture

  18. 她奠定了这家托儿所的基调。

    She sets the tone.

  19. 我们需要奠定牢固的理论基础。

    We need to develop a sound theoretical foundation.

  20. 他为细菌学科学奠定了基

    He laid the foundation of the science of bacteriology.

  21. 他们为此后的发展奠定了基础。

    They had laid the groundwork for future development.

  22. 向奠定该研究基础的前人致谢

    Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.

  23. 那个愉快的夜晚奠定了我们的友谊。

    That pleasant evening set the seal on our friendship.

  24. 莱特兄弟奠定了现代飞行的基

    The Wight brothers laid the foundation of modern flying. Soon others followed in their footsteps.

  25. 科赫是现代细菌学的奠定者。

    Koch is considered the founder of modern bacteriology.

  26. 为学生的终生发展奠定坚实的基础。

    Of life for the students lay a solid foundation for development.

  27. 主队再进一球从而奠定了优势。

    The home side rubbed in their superiority with a further goal.

  28. 詹姆斯敦殖民地奠定了美国的雏形

    Jamestown Colony Shaped Future United States

  29. 参与义务工作有助于奠定求职的基础。

    Voluntary work can provide a framework for jobseeking.

  30. 深化体育教学改革为终身体育奠定基础

    Deepen Reform to Lay a Foundation of Lifelong Physical Education in Schools


  1. 问:奠定拼音怎么拼?奠定的读音是什么?奠定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奠定的读音是diàndìng,奠定翻译成英文是 establish


