


1. 埋 [mái]2. 埋 [mán]埋 [mái]葬:~葬。把东西放在坑里用土、雪、落叶盖上:掩~。~地雷。隐藏:~没(mò)。~伏。~头。隐姓~名。埋 [mán]〔~怨〕因为事情不如意而对人或事物表示不满、责怪(“怨”读轻声)。……


1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……



汉语拼音:mái mò









  1. 埋在地下;埋藏。

    唐 杜甫 《兵车行》:“生女犹得嫁比邻,生男埋没随百草。” 宋 王安石 《破冢》诗:“埋没残碑草自春,旋风时出地中尘。” 元 宫天挺 《范张鸡黍》第三折:“兄弟也,不争你在黄泉埋没,却教我在红尘奔走。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·桥东录》:“ 江氏 买 唐村 ,掘地得宣石数万,石盖古西村假山之埋没土中者。”

  2. 湮没;泯灭。

    前蜀 韦庄 《秦妇吟》:“昔时繁盛皆埋没,举目凄凉无故物。”《元典章·工部二·公廨》:“近为各道、路、州、县所管一应係官房舍基地等项,埋没年深,以为己业,逐项情弊多端,为此行下各处。”

  3. 谓使人不能尽其才;隐而不彰。

    北周 庾信 《哀江南赋》:“功业夭枉,身名埋没。” 唐 韩愈 《送进士刘师服东归》诗:“奈何任埋没,不自求腾轩。” 明 李贽 《征途与共后语》:“夫世间功名富贵,最易埋没人。”《儒林外史》第一回:“你埋没在这乡村镇上,虽有才学,谁人是识得你的。” 王安友 《协作》:“大哥,我看你不要把人家的好意埋没了。”



  1. M: Her mother and I don't want her to bury her talents.


  2. The solution comes to Anna, but is it buried too deeply in the long dead past for her to reach?


  3. But his temperament undermined his talent; he never understood that politics was more art than engineering.


  4. Mr. Rayburn: Her mother and I don't want her to bury her talents.


  5. You don't bring glory or pleasure to God by hiding your abilities or by trying to be someone else.


  6. His intentions are forever honorable, though they never seem to come to any good, as he is too often waylaid by his own foolishness.


  7. These posts appeared to be new, easily putting other posts by personal landlords in the bottom.


  8. Though the reputation of men of genuine character may be of slow growth, their true qualities cannot be wholly concealed.


  9. She seemed to be shouting to him, but her voice was drowned out by the roaring of the train.


  1. 被积雪埋没

    Be snowed under by drifts.

  2. 在沙子埋没的塔。

    A tower buried in the sand.

  3. 不应埋没人才。

    What is the good of a sundial in the shade ?

  4. 泥石流埋没了他的房子。

    The mudrock flow buried his house.

  5. 他的一技之长被埋没了。

    His professional skill was neglected.

  6. 而因此让真相被埋没的

    Get in the way of the truth.

  7. 真正的人才常被埋没。

    Real talent often goes unrewarded.

  8. 而大雪埋没了铁样的年关

    Already snow submerges an iron year

  9. 他是个懒鬼, 把天资埋没了。

    He is a lazy devil and hides his talent in a napkin

  10. 该镇被15英尺厚得大雪埋没了。

    The town was buried under fifteen feet of snow.

  11. 该镇被15英尺厚的大雪埋没了。

    The town was buried under fifteen feet of snow.

  12. 他是一个懒鬼,把天资埋没了。

    He is a lazy devil and keeps his talent in a napkin.

  13. 跳舞是埋没在魂魄中的一种言语。

    Dance is the hidden language of the soul.

  14. 他们找到这件被埋没的财宝了吗?

    Did they find it, this buried treasure?

  15. 他总是担心自己那点儿功劳被埋没了。

    He's always afraid his small contribution will be overlooked.

  16. 营救人员仍在碎石中寻找被埋没的人员。

    Rescuers are still searching the rubble for anyone who might be trapped.

  17. 埋没导引缝合法矫治鹰钩鼻鼻尖畸形

    Rectify nasal tip deformity of hooked nose with the method of guided suture under tissue

  18. 伊拉克埋没战机以便掩藏不被美国发现。

    Iraq Buries Warplanes To Hide Them From U.S.

  19. 她的妈咪和我都不想埋没了她的才能。

    Mr. Rayburn Her mother and I dont want her to bury her talents.

  20. 我埋没了我的头在被子之下,但我的伯母听见了我。

    I buried my head under the quilts, but my aunt heard me.

  21. 在旧社会许多有才干的青年常被埋没。

    In old society many talented young people were too often ploughed under.

  22. 地震引起山崩,埋没了100所房屋,至少杀死70人。

    The earthquake triggered a landslide, which buried100 houses and killed at least70 people.

  23. 男她的妈咪和我都不想埋没了她的才能。

    M Her mother and I dont want her to bury her talents.

  24. 硅胶假体联合埋没导引针行鼻翼缩小术

    Nosewing Reducing Operated by Silica Gel Prosthesis Combined with Buried Led Needle

  25. 乔治的音乐天才由于缺乏训练而被埋没了。

    Georges musical talent remained latent through a lack of training.

  26. 我同意。哈定上校得努力不应该被埋没。

    I agree. Colonel Harding's efforts should not have been In vain.

  27. 我同意。哈定上校的努力不应该被埋没。

    I agree. Colonel Harding's efforts should not have been In vain.

  28. 而不是轻痛击立方体的节流孔,你埋没它。

    Instead of lightly drubbing the Cube's throttle, you just bury it.

  29. 实际上,他的骨头很快被埋没,并至今保存完好。

    Essentially, his bones were rapidly buried and beautifully preserved.

  30. 很多小孩子的潜能没有得到开发而被埋没了。

    A lot of potential of young children is wasted.


  1. 问:埋没拼音怎么拼?埋没的读音是什么?埋没翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋没的读音是máimò,埋没翻译成英文是 cover; overlook

  2. 问:埋没牙拼音怎么拼?埋没牙的读音是什么?埋没牙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋没牙的读音是mái mò yá,埋没牙翻译成英文是 submerged tooth



埋没(2[hold back;stifle]意思是使显露不出来,不能发挥作用;埋没人材。