




1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……



汉语拼音:chén mò








  1. Today, we face another serious challenge provoked by the sinking of the South Korean ship, '' she said at the opening ceremony.


  2. The sinking of the Maine did not matter nearly so much to him as the native Cubans.


  3. He looks at the doctor and asks, "There was a movie that was made about a ship that sank after hitting an iceberg, what was its name? "


  4. The moment when you decide to keep silence is the beginning to calculate the sunk cost.


  5. Navy officials said the sinking might have been caused by the influx of water after the fishing boat collided with the patrol ship.


  6. The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.


  7. You cannot help him by leaping into the quicksand with him, for surely both of you will go down, and he will not thank you.


  8. When we moved into a rental apartment a couple of years ago, werealized that ownership had been a burden, a time sink, and a money pit.


  9. The ship would have sunk with all the passengers on it, if the captain had not made the efforts.


  1. 船沉没了。

    The boat drowned.

  2. 沉没的船舶

    sunken vessel.

  3. 沉没式油罐

    submerged storage tank.

  4. 启动沉没深度

    starting submergence.

  5. 船触礁沉没。

    The ship struck on a rock and sank.

  6. 沉没了的船

    a lost ship.

  7. 沉没式油栅

    submersible oil boom.

  8. 轮船触礁沉没。

    The ship struck against the rocks and sank.

  9. 船就会沉没。

    the Ship would founder.

  10. 船触礁沉没了

    The ship struck a reef and foundered.

  11. 沉没成本的例子

    A case of sunk cost

  12. 沉没到了海底。

    And sank to the bottom of the sea.

  13. 沉没海相三角洲

    submerged marine delta

  14. 此船触礁沉没。

    The ship was wrecked on a sunken rock.

  15. 井底沉没式泵

    bottom hole pump

  16. 我在水中沉没

    I am down at the water.

  17. 船尾向下沉没

    sink by stern.

  18. 船儿一艘艘沉没

    Three times around spun our gallant ship.

  19. 船渐渐地沉没了。

    The ship went down slowly.

  20. 那船触礁沉没了。

    The ship struck the rocks and sank.

  21. 半数的船只沉没了。

    Half of the boats sank.

  22. 我们的船触礁沉没。

    Our boat foundered on a reef.

  23. 我们的旗舰沉没了,

    Our gallant ship sprang a leak and sank

  24. 我们得旗舰沉没了,

    Our gallant ship sprang a leak and sank

  25. 离弃正在沉没的船只

    to abandon a sinking ship

  26. 沉没成本产生得效应。

    Sunk cost came into effect.

  27. 沉没成本产生的效应。

    Sunk cost came into effect.

  28. 轮船沉没于波涛下面。

    The ship sank beneath the waves.

  29. 沉没滚属于板滞安设。

    Floating roll belong to regulating mechanism.

  30. 船在飓风中沉没了。

    The ship was sunk in a hurricane.


  1. 问:沉没拼音怎么拼?沉没的读音是什么?沉没翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没的读音是chénmò,沉没翻译成英文是 sink

  2. 问:沉没林拼音怎么拼?沉没林的读音是什么?沉没林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没林的读音是chénméilín,沉没林翻译成英文是 submerged forest

  3. 问:沉没物拼音怎么拼?沉没物的读音是什么?沉没物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没物的读音是chén mò wù,沉没物翻译成英文是 sunken objects

  4. 问:沉没礁拼音怎么拼?沉没礁的读音是什么?沉没礁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没礁的读音是,沉没礁翻译成英文是 drowned reef

  5. 问:沉没成本拼音怎么拼?沉没成本的读音是什么?沉没成本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没成本的读音是chén mò chéng běn,沉没成本翻译成英文是 sunk cost

  6. 问:沉没资金拼音怎么拼?沉没资金的读音是什么?沉没资金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没资金的读音是chén mò zī jīn,沉没资金翻译成英文是 sunk fund

  7. 问:沉没式传感器拼音怎么拼?沉没式传感器的读音是什么?沉没式传感器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没式传感器的读音是chén mò shì chuán gǎn qì,沉没式传感器翻译成英文是 submersible transducer

  8. 问:沉没水生植物拼音怎么拼?沉没水生植物的读音是什么?沉没水生植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没水生植物的读音是chén mò shuǐ shēng zhí wù,沉没水生植物翻译成英文是 submerged aquatic plant

  9. 问:沉没水生生物拼音怎么拼?沉没水生生物的读音是什么?沉没水生生物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没水生生物的读音是chén mò shuǐ shēng shēng wù,沉没水生生物翻译成英文是 submerged aquatics

  10. 问:沉没燃烧加热器拼音怎么拼?沉没燃烧加热器的读音是什么?沉没燃烧加热器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没燃烧加热器的读音是chén mò rán shāo jiā rè qì,沉没燃烧加热器翻译成英文是 submerged-combustion heater

  11. 问:沉没式螺旋分级机拼音怎么拼?沉没式螺旋分级机的读音是什么?沉没式螺旋分级机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉没式螺旋分级机的读音是chén mò shì luó xuán fēn jí jī,沉没式螺旋分级机翻译成英文是 submerged spiral classifier



沉没 chénmò(1) [sink;submerge]∶沉下淹没。(2) [sink into;sink in]∶深深沉浸于。(3) [submergence]∶由于陆地沉降或水面升高而引起水域和陆地之间的相对水平的变化。(4) [sink]∶没入水中