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1. 粘 [nián]2. 粘 [zhān]粘 [nián]同“黏”。姓。粘 [zhān]黏的东西互相附着连结在一起:糖~牙。用胶水或糨糊把一种东西胶合在另一种东西上:~贴。~连。~接。……
汉语拼音:nián tǔ
Even if the image is made of clay, there is need for that sort of worship.
即使这个肖像是由粘土制成,也无需那种崇拜。Now what happens is, rain water, that heavy rain water sort of sits on top of that bedrock sanding clay .
现在所发生的是,雨水,暴雨冲刷基岩上的砂粘土。It is usually made of copper or brass, but may also be available in aluminium and burnt clay.
它通常是由铜或者黄铜来制成,但是有时也会用铝或者粘土。When the clay was in place, it had to slowly dry for a few days to get firm enough to keep its shape when I took it out of the mould.
当粘土放好之后,需要好些天去等它慢慢干掉,从而当我把它从模具里拿出来的时候能够足够的坚固,并保持着它的形状。The next step is to take the clay cast and use it to produce a negative cast in plaster.
接下来的步骤是采取粘土演员和使用它来制作一个石膏负票。He had to carry water and dig up the red earth and mix it into a stiff clay.
他要取水挖掘红泥,并把它混成稠密的粘土。Next he took soft clay, molding it to the shape of the bark and smoothing it with his hands.
接着,他弄来了一些松软的粘土,把他制成树皮的形状,并用手把它们磨得非常光滑。Adobe is soil that contains at least 40% clay. In its purest form, clay can be shaped and stretched and used to make objects.
土坯的土中粘土含量至少40%,用这种纯粹的方式,粘土可以成形、延伸,并制造物件。Treated sludge is often stored in ponds where the water eventually evaporates, leaving behind a dried, red, clay-like soil.