


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……





汉语拼音:shī chǒng








  1. 失去荣宠或宠爱。

    《荀子·仲尼》:“能而不耐任,且恐失宠,则莫若早同之,推贤让能,而安随其后。”《晋书·潘尼传》:“握权,则赴者鳞集;失宠,则散者瓦解。” 唐 李商隐 《宫辞》诗:“君恩如水向东流,得宠忧移失宠愁。” 瞿秋白 《论文学革命及语言文字问题·学阀万岁四》:“无论你是清高也好,卑鄙也好,这个得宠也好,那个失宠也好,正言直谏的也好,拍马屁舔屁眼的也好,--你是个清客,始终是个清客!”



  1. and his associates were no. in disgrace, but there had been no. report of the matter in the Press or on the telescreen.


  2. But public response invariably implies pity, as if it's a fall from grace.


  3. Today the Cloud is a new IT buzzword, while SOA seems to be slowly coming out of favor, at least in the view of some analysts.


  4. A few years later, he fell out of favor, was ostracized by his countrymen, and was banished from Athens.


  5. The idea of the disfavored prince departure from his father at a time of enemy invasion should terrifies the country.


  6. As the Red Queen hypothesis fell out of favour, researchers began to cast around for other possibilities.


  7. For instance, people taking up the woods, go transit, the local out of favor a few of the bird was extinct.


  8. Is that enough to tide Goldman through a time when its highly leveraged business model has fallen out of favor?


  9. It has been a difficult decade for gene therapy, but Wilson believes that its fall from favor was inevitable.


  1. 失宠失众望

    fall into disfavor with.

  2. 时而得宠, 时而失宠

    fall in and out of favour

  3. 在朝廷中失宠

    to be disgraced at court

  4. 这大臣失宠了。

    The minister fell from grace.

  5. 我目前失宠于他。

    I'm in his bad books at the mo.

  6. 我恐怕他是失宠了。

    I'm afraid he left under a cloud.

  7. 萨姆已失宠于他的父母。

    Sam was in disgrace with his parents.

  8. 她在宫廷中失宠。

    She was disgraced at court.

  9. 看起来, 马克又失宠了。

    It looks like mark's in the doghouse again.

  10. 看起来,查理又失宠了。

    It looks like Charlies in the doghouse again.

  11. 他的失宠突然而出乎意料。

    His fall from grace was sudden and unexpected.

  12. 她在经理那儿失宠了。

    She fell out of favor with the managers.

  13. 她在经理那儿失宠了。

    She fell out of favor with the managers.

  14. 她因不诚实而失宠。

    She was discommended for her dishonesty.

  15. 哥尔德曼今天已经失宠了。

    Goldman today stands in disgrace.

  16. 皇后不久失宠。被处死了。

    Soon the queen fell into disfavour and was executed.

  17. 而那些失宠的人则生活窘迫。

    For those who lost favour, though, life could be difficult.

  18. 虚荣使人得宠于己,而失宠于人。

    Vanity keep persons in favour with themselves who id out of favour with all others.

  19. 虚荣使人得宠于已,而失宠于人。

    Vanity keeps persons in favour with themselves who are out of favour with all others.

  20. 瓦特爵士已在国王面前失宠。

    Sir Walter is out of favor with the King.

  21. 如果你失宠于老板, 就会遇到麻烦。

    If you get in bad with your boss, you'll have problems.

  22. 倒霉, 失宠处于麻烦或冷遇状态之中的

    In trouble or disfavor.

  23. 雅各布得知他女儿已经失宠。

    Jacob learned that his daughter had been disgraced.

  24. 谁也不知为什么,他竟失宠于上司。

    No one knows why, but the fell from grace with the boss.

  25. 温斯顿不晓得维泽斯失宠的原因。

    Winston did not know why Withers had been disgraced.

  26. 过去的女朋友, 现在失宠了, 会提出旁证。

    Old girls, now rejected, would quote chapter and verse.

  27. 过去得女朋友,现在失宠了,会提出旁证。

    Old girls,now rejected,would quote chapter and verse.

  28. 虽然她长得很漂亮,最后却失宠了。

    Though she was pretty, she fell from grace at last.

  29. 一旦失宠之后, 他发现很难重新得宠。

    And once having lapsed from grace he found it hard to climb back into favor again.

  30. 到了十九世纪六十年代,餐车有些失宠了。

    In the nineteen sixties, diners became less popular.


  1. 问:失宠拼音怎么拼?失宠的读音是什么?失宠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失宠的读音是shīchǒng,失宠翻译成英文是 to fall out of favor; to lose favour; to fall...



“失宠”是个多义词,它可以指失宠(歌曲), 失宠(词语), 失宠(油画)。