


1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……


1. 尾 [wěi]2. 尾 [yǐ]尾 [wěi]鸟兽虫鱼等身体末端突出的部分:~巴。~鳍。鸟~。末端:排~。船~。~声。~骨。~灯。~数。~音。结~。扫~。虎头蛇~。在后面跟:~随。~追。量词,指鱼:三~鱼。星名,二十八宿之一。尾 [y……



汉语拼音:jié wěi









  1. 尾端打结;扎缚尾巴。

    《荀子·赋》:“一往一来,结尾以为事;无羽无翼,反覆甚极。” 杨倞 注:“结其尾线,然后行箴。” 唐 元稹 《进马状》:“伏望陛下扬鞭顿轡,取验其驯良,结尾络头,试观其神彩。”

  2. 指文辞的最后部分。

    宋 谢采伯 《密斋笔记》卷三:“但结尾活泼泼地,把捉不得,为不可及。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·论文上·桐叶封弟辨》:“ 柳州 本以《史记》为主,特借《吕览》为文之波澜,翻空出奇耳。结尾反点,又故作疑词,使人忘其匠巧。” 巴金 《关于<长生塔>》:“童话的结尾,有这样一句话:‘沙土上建筑的楼台,从来是立不稳的。’”



  1. The game actually has a great story hook at the beginning that makes you want to see the career mode through to completion.


  2. So let me conclude with a just a remark to bring it back to the theme of choices.


  3. And what about the men? They should'n be educated as well to not have such a primitive mind set? I'm agree with the end of the article. . .


  4. The latter treats the string as multiple lines, where ^ and $ match the beginning and end of any line, respectively.


  5. Be crashed, then need to be rebuilt just like the novel Neighbor, has no ending.


  6. The trailing dates are the ending dates from the previous month or the beginning dates from the next month used to fill the calendar grid.


  7. If you don't use the "more" marker on your blog, the In-Post template still lets you add formatting at the beginning or end of your post.


  8. Keep correct formatting and indenting of sentences by automatically removing spaces typed at the beginning and end of a paragraph.


  9. Why does Michael lie to Kay at the end of the film? What is the point of the last shot of the movie, which shows a closing door?


  1. 终止,结尾

    A conclusion or termination.

  2. 结尾怎么样?

    What do you think of the ending?

  3. 程序块结尾

    block end

  4. 结尾空白符

    trailing blank.

  5. 结尾时在场

    be in at the kill.

  6. 结尾的意义

    The Sense of an Ending.

  7. 但不是结尾

    not the end of our story.

  8. 数据结尾标志

    end of data mark.

  9. 故事即将结尾

    And now the end is near.

  10. 过程部分结尾

    end of procedure division.

  11. 注意复数结尾。

    Note the plural endings.

  12. 结尾与过片

    ending and narration.

  13. 结尾正激波

    pressure perturbation.

  14. 论简报的结尾

    On Bulletin Ending.

  15. 空结尾字符串

    null terminated string.

  16. 结尾十分平淡无奇。

    The ending was pretty obvious.

  17. 需要节头结尾

    End of section header expected

  18. 结尾有点欠佳。

    The ending is a bit weak.

  19. 已达磁带结尾。

    Physical end of tape encountered.

  20. 以行动方案结尾

    End with the action steps

  21. 非胶结尾砂

    Uncemented railings

  22. 特此证明, 结尾语。

    It is hereby to be certified.

  23. 特此证明,结尾语。

    It is hereby to be certified.

  24. 爱迪生式结尾

    Addisonian termination.

  25. 总结结束, 结尾或总结

    To make a finish, an end, or a conclusion.

  26. 移到行的结尾。

    Move to the end of a line.

  27. 总结结束,结尾或总结

    To make a finish,an end,or a conclusion.

  28. 函数检测文件结尾。

    Function to detect the end of a file.

  29. 结尾处的节点。

    Removes the node at the end of the.

  30. 我要这样来结尾。

    So to just end up.


  1. 问:结尾拼音怎么拼?结尾的读音是什么?结尾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾的读音是jiéwěi,结尾翻译成英文是 ending

  2. 问:结尾零拼音怎么拼?结尾零的读音是什么?结尾零翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾零的读音是jié wěi líng,结尾零翻译成英文是 trailing zero

  3. 问:结尾字节拼音怎么拼?结尾字节的读音是什么?结尾字节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾字节的读音是jié wěi zì jié,结尾字节翻译成英文是 trailing byte

  4. 问:结尾工作拼音怎么拼?结尾工作的读音是什么?结尾工作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾工作的读音是jié wěi gōng zuò,结尾工作翻译成英文是 postliminary activities

  5. 问:结尾条款拼音怎么拼?结尾条款的读音是什么?结尾条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾条款的读音是jié wěi tiáo kuǎn,结尾条款翻译成英文是 witness clause

  6. 问:结尾标志拼音怎么拼?结尾标志的读音是什么?结尾标志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾标志的读音是jié wěi biāo zhì,结尾标志翻译成英文是 trailing flag

  7. 问:结尾燃料拼音怎么拼?结尾燃料的读音是什么?结尾燃料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾燃料的读音是jié wěi rán liào,结尾燃料翻译成英文是 tail fuse

  8. 问:结尾空白拼音怎么拼?结尾空白的读音是什么?结尾空白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾空白的读音是jié wěi kòng bái,结尾空白翻译成英文是 trailing blank

  9. 问:结尾空白符拼音怎么拼?结尾空白符的读音是什么?结尾空白符翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结尾空白符的读音是,jié wěi kòng bái fú,结尾空白符翻译成英文是 trailing blanks



原创短片《结尾》 FCL作品,由冯杨导演,冯杨编剧的原创短片《结尾》于8月22日中午12:00正式上映。


FCL是film change life的简称,为在校学生自发组织的电影爱好者团队,现有团员十余人。《结尾》是FCL团队的第一部作品 从前期筹划到后期制作历时三个余月。
