


缓和,解除:毁家~难(nàn )。宽裕,宽舒。延缓。……





汉语拼音:shū kùn






  1. But mostly because, after the mini-inflation scare following the ECB's bailout plans for Europe, we seem to be having a deflation scare.


  2. Officials said while eurozone bonds remain controversial, the bank bailout scheme appeared to be gaining traction.


  3. The result has been a huge public bail-out of the banking sector and a massive fiscal and monetary stimulus.


  4. When the German government set up a bail-out fund to stabilise the country's banking system, he said he would be "ashamed" to use it.


  5. Roughly how hefty would a Fat tax have to be to pay the cost of the bank bail-out within, say, a decade?


  6. I remain of the view that the only thing worse than rescuing the system would have been not to do so.


  7. A former European finance minister reminded me that, from a political perspective, there is nothing in it for a rational politician.


  8. Unfortunately, this required rescuing many companies considered "too big to fail" that individually did not deserve to be saved.


  9. The bank-bailout channel will be the only monetary transmission mechanism to function like clockwork.


  1. 我们都知道, 政府没有对雷曼进行纾困。

    We all know there was no government bailout for Lehman.

  2. 公众不会,也不应该接受更多此类纾困。

    It was also the last. The public will not, and should not, accept more such bailouts.

  3. 各国政府最终联手对金融体系进行了系统性的纾困。

    The authorities ultimately cobbled together a systemic rescue of the financial system.

  4. 政府亦对主要金融机构纾困, 承担额外大量得财政义务。

    Governments also bailed out key financial institutions, assuming significant additional financial commitments.

  5. 政府亦对主要金融机构纾困,承担额外大量的财政义务。

    Governments also bailed out key financial institutions, assuming significant additional financial commitments.

  6. 积极应变, 纾解民困。

    Relieving the Pressure through Change

  7. 纾解民困, 创造就业机会

    Relieving hardships and creating jobs

  8. 同时,要更加关心民生,尽最大努力做好纾解民困工作。

    At the same time, more attention to people's livelihood, and do our best to do thoughtfully.

  9. 但是,在目前经济低迷的情况下,我们有责任帮助纾解民困。

    However, at this time of economic downturn, it is our responsibility to help relieve the hardships faced by the community.

  10. 纾困并不意味着私人资本的复苏。

    Nor does the rescue necessarily point to a resurgence of private capital.

  11. 显然, 欧洲领导人目前零散的纾困努力是无效的。

    It is clear that existing, piecemeal efforts by European leaders have been ineffective.

  12. 最佳得纾困方式是将其作为全球努力得一部分。

    The best way to do it is as part of a global effort.

  13. 最佳的纾困方式是将其作为全球努力的一部分。

    The best way to do it is as part of a global effort.

  14. 他的本意是对于不得不要求纾困, 他感到很遗憾。

    What he meant was that he regretted having to ask for the bailout.

  15. 纾困计划将因惶恐的投资者的本能反应而崩溃。

    Bailout programmes would be overwhelmed by the instinctive response of frightened investors.

  16. 这种大规模的信任流失也破坏了纾困战略的基石。

    This massive erosion of trust has also destroyed the main plank of the rescue strategy.

  17. 想必,纾困的理由是服务于某种更大的公共目的。

    Presumably, the reason is to serve some larger public purpose.

  18. 肯尼已经许诺重谈政府纾困支付资金的刑法利率。

    Mr Kenny has promised to renegotiate the penal interest rate that the government is paying for its bailout.

  19. 希腊政府和欧洲纾困计划正遭遇一场合法性危机。

    The Greek government and the European project are suffering from a crisis of legitimacy.

  20. 希腊纾困方案在六周前达成一致之际就陷入了困境。

    The Greek programme was in trouble when it was agreed six weeks ago.

  21. 对轻率的放款机构与投资人纾困, 会不会引发道德风险?

    Did it cause moral hazard as reckless lenders and investors were effectively bailed out ?

  22. 雷曼进入破产程序,是因为美国财政部拒绝补贴纾困行动。

    Lehman is entering bankruptcy because the US Treasury refused to subsidise a rescue.


  1. 问:纾困拼音怎么拼?纾困的读音是什么?纾困翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纾困的读音是shūkùn,纾困翻译成英文是 relief; to bail out; bailout