


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù xiāo







  1. 抵不上;不当。

    《太平广记》卷一八八引 唐 郑处诲 《明皇杂录·王毛仲》:“出其儿以示臣,熟眄褓中曰:此儿岂不消三品官?”

  2. 不需要;不用。

    宋 苏轼 《赠包安静先生》诗之三:“便须起来和热喫,不消洗面裹头巾。”《儒林外史》第二一回:“若情愿时,一个钱也不消费得。”《花城》1981.6:“她接过篮子,抽出一张崭新的五元钞票,塞进孩子手里:‘给你--不消找了。’”

  3. 不消失。

    宋 苏轼 《御试制科策》:“天下之闕政则莫大乎此,而和气安得不消乎?” 郭沫若 《访埃杂吟·宿开罗市旅馆》:“煒煒堡桥,霓虹夜不消。”



  1. Needless to say, it is a tremendous experience for the soldier to be able to cry out his sorrows to a host of sympathetic listeners.


  2. The collapse of Lehman Brothers, the US investment bank, and the global economic crisis changed all that in a matter of weeks.


  3. Last night the wind was strong and rain was fine, Sound sleep did not dispel the taste of wine.


  4. Needless to say, proponents of early withdrawal do not characterise their approach as just hoping for the best.


  5. Most Republicans, needless to say, are ever more certain that the man is all talk.


  6. Mr. Moore's good constitution quickly triumphed over his indisposition. In a few days he shook it off.


  7. And, of course, it was a great personal honor to cook for two unique and distinctive American first families.


  8. Needless to say, the banking industry will insist the mouse is a tiger about to gobble up the world economy.


  9. He came back in a few moments with a boy who had a small package of food.


  1. 那自不消说

    that goes without saying

  2. 那自不消说

    that goes without saying

  3. 她开始吃不消了。

    She was beginning to weary.

  4. 我们都会吃不消的。

    We're all in for trouble.

  5. 我们都会吃不消的。

    We're all in for trouble.

  6. 可是现在她吃不消了。

    But she can't take that any more.

  7. 不消说,我爱极了他。

    Needless to say I absolutely love him.

  8. 浓睡不消残酒。

    And deep sleep did not dispel the effects of wine.

  9. 不消说,结果2011年有喜有忧。

    Needless to say,2011 ended with mixed results.

  10. 不消说, 你会当我异想天开。

    No doubt you will think me fanciful.

  11. 热得我已开始吃不消了。

    The heat began to get me down.

  12. 那张凳子吃不消你的重量。

    That chair won't hold your weight.

  13. 热带气候使我们都吃不消了。

    The tropical climate did us in.

  14. 热带气候使他们都吃不消了。

    The tropical climate did them in.

  15. 事情既然已经这样了,就不消说了。

    We can do nothing about it as things are what they are now.

  16. 不消说,小珠儿仍然陪伴着她。

    Little Pearl, of course, was her companion.

  17. 这麽紧张,我的神经快吃不消了。

    My nerves won't stand the strain much longer.

  18. 不消说, 他们顿时吓得魂飞天外。

    They were, you may be sure, in a dreadful consternation

  19. 这些繁重的工作他已吃不消了。

    All this hard work is telling on him, ie affecting his health, etc.

  20. 您不消费心,我会努力做好。

    Don't worry, I will try my best.

  21. 不过,其实不消烦劳这样的预言大师。

    But no such master of divination was needed.

  22. 她得吃点东西,身子会吃不消的。

    She must eat. she's making herself ill.

  23. 不消说,我们的计划取决于天气如何。

    It goes without saying that our plan depend on the weather.

  24. 这种芥末很辣,你的舌头会吃不消的。

    This mustard is hot enough to bite your tongue.

  25. 过度的疲劳开始让救援队吃不消了。

    The strain was beginning to tell on the rescue team.

  26. 家里的事情真的越来越让我吃不消了。

    Things are really getting on top of me at home.

  27. 你在国外生活不消多久就不满意了。

    You will soon weary of living abroad.

  28. 这么多的额外工作快使他吃不消了。

    All this extra work is getting on top of him.

  29. 不消装了,我懂得你不是真心的。

    Don't pretend so much. I know it's not true.

  30. 我们长期处于紧张状态, 神经已经吃不消了。

    Constant stress has made our nerves brittle.


  1. 问:不消拼音怎么拼?不消的读音是什么?不消翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不消的读音是bùxiāo,不消翻译成英文是 To not need.

  2. 问:不消说拼音怎么拼?不消说的读音是什么?不消说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不消说的读音是bùxiāoshuō,不消说翻译成英文是 Not to say.

  3. 问:不消化拼音怎么拼?不消化的读音是什么?不消化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不消化的读音是bù xiāo huà,不消化翻译成英文是 apepsia

  4. 问:不消灭拼音怎么拼?不消灭的读音是什么?不消灭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不消灭的读音是,不消灭翻译成英文是 non-elimination

  5. 问:不消化的拼音怎么拼?不消化的的读音是什么?不消化的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不消化的的读音是bù xiāo huà de,不消化的翻译成英文是 indigestible

  6. 问:不消化粪拼音怎么拼?不消化粪的读音是什么?不消化粪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不消化粪的读音是bù xiāo huà fèn,不消化粪翻译成英文是 lienteric stool

  7. 问:不消费日拼音怎么拼?不消费日的读音是什么?不消费日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不消费日的读音是,不消费日翻译成英文是 Buy Nothing Day

  8. 问:不消费物拼音怎么拼?不消费物的读音是什么?不消费物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不消费物的读音是bù xiāo fèi wù,不消费物翻译成英文是 non-consumer things

