







汉语拼音:dīng yǎo






  1. And the little gnats of men sting his memory when they get their very bread and butter from the technical application of his ideas.


  2. Honey has been used since the time of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians to treat everything from wounds to insect bites.


  3. In particular, when PHA is inserted beneath the thin skin of a bird's wing, it causes a swelling a bit like a mosquito bite.


  4. "I suggest people avoid wearing black leggings - or any dark colored clothing - so as not to attract mosquitoes, " she said.


  5. Or. . . , Though everybody have their own idea about this, they all bite their tongue, for after all, they are still in the company.


  6. Their kryptonite: The best way not to get stung is to leave them alone.


  7. A virus causes yellow fever. A few days after a mosquito bite, the victim experiences high body temperature and pain in the head or muscles.


  8. And when Marwood made the jump, he was covered with wasps stinging him in the face and eyes.


  9. Along with the nuisance of a mosquito bite, you might be worried about possible infections you can catch, including hepatitis.


  1. 白蛉虫叮咬

    sand flies bite.

  2. 锥蝽叮咬热

    barbiero fever

  3. 节肢动物叮咬

    arthropod bite

  4. 蚊虫叮咬,尿布疹。

    Protect against mosquito fleas, diaper rsh.

  5. 小虫叮咬马群。

    The insects bedevilled the horses.

  6. 昆虫刺伤及叮咬

    Insect Sting and Tick Bite

  7. 我被蚊虫叮咬了。

    I got stung by gnats.

  8. 与你分享蚊虫叮咬

    To shear with you the las bite

  9. 用于虫子叮咬得氨水?

    Ammonia applied to bug bites?

  10. 用于虫子叮咬的氨水?

    Ammonia applied to bug bites?

  11. 疟疾经由蚊子叮咬传播。

    Malaria is spread by mosquito bites.

  12. 更多地被蚊子叮咬。

    You're getting bitten by mosquitos more.

  13. 防蚊叮咬好说难做。

    Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.

  14. 这是治叮咬的药

    Here's the stuff for your bites.

  15. 这保护我防蚊虫叮咬。

    This protects me from mosquitoes.

  16. 蚊子没法去叮咬他们。

    and the mosquitoes can't get to them.

  17. 马不断地被苍蝇叮咬。

    The horses were continually pestered by flies.

  18. 采取措施预防被蚊子叮咬

    Take measures to avoid mosquito bite

  19. 昆虫叮咬任何裸露的皮肤。

    The insects bite down on any exposed skin.

  20. 驱赶跳蚤,蚊子,苍蝇得叮咬。

    Repels fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and biting flies.

  21. 驱赶跳蚤,蚊子,苍蝇的叮咬。

    Repels fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and biting flies.

  22. 虫子的叮咬痒痒了一整夜。

    The insect bite itched all night.

  23. 蚊子叮咬回传染艾滋病吗?

    Is mosquito bite answered catch AIDS

  24. 疟疾是通过蚊子叮咬传播的。

    Malaria is spread by mosquito bites.

  25. 蛇毒往往不是由叮咬注入的。

    Venom often isn't injected with the bite.

  26. 蛇毒往往不是由叮咬注入的。

    Venom often isn't injected with the bite.

  27. 蛇毒往往不是由叮咬注入得。

    Venom often isn't injected with the bite.

  28. 河南遭蜱虫叮咬,致病18人死亡。

    Death toll from tick bites rises to18 in Henan.

  29. 或者沉溺,但是采取仅一些叮咬。

    Or indulge, but take only a few bites.

  30. 怎样祛除蚊虫叮咬留下的疤痕?

    How does dispel mosquito bite the scar that leave?


  1. 问:叮咬虱拼音怎么拼?叮咬虱的读音是什么?叮咬虱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叮咬虱的读音是dīng yǎo shī,叮咬虱翻译成英文是 Heterodoxus