











汉语拼音:dì yī shì jiè






  1. 指 苏联 和 美国 两个超级大国。参见“ 第二世界 ”、“ 第三世界 ”。



  1. A wolf is as out of place in a concrete wasteland as a citizen of the First World would be in the depths of the Amazon or Sahara.


  2. The poor world is usually thought of as coming "third" after the first, capitalist West, and the second, communist East.


  3. Nevertheless, he said, "if you expect us to be a First World country, you are making a mistake" .


  4. During his years in government, he transformed the sleepy tropical trading outpost into a first-world economic tiger.


  5. If an inflation psychology is returning, not all the rich world's central bankers appear to be treating it with the same degree of fear.


  6. As the U. S. economy struggles, second and third world countries emerge as first world countries entering the global economy.


  7. Last Friday I learned what it was like to be part of a civilized, first world health system.


  8. The East Coast of China, especially around Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, may look, in parts, like the First World.


  9. In some respects, East China coastal area, especially Beijing, Shanghai and surrounding areas of Guangzhou may look like the first world.


  1. 这些是第一世界的人类。

    These people are that of the first world.

  2. 第一世界并不想把自己的享乐建筑在第三世界的痛苦之上。

    The First World is not feasting on the misery of the Third.

  3. 这是一个把第一世界带到第三世界的具体和有效方法。

    It is a tangible and effective way to bring part of the first world to the third.

  4. 透明度世界第一?

    And the World Record for Transparency Goes To.?

  5. 世界第一的发烧友?

    The World's Number One Audiophile?

  6. 亚洲是世界第一大洲。

    Asia is the largest continent in the world.

  7. 成为世界第一大经济体。

    and become the largest economy in the world.

  8. 新世界第一渡轮服务有限公司。

    New World First Ferry Services Ltd.

  9. 我们和世界第一大品牌赛跑!

    We Vie with the World No.1 Brand!

  10. 陈安之是世界第一推销员!

    Steve Chen is the World No. 1 Salesman! Anthony Robbin

  11. 彩玻生产规模位居世界第一。

    Its output of bulb of CTT is No.1 in the world.

  12. 然后就是格斗的世界第一了。

    Then I'd be fighting on the world level right now.

  13. 世界第一高搁浅四年起死回生

    World No. 1 high deadlock four years back.

  14. 撒哈拉大沙漠是世界第一大沙漠。

    The Sahara Desert is the world's largest desert.

  15. 康纳斯连续159周排名世界第一。

    Connors reigned as the world No. 1 for 159 consecutive weeks.

  16. 世界第一颗人造卫星叫做史泼尼克1

    The worlds first satellite was called Sputnik One.

  17. 珠穆朗玛峰是世界第一高峰。

    Mount Qomolangma is the world's highest peak.

  18. 珠穆朗玛峰是世界第一高峰。

    Mount Qomolangma is the highest summit in the world.

  19. 他们在建造世界第一高的摩天大楼。

    They are constructing the tallest skyscraper in the world.

  20. 世界第一所收藏泰迪熊的博物馆。

    The first Teddy Bear Museum on the world.

  21. 我们也没有说自己做的就是世界第一。

    We are also not saying we are the best in the world.

  22. 棉花是世界第一大产天然纤维的作物。

    Cotton is the most important crop for natural fiber production.

  23. 新山宽柔中学世界第一支节令鼓队,

    Foon Yew High School World First Festive Drum Troupe.

  24. 阿根廷目前在国际篮联排名世界第一。

    Argentina is currently ranked first at FIBA.

  25. 反对者认为会损害世界第一大过的经济。

    Opponents say it would damage the state's economy, one of the largest in the world.

  26. 丰田在2008年成为世界第一大汽车制造商。

    Toyota became the word world s largest auto automaker in 2008.

  27. 超级女声是世界第一款配置耳机声讯服务!

    You may hear erotic sound from earphone or loudspeaker!

  28. 为了成为世界第一短跑好手,你开始了特训。

    To become the worlds first sprint athletes, you started School.

  29. 来看看有世界第一高峰的喜马拉雅山脉。

    Look at the Himalayan plateau with the highest peaks in the world.

  30. 冰岛每人平均消耗的可口可乐量世界第一

    Iceland consumes more CocaCola per capita than any other country.


  1. 问:第一世界拼音怎么拼?第一世界的读音是什么?第一世界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:第一世界的读音是,第一世界翻译成英文是 First World