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1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……
汉语拼音:máo shān
宋 无名氏 《爱日斋丛钞》卷五:“ 徐鉉 随 后主 归朝,见士大夫寒日多披毛衫,大笑之。” 宋 俞琰 《席上腐谈》卷上:“今之蒙衫,即古之毳衣。蒙,谓毛之细软貌,如《诗》所谓‘狐裘蒙茸’之蒙。俗作氁。其实即是毛衫。毛讹为蒙,蒙又转而为氁。”
《金瓶梅词话》第三四回:“ 西门庆 拏出两疋尺头来,一疋大红紵丝,一疋鸚哥緑潞紬,教 李瓶儿 替 官哥 裁毛衫儿、披袄、背心儿、护顶之类。”
Blair's style notions were put to the test when he was asked to choose a pair of women's shoes to match grey shorts and a woolly jumper .
布莱尔还当场接受了一个时尚品位测试,为一条灰色短裤和一件套头羊毛衫配一双鞋。Pier-decks are largely the resort of the old, who sit in cardigans out of the wind and watch the young passing.
桥面上往往是老人们流连之地,他们穿着毛衫坐在风中,看着年轻人从身边匆匆而过。In the end, with great difficulty and the help of his wife, he got out of the sweater.
最后在他妻子的帮助下,费了好大的劲,才把毛衫脱下来。For many, they bring back memories of grandma and a time of year when "everybody just drops their sophistication and goes for the heart. "
对很多人来说,这些毛衫可以唤起儿时回忆,也是一年中“所有人褪去世故,表露真心”的时刻。Embarrassed to tell customers that sweater before is manufactured by PUYUAN, now has no such concerns.
以前不好意思跟客户说毛衫是濮院生产的,现在没有这个顾虑了。There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming .
这件事本身没什么问题,但事实上有些人极不适合穿鲜红色毛衫。Yet Ms. Wells has also rejected the below-the-knee skirts and neat matching sweaters suggested by her mother.
但韦尔斯也拒绝母亲提议的及膝裙和配套的毛衫。With the rise of the fashion of nostalgia, Christmas sweaters which had suffered the attack in the past is dramatically pandemic.
随着时装怀旧风的兴起,曾经饱受攻击的圣诞毛衫正迎来戏剧性的大流行。There it stayed until you came into the store, shopping with your mother.