




1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……









  1. Readers often staggering while still convincing, and then have to praise the author at the end of clever ideas and deal with it again and.


  2. A Review and Analysis of Reform of the Tax Collection and Management Model


  1. 法律移植研究再思

    Rethinking on the Legal Transplantation Research

  2. 解构主义翻译观之再思

    Rethinking The Deconstructionist Approach to Translation Studies

  3. 再思自然权利自由主义之基础

    Reconsidering Natural Rights as the base of Liberalism

  4. 再从那里飞往珀思。

    From there, he will fly to Perth.

  5. 朱迪思必须再得7分才能领先。

    Judith will have to get seven more points to take lead.

  6. 对马克思剩余价值理论的再认识

    Reflection on the Theory of Surplus Value of Karl Marx

  7. 马克思再生产理论与循环经济系统

    Marx's reduction theory and recycle economy system

  8. 论马克思哲学的再生产实践概念

    Concern about the Reproductive Praxis Conception in Marxian Philosophy.

  9. 不要说了!思嘉丽, 不要再说那种话。

    Stop it!Do you hear me, Scarlett ? Stop it!No more of that talk.

  10. 别再为我们花的每个小钱费心思了。

    Stop niggling about every penny we spend.

  11. 马克思扩大再生产充分条件的一个证明

    One Proof for the Sufficient Conditions of Marxian Ampliative Reproduction

  12. 我还以为不会再有大兵来了,思嘉说。

    I thought we were about through with soldiers, she said.

  13. 马克思的经济表与社会再生产理论的创立

    Marx's Tableau Economique and Establishment of Theory of Social Reproduction

  14. 她们就是主妇她们不会再花心思打扮自己因为。

    This woman is a housewife, And she doesn't bother trying to be beautiful Because.

  15. 思嘉, 这件事我不想再谈了, 已经了结了。

    Scarlett, I will not talk of this any more. It's finished.

  16. 马克思的扩大再生产分析法是长期动态分析法的雏形。

    Marxs analytic method of enlarged reproduction is the embryonic form of the longterm dynamic analytic method.

  17. 根据一项新的调查显示, 蓄胡子的政治人物应该再三思。

    Politicians with facial hair should think again, according to a new survey.

  18. 根据一项新得调查显示,蓄胡子得政治人物应该再三思。

    Politicians with facial hair should think again, according to a new survey.

  19. 思嘉把烤饼放在肉汤里泡了泡, 再拿起来吃。

    Scarlett sopped the wheat cake in the gravy and put it in her mouth.

  20. 关于课堂教学预设与生成的再思考 以初中思品课教学为例

    Reflections on Presupposition and Generation in Classroom Teaching

  21. 你喝掉最后一点思乐宝低卡饮料时再看那双眼睛吧

    Wait'll you see those eyes when you drink the last Diet Snapple.

  22. 你能给每人的本命盘和这张马克思盘再做另一张中点盘么?

    Can you make another midpoint chart for each person with the Marks chart?

  23. 三思而后再决定做某事

    think twice about something

  24. 他叫我三思而后再发言。

    He told me to think twice before speaking.