


1. 繁 [fán]2. 繁 [pó]繁 [fán]复杂:~杂。~乱。删~就简。~难。~嚣。多:~多。~重(zhòng )。纷~。频~。~星。~忙。~芜。~博。兴盛:~茂。~荣。~华。生物增生新个体:~殖。~育。~衍。繁 [pó]〔~台〕中……


1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……



汉语拼音:fán tǐ





2.指繁体字:“车”的~是“ ”。



繁体 [fán tǐ]
  1. 繁体字的简称。参见「繁体字」条。



  1. If you know how to type the traditional Chinese, but do not know how to type the simplified Chinese, you can use that way to help you out.


  2. The first of a total of four volumes is now available in a traditional Chinese version. English version will follow.


  3. Standard traditional Chinese -- understand about 80%, enough to read basic newspaper articles.


  4. Both Wang Ning and Wang Dengfeng stressed that the latest character modification had nothing to do with restoring traditional characters.


  5. "Switching back to traditional Chinese characters means billions of Chinese would have to relearn their mother language, " Wang Ning said.


  6. Able to read both traditional and simplified Chinese Characters.


  7. Please note that this guide book is written in Traditional Chinese.


  8. But a few characters in certain ancient books are much simpler than those in modern edition.


  9. Converts the specified range of a Bookmark control from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese or vice versa.


  1. 繁体手写汉字

    traditional Chinese handwritten character.

  2. 繁体中文字符集。

    The Traditional Chinese character set.

  3. 汉语,简体的或者繁体的

    Chinese, simplified or traditional.

  4. 简繁体中文拼音输入法

    Online Chinese Pin Yin Input Method

  5. 繁体的“机”字,笔划很多。

    The original form of"机" has many strokes.

  6. 简体中文和繁体中文之间的转换

    Convert Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese and vice versa

  7. 图中短线为繁体不整齐性。

    The short line in graph shows the propagule hierarchy.

  8. 将繁体中文字符映射到简体中文字符。

    Maps traditional Chinese characters to simplified Chinese characters.

  9. 中文神经元细胞结构繁体中文示意图。

    English Complete neuron cell diagram with Traditional Chinese captions.

  10. 书籍全是繁体,而且开价都在50以上。

    Books are all complex font and more than 50 HK dollars prices.

  11. 专供繁体中文版操作系统用户使用。

    For Traditional Chinese version of the operating system users.

  12. 程序包含2本书,红楼梦简体红楼梦繁体。

    This application contains 2 books in simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.

  13. 繁体文是有意义的, 华丽的, 优美的。

    Tratidtional Chinese are meaningful, beautiful, and elegant.

  14. 繁体文是有意义得,华丽得,优美得。

    Tratidtional Chinese are meaningful, beautiful, and elegant.

  15. 他练书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。

    He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy.

  16. 他练书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。

    He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy.

  17. 对于对游戏的兴趣翻译了自己的繁体版本。

    Interest in the game for the translation of its own Traditional version.

  18. 从所列出的语言内选择简体或繁体中文。

    Choose either simplified or traditional Chinese from the languages listed.

  19. 建立了有效的离体培养扩繁体系。

    Have set up effective rapid propagation system in vitro of Zingiber officinal Rose.

  20. 我发觉,有些人懂简体中文,但不懂繁体中文。

    I find that some people who know the simplified Chinese but do not know the traditional Chinese.

  21. 我们写得是简体中文, 人和香港人写得是繁体中文!

    We write Simplified Chinese, people in Taiwei and HongKong write Traditional Chinese!

  22. 我们写的是简体中文, 人和香港人写的是繁体中文!

    We write simplified chinese, people in Taiwei and Hongkong write traditional chinese!

  23. 此应用程式呈现繁体中文或其他语系的内容。

    This application displays part of Traditional Chinese or other language.

  24. 它能够实时进行简体和繁体中文的动态转换。

    It can in real time Simplified and Traditional Chinese dynamic conversion.

  25. 本程式支持英文, 繁体中文和简体中文三种语言。

    The program supports English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese languages.

  26. 我可以输入简体中文但是不知道如何输入繁体中文。

    I can input Chinese simplified but cannot input Chinese traditional.

  27. 系统默认支持中文简体、中文繁体和英文三中语言支持。

    Support system default Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional and English language support III.

  28. 基于现有软件进行中文简繁体转换的方法

    Method to Convert between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese Based on the Existing Conversion Tools

  29. 请查看我们关于你们的简体和繁体中文的反馈意见。

    Please see the attached feedback for simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese you sent us.

  30. 繁体中文的重要性在于每个字都有它的涵义。

    The importance of traditional Chinese lies in the fact that each character represents a very specific meaning.


  1. 问:繁体拼音怎么拼?繁体的读音是什么?繁体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁体的读音是fántǐ,繁体翻译成英文是 Chinese characters which are not simplified....

  2. 问:繁体字拼音怎么拼?繁体字的读音是什么?繁体字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁体字的读音是fántǐzì,繁体字翻译成英文是 traditional Chinese character

  3. 问:繁体中文拼音怎么拼?繁体中文的读音是什么?繁体中文翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁体中文的读音是fán tǐ zhōng wén,繁体中文翻译成英文是 traditional Chinese



繁体字即传统汉字(traditional Chinese character),在中国大陆颁布了《简化字总表》后,用以特指称原有的一套书体(新的书体称为简化字),港澳台地区仍以繁体字为官方文字。这个词只在一个字存在两种或两种以上写法时使用,顾名思义此时繁体字的笔画比简化字多。在历史不同时期,都有不同程度的简化写法产生,而传统的写法或保留,或作为异体字,或者因无人使用而逐渐从日常文字交流中消失;不过,也有很多汉字没有简化,这些字无所谓繁、简体,称为传承字。中国大陆以简化字和传承字为规范汉字,《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》第17条规定在下列情形可以保留或使用繁体字、异体字:文物古迹;姓氏中的异体字;书法、篆刻等艺术作品;题词和招牌的手书字;出版、教学、研究中需要使用的;经中华人民共和国国务院有关部门批准的特殊情况。