




1. 识 [shí]2. 识 [zhì]识 [shí]知道,认得,能辨别:~辨。~破。~相(xiàng )。~途老马。所知道的道理:知~。常~。辨别是非的能力:见~。远见卓~。识 [zhì]记住:博闻强~。标志,记号。……



汉语拼音:shǎng shí








  1. 认识到人的才能或作品的价值而予以重视或赞扬。

    《后汉书·许劭传》:“少峻名节,好人伦,多所赏识。若 樊子昭 、 和阳士 者,并显名於世。”《宋史·欧阳修传》:“奬引后进,如恐不及,赏识之下,率为闻人。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·厦门通信》:“我愿意我的东西躺在小摊上,被愿看的买去,却不愿意受正人君子的赏识。”



  1. But they also seem to feel that what they've done to improve China's statistics isn't sufficiently appreciated by the public.

  2. He decided to take a new job because he thought his abilities were not fully appreciated by his employer.

  3. If there was a touch of appreciation left in him for the bloom and unsophistication which is the charm of youth, it rekindled now.

  4. The bottom line for me is stability, appreciation, and a secure place in the organization.

  5. Narcissism is, in a sense, the converse of an habitual sense of sin; it consists in the habit of admiring oneself and wishing to be admired.

  6. New possibilities that arise for you now are the beginning of a completely new epoch which will bring great advances. You gain recognition.

  7. This was not always easy; we both had a very strong wish to be useful and to see our work appreciated.

  8. Remember that a man also needs appreciation and flattery. If he gets it from his wife, he's far less likely to look for it elsewhere.

  9. Appreciation from anyone, be it a boss, peer or even a junior colleague, is the biggest motivating factor in the workplace.


  1. 赏识它的优点

    appreciate its merits.

  2. 他很赏识你的才华。

    He appreciates your talent.

  3. 他深得雇主的赏识。

    He was in his employer's good graces.

  4. 他赏识保罗的勤奋。

    He was appreciative of Paul's diligence.

  5. 没有人赏识骗人得孩子。

    No one can admire a deceitful boy.

  6. 没有人赏识骗人的孩子。

    No one can admire a deceitful boy.

  7. 得到赏识是最佳的动力。

    Recognition is the greatest motivator.

  8. 她的音乐才能无人赏识。

    Her talent for music was not appreciated.

  9. 我是唯一赏识你的人。

    I'm the only one that knows what you are.

  10. 你得到赏识是当之无愧的。

    The recognition you have obtained is well deserved.

  11. 主编很赏识他这篇文章。

    The editor in chief thinks highly of this article of his.

  12. 他对国家的贡献获得赏识。

    His services to the State were recognized.

  13. 从赞扬和真诚赏识他人开始。

    Begin with praise and honest appreciation.

  14. 他的诗迟迟得不到赏识。

    His poetry was slow in achieving recognition.

  15. 史密斯先生赏识他的才能。

    Mr. Smith appreciates his abilities.

  16. 他会赏识你那迷人的才能。

    She will appreciate your winning talents.

  17. 他赏识我的诗,很让我高兴。

    He thought well of my poems, and I rejoiced in that.

  18. 他因理解深刻而很受赏识。

    He is admired for the depth of his perception.

  19. 这句话说明了赏识的魅力。

    This sentence has stated the glamour appreciated.

  20. 能欣赏的能够或表现出赏识的

    Capable of or showing appreciation.

  21. 你很赏识这个工作,他也一样。

    You appreciated it and so did he.

  22. 问题是没人赏识他的作品。

    The problem is that very few people really appreciate his work.

  23. 问题是没人赏识他得作品。

    The problem is that very few people really appreciate his work.

  24. 他们不懂得赏识他和他的工作。

    They didn't know how to appreciate him, or his work.

  25. 我坚信老板会赏识你的才能的。

    I am sure that the boss will appreciate your talents.

  26. 我们都赏识她丰富的草药知识。

    We all appreciate her knowledge of herbs.

  27. 政客可能很想博得群众的赏识。

    A politician may be tempted to play to the gallery.

  28. 他办事灵利,很受老板赏识。

    He is much appreciated by his boss, because he is quick witted when handling affairs.

  29. 他办事灵利,很受老板赏识。

    He is much appreciated by his boss, because he is quick witted when handling affairs.

  30. 他很快就受到了上级的赏识。

    Soon he was caressed by his superiors.


  1. 问:赏识拼音怎么拼?赏识的读音是什么?赏识翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赏识的读音是shǎngshí,赏识翻译成英文是 think highly of




拼音:shǎngshí 英文:[esteem;think highly of;appreciate the worth of] 意思:赏,欣赏。因认识一件事物的价值而赞赏。即看中人的才能或了解作品的价值而予以赞赏。 出处:这屠维岳也是已故老太爷赏识的人才。——茅盾《子夜》 例句:他的才能得到了老板的赏识。 《后汉书·许劭传》:“少峻名节,好人伦,多所赏识。若 樊子昭 、 和阳士 者,并显名於世。”《宋史·欧阳修传》:“奖引后进,如恐不及,赏识之下,率为闻人。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·厦门通信》:“我愿意我的东西躺在小摊上,被愿看的买去,却不愿意受正人君子的赏识。”

近义词:欣赏 赏识不是单项的施舍,是智慧与智慧的主动碰撞; 赏识不是别有用心的廉价恭维,是对一种相对价值的公正认同 赏识不是谀词满口的鄙俗奉承,是对事物固有魅力的真诚认可 赏识不是不懂装懂的敷衍了事,是惺惺相识的感情共鸣 赏识不是虚情假意的阿谀奉承,是发自内心的真心赞赏