







汉语拼音:lín xún










  1. 形容沟壑、山崖、建筑物等重迭幽深。

    唐 韩愈 《送惠师》诗:“遂登 天台 望,众壑皆嶙峋。” 清 刘大櫆 《游黄山记》:“登 始信 之峰,峰忽中断,两壁崭然,相去可寻丈,下视嶙峋千仞。”

  2. 形容山峰、岩石、建筑物等突兀高耸。

    宋 李纲 《登钟山谒宝公塔》诗:“我登 钟山 顶,白塔高嶙峋。” 明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·滇游日记四》:“坞口石峯东峙,嶙峋飞舞。”

  3. 形容人体瘦削露骨。

    清 梁章鉅 《归田琐记·北东园日记诗》:“病入膏肓岂易甦,嶙峋虎骨起长吁。”

  4. 形容气节高尚;气概不凡。

    明 无名氏 《四贤记·解绶》:“[净]狂夫气概鬱嶙峋,[丑小生]括目相看转怒嗔。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“太史敦尚风义,气节嶙峋。” 郭沫若 《芍药与其它·银杏》:“那是多么的嶙峋而又洒脱呀,恐怕自有佛法以来,再也不曾产生过象你这样的高僧。”



  1. What flower is there as delicate as this flower that grows out of a gnarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all blistered?


  2. Slim figured Victoria Beckham did not fare well among those questioned being voted the celebrity with the worst figure by both sexes.


  3. On the far side of the open stood one of the hills, with two quaint, craggy peaks, shining vividly in the sun.


  4. THE Kajaki dam, with its turquoise lake lost in the rocky wilderness of southern Afghanistan, is an unusually scenic setting for battle.


  5. Great black rocks emerging from the melting drifts, their craggy skins glistening like the backs of resurrected brontosaurus.


  6. Shaw's long, skinny body could be a medieval tomb carving, apart from the hints in the shadows of a 20th-century background.


  7. In deep, dark mine or on crumbling peak, Hear the words of love I speak. My thoughts Are with you.


  8. Four soaring steeples are honeycombed with cavities, revealing them to be the bony skeleton of support they are.


  9. Carved into its craggy summit are massive steps, part of a major Inca shrine.


  1. 怪石嶙峋的山顶

    a craggy summit

  2. 险峻嶙峋的峭壁

    sharp, angular cliffs

  3. 有个妇女骨瘦嶙峋,

    There was a lady all skin and bone

  4. 嶙峋的岬角突入海中。

    A rocky headland jutted into the sea.

  5. 经年操劳而骨节嶙峋得手。

    Hands gnarled with age

  6. 执嶙峋骨手牵我伴

    With boney hands I hold my partner

  7. 经年操劳而骨节嶙峋的手。

    Hands gnarled with age

  8. 那时候罗杰瘦骨嶙峋, 衣衫褴褛。

    Roger was then a bag of bones, and in rags.

  9. 堡垒似的嶙峋怪石直指云天,

    Their solid bastions to the skies

  10. 他猛地举起了他的瘦骨嶙峋的胳膊。

    He flung out a lean arm.

  11. 他们的腰带紧紧裹着瘦骨嶙峋的身体。

    Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames.

  12. 到处是山石嶙峋, 密林峰巅, 景色迷人。

    On every hand was a charming view of rocky buttresses and wooded heights.

  13. 高耸的建筑屹立在嶙峋的悬崖顶上。

    Tall buildings perch on the top of rocky cliffs.

  14. 而在它的嶙峋的脊背上转身向右,

    And turning right, along the jagged ridge

  15. 该山体石峰嶙峋, 山脊呈锯状。

    The ridge of the mountain.Whit its grotesquely shaped. Jagged rocks.

  16. 以像尸体一样的瘦骨嶙峋的脸庞为特点。

    Characteristic of the bony face of a cadaver.

  17. 他伸出瘦骨嶙峋的手臂,握住了我的手。

    He stretched out a thin arm and took my hands.

  18. 峡谷两侧地形复杂,水下丘岭嶙峋。

    The topography of the both sides of the canyon is complicate, and the underwater hills are jagged.

  19. 我无法读我这只瘦骨嶙峋的手写下的文字。

    I cannot read what I have written with this gaunt hand.

  20. 类鳄蝾螈得名于它背上嶙峋的凸起

    The crocodile newt gets its name from the bumps along its back.

  21. 光秃嶙峋的岩石衬托着天空的背景矗立在那里。

    The stark jagged rocks were silhouetted against the sky.

  22. 古人认为它嶙峋的尖峰就像神仙和天兵。

    The ancients thought its jagged peaks resembled gods and heavenly guardians.

  23. 圣地亚哥瘦骨嶙峋, 颈背上刻着深深的皱纹。

    Santiago is thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck.

  24. 瘦骨嶙峋的女人被称为细挑个儿,看上去弱不禁风。

    A woman who sports this emaciated,skeletal physique is called a waif,which is a thin person who appears fragile and needy.

  25. 我的手臂一直被小牛和瘦骨嶙峋的骨盆蹂躏着。

    All the time my arm was being squeezed between the calf and the bony pelvis.

  26. 这片风景区的一大特色就是有许多怪石嶙峋的山峰。

    One feature of this scenic spot is the large amount of jagged rocks in grotesque shapes.

  27. 艾瑞克将小小的头靠在那老人瘦骨嶙峋的肩上。

    Erik laid his tiny head upon the man's ragged shoulder.

  28. 他年已四十,瘦骨嶙峋,一张干瘦的脸,刻板而迂腐。

    He was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedanti c.

  29. 这个人显示出高且瘦骨嶙峋的特征舍伍德。安德森。

    A race of long gaunt men Sherwood Anderson.

  30. 安德鲁说她是一个瘦骨嶙峋,男人模样的大块头女人。

    Andrew describes her as a large, bony and masculine woman.


  1. 问:嶙峋拼音怎么拼?嶙峋的读音是什么?嶙峋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嶙峋的读音是línxún,嶙峋翻译成英文是 jagged; bony



突兀 ,边角不平整,凹凸不平。通常指石头英文:bony craggy rugged