


尖端,梢:~梢。~端。秋毫之~(毫毛尖端)。最后,终了:~了(liǎo )。~尾。~日。~代。穷途~路。非根本的,次要的,差一等的:~业。~技。舍本逐~。碎屑:~子。碎~。传统戏剧角色名,一般扮演中年以上男子:正~。副~。外~。~本(以男角……


1. 梢 [shāo]2. 梢 [sào]梢 [shāo]树枝或条状物的末端:树~。末~。~头。~林。末尾:眉~。收~。古代奏乐时拿的竿子。古同“艄”,船舵尾。梢 [sào]像圆锥体的形状。柱形物体的横剖面向一端面逐渐缩小的形式。……



汉语拼音:mò shāo








  1. 末尾;最后。

    《朱子语类》卷十一:“为学须是先立大本,其初甚约,中间一节甚广大,末梢又约。” 宋 刘克庄 《贺新郎·二鹤》词:“此老生平哀大陆,到末梢,始忆 华亭 唳。” 清 黄宗羲 《明儒学案·陈献章与贺克恭》:“人要学圣贤,毕竟要去学他。若道只是个希慕之心,却恐末梢未易凑泊,卒至废弛。” 萧红 《牛车上》:“金花菜在三月的末梢就开遍了溪边。”



  1. Branches of peripheral nerve are invaded by nests of malignant cells. This is often why pain associated with cancers is unrelenting.

  2. the wiring was not perfect: terminals of neighboring cells in the silicon retina did not end up next to one another in the silicon tectum.

  3. Each cell in this type of muscle has associated with it a nerve ending that is deeply embedded the sarcolemma .

  4. Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord.

  5. Peripheral blood examination, the total number of normal white blood cells, or lymphocytes decrease in mononuclear cells increased.

  6. Grueneberg thought it was just a nerve ending.

  7. The side on which one's vision, especially the peripheral vision, is limited or obstructed.

  8. This area is rich with nerve endings that, when stroked, reduce blood pressure, lower the heart rate, and calm the individual down.

  9. The flow conditions representative of physiological states at a distal end-to-side anastomosis of a coronary artery-graft are investigated.


  1. 维管束末梢

    bundle end.

  2. 鞭子的末梢

    the tip of a whip

  3. 末梢性催吐药

    peripheral emetic.

  4. 挂着的末梢,挂着的布条

    A hanging end or shred.

  5. 末梢性制吐药

    peripherally acting antiemetic.

  6. 末梢性肌弛缓剂

    peripheral muscle relaxant

  7. 末梢血管反应测听计

    capillary ending reflex audiometer

  8. 机翼末梢结起了冰。

    Ice formed on the extremities of the aircraft wings.

  9. 手上布满了神经末梢。

    The hands are richly supplied with nerve endings.

  10. 比方说这就是神经末梢。

    Let's say these are the nerve endings.

  11. 如何治疗末梢神经炎谢谢!

    How to treat neuritis thank!

  12. 神经节内板状末梢

    Intraganglionic laminar ending

  13. 末梢神经炎,跖趾麻痛等。

    Terminal neuritis, pain and numbness of toe and sole.

  14. 感觉神经末梢是在乳头上。

    Sensory nerve endings are present in the teat.

  15. 眼外肌神经末梢的比较

    The comparative study of the nerve endings of the extrinsic eye muscles

  16. 左边肱骨末梢需要外伤性截肢

    Traumatic amputation through the left distal humerus.

  17. 再看看,绿色和蓝色是末梢周围。

    And if you go to the green and blue, it is periphery.

  18. 医生说我可能患有神经末梢疾病。

    The doctor said that there might be something wrong with my nerve endings.

  19. 鸭喙及舌的神经末梢和感受器

    The nerve endings and receptors of duck's bill and tongue

  20. 重压使我的右桡骨末梢骨折。

    Hairline stress fracture on my right distal radius.

  21. 我让理发师只把我头发末梢剪掉。

    I asked the hairdresser just to snip the ends of my hair.

  22. 她在辫子的末梢打了一个花结。

    She tied a pretty knot at the end of her pigtails.

  23. 前庭神经末梢可见髓鞘水肿和髓鞘破坏。

    The vestibule nerve endings of the sheath were edema and destructed.

  24. 其他表现有末梢神经炎,皮炎及贫血等。

    Other show has end neuritis, dermatitis and anaemia to wait.

  25. 神经末梢突触囊泡相关的调节蛋白

    Regulating Proteins Participating in Neurotransmitter Release of Synaptic Vesicles at Nerve Terminals

  26. 格吕内贝格认为这只是一个神经末梢。

    Grueneberg thought it was just a nerve ending.

  27. 善于跳跃的小昆虫,吸食树枝和末梢的汁液。

    Small leaping insect that sucks juices of branches and twigs.

  28. 视线受限的一面尤指末梢视线受限或受限的一侧视线。

    The side on which ones vision, especially the peripheral vision, is limited or obstructed.

  29. 末梢上有结的一条长的,辫状的牛皮鞭

    A long, plaited rawhide whip with a knotted end

  30. 法警或者警察携带象征职务的手杖,末梢是。

    Staff with a metal tip carried as a sign of office by e. G. A bailiff or constable.


  1. 问:末梢拼音怎么拼?末梢的读音是什么?末梢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢的读音是mòshāo,末梢翻译成英文是 tip; end

  2. 问:末梢的拼音怎么拼?末梢的的读音是什么?末梢的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢的的读音是mò shāo de,末梢的翻译成英文是 acroteric

  3. 问:末梢盘拼音怎么拼?末梢盘的读音是什么?末梢盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢盘的读音是mò shāo pán,末梢盘翻译成英文是 telophase disk

  4. 问:末梢结拼音怎么拼?末梢结的读音是什么?末梢结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢结的读音是mò shāo jié,末梢结翻译成英文是 bouton terminaux

  5. 问:末梢分枝拼音怎么拼?末梢分枝的读音是什么?末梢分枝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢分枝的读音是mò shāo fēn zhī,末梢分枝翻译成英文是 terminal arborization

  6. 问:末梢动脉拼音怎么拼?末梢动脉的读音是什么?末梢动脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢动脉的读音是mò shāo dòng mài,末梢动脉翻译成英文是 end artery

  7. 问:末梢羽枝拼音怎么拼?末梢羽枝的读音是什么?末梢羽枝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢羽枝的读音是mò shāo yǔ zhī,末梢羽枝翻译成英文是 distal pinnule

  8. 问:末梢致敏拼音怎么拼?末梢致敏的读音是什么?末梢致敏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢致敏的读音是mò shāo zhì mǐn,末梢致敏翻译成英文是 peripheral sensitization

  9. 问:末梢潜伏期拼音怎么拼?末梢潜伏期的读音是什么?末梢潜伏期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢潜伏期的读音是mò shāo qián fú qī,末梢潜伏期翻译成英文是 terminal latency

  10. 问:末梢型轴突病拼音怎么拼?末梢型轴突病的读音是什么?末梢型轴突病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢型轴突病的读音是mò shāo xíng zhóu tū bìng,末梢型轴突病翻译成英文是 distal axonopathy

  11. 问:末梢性感觉缺失拼音怎么拼?末梢性感觉缺失的读音是什么?末梢性感觉缺失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:末梢性感觉缺失的读音是mò shāo xìng gǎn , jué quē shī,末梢性感觉缺失翻译成英文是 peripheral anesthesia


