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《后汉书·樊準传》:“羣雄崩扰,旌旗乱野。”《三国志·吴志·陆逊传》:“羣雄虎争,英豪踊跃。” 杨度 《湖南少年歌》:“羣雄此日争追鹿,大地何年起卧龙。” 朱德 《赠友人》诗:“北 华 收復赖羣雄,猛士如云唱《大风》。”
"China is out on its own, far ahead of the pack, " said James Wilsdon, of the Royal Society in London.
“中国独树一帜,远远领先于群雄。”伦敦皇家学会的詹姆斯·威尔斯顿说。Jim Rogers, chief executive of Duke Energy, has said he was interested in more deals in the fragmented US power market.
美国杜克能源公司(DukeEnergy)首席执行官吉姆•罗杰斯(JimRogers)表示,他有意在群雄割据的美国电力市场达成更多交易。Qin died, warlords, and since coming out to help re-Zhang Liu to get the final victory, the establishment of the Han Dynasty.
秦皇死后,群雄并起,张良重新出山帮刘邦获得最终胜利,建立汉朝。The absence of consensus over which country will oversee the coming world is just as it should be.
对于哪个国家将傲视群雄,主宰未来的世界却缺乏共识,这理应如此。In the low-income category, Ukraine comes out on top, and Cuba outdoes its fellow middle-income countries in quality of life.
在低收入国家中,乌克兰的生活质量排在第一位,古巴则在中等收入国家中“傲视群雄”。Changzhou Yufeng plant for the next injection of fresh blood, lay the rapid expansion of international market ahead of the pack position.
为未来常州宇峰厂注入新鲜血液,奠定快速拓展国际市场领先群雄的地位。Even at the height of U. S. geopolitical dominance and economic strength, American students were never anywhere near the head of the class.
就算是在美国地缘政治和经济最鼎盛时期,美国学子也从没说傲居群雄。So with the example "I'm brilliant, " you might imagine yourself standing tall, posing like Superman with your hands on your hips.
就“我是个天才”这个例子而言,你可能会想象自己傲视群雄,像超人那样双手叉腰站着。Google's decision to launch its own music store is the latest salvo in a wider conflict being waged by the titans of the tech world.
At present, all feudal lords are vying for the throne.
Our product is in the lead in this industry.
Invincible Ultra Low Threshold, Ultra Low Risk, The Absolute Superiority Crushes The Independent Warlords
The period between the Later Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms was a period in which warlords sprang up everywhere.
Thanks to his talent, he has an edge over the other actors.
Thanks to his talent, he has an edge over the other actors.
It is reported that European football games are getting more and more exciting as many new stars emerge.
It is reported that European football games are getting more and more exciting as many new stars emerge.
In his semifinal bout Friday night, Zou showed a canny ability to work the crowd.
刘邦集团在群雄逐鹿中最终胜出, 创建了汉王朝。
Liu Bang group in the feudal lords vying for the throne of the winner, founded the Han dynasty.
这仍然是一个群雄逐鹿的时代, 只不过参与者已经物是人非。
This is still a time like warring periods, in which only the leading role changes.
在澳大利亚, 有一群雄蜂因香寻源, 强占了一株王蜘蛛兰。
Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spider orchid.