




天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……



汉语拼音:chè yè







  1. 通宵,整夜。

    《初学记》卷十五引 隋 薛道衡 《和许给事善心戏场转韵》:“竟夕鱼负灯,彻夜龙衔烛。” 唐 元稹 《独夜伤怀赠呈张侍御》诗:“寡鹤连天叫,寒雏彻夜惊。” 宋 朱熹 《戏赠胜私老友》诗:“乞得山田三百亩,青灯彻夜课农书。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献六·王山随札》:“忽念及 康斋 先生,十月单衾彻夜,至以夏布帐加覆,毫无厌贫之意。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“彻夜的煮福礼,全是一人担当,竟没有添短工。”



  1. After the mountains outside the wind generated by the whir, I think the cold into the heart bone, awake at night.


  2. She said she went to bed then got up in the morning only to find that he had been up all night working at a small wooden table.


  3. Maybe the fact that he stayed up all night doing mathematics was the fact that he was such a bad shot that morning and got killed.


  4. He had not, as a warning for the future, decide the very next day in any case to his beloved girl.


  5. In Europe, Greeks, Irish and Spaniards began partying through the night to help put a year of economic woe behind them.


  6. All that night Natasha did not sleep, and did not weep, and said not a word to Sonya, who got up several times and went in to her.


  7. So he stayed up the whole night , writing away , trying to explain his ideas .


  8. Self-Pride And Superiority Complex Make A Person Vulnerable. As He Would Suffer Mental Anguish In The Face Of Adversity.


  9. At the end of his life, tired but still game, he relied on shots of adrenaline to carry him through a full night of partying.


  1. 他彻夜工作。

    He worked all night.

  2. 各方彻夜谈判。

    The parties negociated all night.

  3. 我彻夜未眠。

    I passed a wakeful night.

  4. 她彻夜未归。

    She stayed out all night.

  5. 她彻夜未归。

    She stayed out all night.

  6. 雨彻夜未停。

    The rain kept up all night.

  7. 雨彻夜不停。

    The rain kept on all night.

  8. 灯彻夜亮着。

    The light was burning all through the night.

  9. 他会彻夜哭泣。

    He would spend his time weeping.

  10. 两军彻夜战斗。

    The two armies battled all night.

  11. 他们彻夜未眠。

    They stayed up the whole night long.

  12. 狂欢活动彻夜不休。

    The revelry continued all night.

  13. 上帝彻夜呼唤我们

    All Through The Night God Is Calling Us

  14. 人们彻夜唱歌跳舞。

    All night long. people dance and sing.

  15. 我们彻夜加紧袭击。

    We kept up the attack throughout the night.

  16. 让繁星照彻夜空。

    Let the stars shine through.

  17. 那些狼彻夜嗥叫。

    The wolves howled all night.

  18. 那孩子彻夜未归。

    The child stayed out all night.

  19. 现在却彻夜未眠。

    Is now finding himself dreading it.

  20. 一声尖叫响彻夜空。

    A sharp cry pierced the night air.

  21. 一声喊叫响彻夜空。

    An outcry went pealing through the night.

  22. 医生彻夜守着病人。

    The doctor sat up all night with the patient.

  23. 他们彻夜劳作到黎明。

    Were toiling upward in the night.

  24. 我整日安眠, 我彻夜哭泣!

    By day I sleep, at night I weep!

  25. 大厅里灯火彻夜通明。

    The lights in the hall burned all night.

  26. 风暴的混沌响彻夜空。

    Through the night a chaos of storms arise.

  27. 赛船后他们彻夜欢闹。

    They were rioting all night after the boat race.

  28. 山上彻夜降了雪。

    Snow has fallen on the mountains all night.

  29. 彻夜不归 派对荡妹。

    Walk of shame,party of one.

  30. 彻夜不归 派对荡妹。

    Walk of shame, party of one.


  1. 问:彻夜拼音怎么拼?彻夜的读音是什么?彻夜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彻夜的读音是chèyè,彻夜翻译成英文是 all night; the whole night; from dusk to dawn...

  2. 问:彻夜蛾拼音怎么拼?彻夜蛾的读音是什么?彻夜蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彻夜蛾的读音是chèyèé,彻夜蛾翻译成英文是 Checupa fortissima

  3. 问:彻夜不眠拼音怎么拼?彻夜不眠的读音是什么?彻夜不眠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彻夜不眠的读音是,彻夜不眠翻译成英文是 pernoctation

  4. 问:彻夜蛾属拼音怎么拼?彻夜蛾属的读音是什么?彻夜蛾属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彻夜蛾属的读音是chèyèé shǔ,彻夜蛾属翻译成英文是 Checupa



chè yè