




1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:piān shí








  1. 日偏食和月偏食的统称。在朔日,如果地面上某一部分落在月球的半影之内,当地的人便会看见太阳的一部分被月球掩蔽,称为“日偏食”。在望日,如果月球的一部分落在地影之内,地面的人便会看见月球的一部分被地影掩蔽,称为“月偏食”。参见“ 日食 ”、“ 月食 ”。

  2. 只爱吃某几种食物的不良习惯,如只爱吃鱼、肉,而不爱吃蔬菜。

    邵燕祥 《佳肴·罐头·豆腐》:“忌口,吃偏食,不利于健康。”

  3. 喻特殊优遇。

    乔迈 《三门李轶闻》:“公社很想给‘党组’吃一点偏食,可惜手头并没有化肥。”



  1. Previous work has shown that this variant is associated with novelty-seeking, food- and drug-cravings, and ADHD.


  2. The quality of the theses still remains to be improved, and "the phenomenon of partiality for certain food" should arouse our attention.


  3. A prey-predator system model with sexual favoritism is considered, and a sufficient condition of uniform persistence is given out.


  4. The lunar eclipse may divide into the partial lunar eclipse, the total lunar eclipse and the lunar appulse three kinds.


  5. My mother said she had seen Eclipse when I was a child, as her describe, it should be partial eclipse.


  6. Later this year, in August, there will be a total solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse.


  7. in a penumbral eclipse , there would only be " moon enters penumbra " , " middle of eclipse " and " moon leaves penumbra "


  8. Central Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and north-west China all observed an eclipsed Sun dive over the horizon.


  9. This eclipse is about to fall on the solstice, which gives it much more influence.


  1. 月偏食了。

    The moon is partly eclipsed.

  2. 偏食的改变需要时间来发生。

    Changes in food preferences take time to happen.

  3. 看见月偏食真是个千载难逢的事。

    Eg. Seeing the partial eclipse is once in a blue moon.

  4. 看见月偏食真是个千载难逢得事。

    Eg. Seeing the partial eclipse is once in a blue moon.

  5. 目的探讨儿童厌食偏食的治疗方法。

    Objective To probe the therapy of anorexia and food preference in chidren.

  6. 它也帮助你避免偏食和放纵开怀。

    It also helps you avoid cravings and overindulging.

  7. 月亮遮住太阳会形成日偏食。

    When the moon shuts out the sun, a partial solar eclipse appears.

  8. 月亮遮住太阳会形成日偏食。

    When the moon shuts out the sun, a partial solar eclipse appears.

  9. 因为食物有五味, 偏食则对身体有害。

    Because food has the five senses, the partial eclipse is harmful to the body.

  10. 你所需要的是充分的睡眠和不偏食。

    All you need is enough sleep and a balanced diet.

  11. 培养幼儿不偏食、不挑食的饮食卫生习惯。

    Cultivate good habits about choice of food and not to be too selective.

  12. 这些地点可以看到完整的偏食从开始到结束。

    These locations can see the complete eclipse from beginning to end.

  13. 健胃消食。可改善儿童厌食、偏食及消化不良。

    To strengthen stomach and digest food to improve children's anorexia and dyspepsia.

  14. 月食可分为月偏食, 月全食及半影月食三种。

    The lunar eclipse may divide into the partial lunar eclipse, the total lunar eclipse and the lunar appulse three kinds.

  15. 涐对感情很偏食, 只靠你的爱涐才可以过日子。

    My feelings very partial, depending only on your love I can live.

  16. 对偏食作一定的努力是可以的,但强制是不行的。

    The eclipse for a certain degree of effort is yes, but enforcement is not acceptable.

  17. 人们如果偏食,则是营养总量再多也是营养缺乏。

    Partiality for a particular kind of food will result in nutrition deficiency though the total quantity of nutrition may be high.

  18. 猪是不偏食的人, 他们消费植物和小的动物办法。

    Pigs are omnivores, which means that they consume both plants and small animals.

  19. 如果只有部分月亮进入地球的本影,就产生月偏食。

    The Moon orbits Earth about once every 29 and a half days.

  20. 有选择性的偏食者也吃素食, 但反过来显然不是。

    Selective omnivores also eat vegetarian fare, but the reverse is obviously not true.

  21. 如果事情是无法修复的, 偏食会可能标志着此关系的结束。

    If things are beyond repair, this eclipse could mark the end of the relationship.

  22. 楠楠上菜时要赞不绝口,多吃几碗,不得有偏食挑菜之行为。

    When Nancy serves the dishes, I should eat greedily and sing high praise for her excellent cooking skills, any fussy or choosy behavior is forbidden.

  23. 本研究中低钙偏食明显加重了慢性氟中毒大鼠的骨病变。

    This study showed that low calcium diet obviously aggravate skeletal lesion in chronic fluorotic rats.

  24. 本研究中低钙偏食明显加重了慢性氟中毒大鼠得骨病变。

    This study showed that low calcium diet obviously aggravate skeletal lesion in chronic fluorotic rats.

  25. 四,本研究中低钙偏食明显加重了慢性氟中毒大鼠的骨病变。

    This study showed that low calcium diet obviously aggravate skeletal lesion in chronic fluorotic rats.


  1. 问:偏食拼音怎么拼?偏食的读音是什么?偏食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏食的读音是piānshí,偏食翻译成英文是 favor for a particular food; partial eclips...

  2. 问:偏食共生拼音怎么拼?偏食共生的读音是什么?偏食共生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏食共生的读音是piān shí gòng shēng,偏食共生翻译成英文是 phagophilia



“偏食”是个多义词,它可以指偏食(杨丞琳演唱歌曲), 偏食(词语)。