




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……





汉语拼音:sì bù jí shé








  • 【解释】:驷:古时由四匹马拉的车;舌:指说的话。一句话说出口,四匹马拉的车也追不回。比喻一句话说出来,再也无法收回。
  • 【出自】:《论语·颜渊》:“夫子之说君子也,驷不及舌。”
  • 【示例】:酒自外入,机繇内泄。悔从醒生,~。


  1. na.
  2. A word (

  3. lightly) spoken goes faster than a team of four horses.;Even a team of four horses cannot overtake and recover what is already said.

  4. >

  1. 口底及舌重建

    reconstruction of mouth and tongue.

  2. 不孕症患者证与舌象及舌印片的对照观察

    Comparative Observation on TCM Syndrome, Tongue Picture and Tongue Printing Slides in Female Sterility

  3. 舌下腺及颌下腺

    internal salivary gland

  4. 鸭喙及舌的神经末梢和感受器

    The nerve endings and receptors of duck's bill and tongue

  5. 针刺督脉及舌体治疗中风失语症临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Aphasia due to Apoplexy with Acupuncture of Governor Vessel and Tongue

  6. 先从轻轻啄及舌吻免费为你结识了良缘。

    Start with gentle pecks and tonguefree kisses as you get to know someone.

  7. 主要表现为口腔粘膜及舌部红斑、烂、斑和咽部充血。

    The clinical manifestations included erythema, erosion and white patch in the oral cavity and the tongue, and ingestion of the pharynx.

  8. 面动脉主干及舌动脉则主要分布于扁桃体的下部和下极。

    The facial artery and the lingual arterysend branches to the lower portion and lower pole.

  9. 萎缩性舌炎患者舌背菌群及相关因素的研究

    Research on Florae on Tongue Dorsum of Patients with Atrophic Glossitis and Correlated Factors

  10. 压舌及刮舌器

    depressor and scraper, tongue.

  11. 舌神经修复效果及评价方法的初步研究。

    Evaluating methods and effects of repairing injured lingual nerves on human.

  12. 舌神经修复效果及评价方法得初步研究。

    Evaluating methods and effects of repairing injured lingual nerves on human.

  13. 舌咽迷走及副神经麻痹

    Vernet syndrome

  14. 茎舌骨肌及二腹肌神经

    nervus stylohyoideus et digastricus

  15. 舌骨肌切开及腭咽成形术

    Hyoid bone myotomy and palatopharyngoplasty

  16. 钩舌铸造泥孔开裂原因及措施

    The causes to the core hole cracking in the coupler knuckle castings and the remedies

  17. 舌再造术后舌部肌电及吞咽压的测定

    The measurement of EMG and deglutition pressure after glossal reconstruction

  18. 颊肌从颊侧及咽上缩肌从舌侧进入其中。

    Buccinator fibres enter from the buccal, and superior constrictor fibres enter from the lingual.

  19. 训诂二例兼及上古牙音与舌音关系

    Explanation and Relations Between the Sound of the Root of the Tongue and the Sound of the Tip of the Tongue of the Ancient Pronounce

  20. 舌癌鼠舌乳头及结缔组织芯扫描电镜观察

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Lingual Papillae and Connective Tissue Core in Rats Tongue Cancer

  21. 现在悦榕庄的酒店远及墨西哥, 塞舌尔。

    Banyan Tree now has hotels as far apart as Mexico and the Seychelles.

  22. 目得探讨甲状腺舌管囊肿得超声及病理基础。

    Objective To investigate the ultrasound manifestations and pathological foundation thyroglossal cyst.

  23. 金黄地鼠舌癌模型的建立及其颈淋巴结转移

    The establishment of the induced tongue carcinoma model in Syrian Golden Hamster and its cervical lymphnode metastasis.

  24. 目的探讨特殊类型的舌下腺囊肿的临床特点及治疗。

    Objective To find the clinical features and treating methods for the sublingual gland cyst of the submaxillary type.

  25. 舌系带过短儿童的语音障碍及舌系带延长术后的语音训练

    Asaphia in children with ankyloglossia and articulation therapy after lengthening of lingual frenum

  26. 舌咽、迷走、副神经和舌下神经的解剖及影像学表现

    Anatomy and Image Presentation of Glassopharygeal, Vagus, Accessory Nerve and Hypoglosal Nerve

  27. 目的分析塞舌尔人急性胰腺炎猝死的原因及特点。

    Objective To analyze the causes and characteristics of sudden death of acute pancreatitis in Seychelles.

  28. 下颌第一磨牙远中舌侧根的弯曲度及预备方法探究

    Study of Canal Curvature and Preparation Methods in the Distolingual Roots of Mandibular First Molars.

  29. 人体口腔颊、舌部淋巴管的结构特点及分布与癌转移

    Buccal and Lingual Cancer Metastasis to Structural Features and Distribution of the Lymphatics

  30. 对西施舌稚贝的摄食率及藻类选择性变化进行研究。

    The ingestion rate and selection of algal food in juveniles of Coelomactra antiquata was carried out.





词 目 驷不及舌 发 音 sì bù jí shé 释 义 驷:古时由四匹马拉的车;舌:指说的话。一句话说出口,四匹马拉的车也追不回。比喻一句话说出来,再也无法收回。

出 处 《论语·颜渊》:“夫子之说君子也,驷不及舌。” 示 例 酒自外入,机繇内泄。悔从醒生,~。(明·东鲁古狂生《醉醒石》第十二回) 我那时还以老朋友自居,在序文上说了几句老实话,事后,才知道半农颇不高兴了,“驷不及舌”,也没有法子。(鲁迅 《忆刘半农君》) 用 法 作谓语;指说一不二 近义词 驷马难追