


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:wèi rén shuō xiàng








  • 【解释】:为:替;项:唐朝项斯,字子迁,为杨敬之所器重。指替人说好话。
  • 【出自】:唐·杨敬之《赠项斯》:“平生不解藏人善,到处逢人说项斯。”
  • 【示例】:行辕中又送来几封京里书札,雯青一一检视,也有亲友寻常通贺的,也有大人先生~的。


  1. na.
  2. speak for sb.

  1. 不要再为人说项了,谈谈你自己的看法吧。

    Don't speak for your friend; speak for yourself.

  2. 我并不是说此项进程是完美无缺的。

    I am not saying that the process was flawless.

  3. 我对他说那项计画是行不通得。

    I represented to him that the plan was not practicable.

  4. 我对他说那项计画是行不通的。

    I represented to him that the plan was not practicable.

  5. 但是他们并没有说这项措施什么时候开始实施。

    But they did not say when the measure would come into effect.

  6. 内森说此项研究不能证明吸烟会导致糖尿病。

    Nathan noted that the study cant prove that smoking causes diabetes.

  7. 有报道说这项政策的拥护者要齐聚德里召开群众集会。

    Supporters of the policy are reported to be gathering in Delhi for a mass rally.

  8. 新墨西哥州得一个朋友说那项法令并未在那里引起风潮。

    A friend in new mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there.

  9. 新墨西哥州的一个朋友说那项法令并未在那里引起风潮。

    A friend in new mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there.

  10. 严格地说, 每项违例事项应分开考虑。

    Strictly speaking, each offence should be considered separately.

  11. 那项尝试宁说是个失败。

    The attempt was rather a failure.

  12. 下面哪项可以说时明光反射的原理?

    Which of the following show the principle of light reflection?

  13. 你说说你觉得哪项最过头了。

    Now you name one thing that you think is going over the top.

  14. 就是说你们有两项愚蠢的规定。

    So you have two stupid policies.

  15. 发言人说舆论对此项法案已经达成了共识.

    The spokesman said a consensus about the law had been reached.

  16. 发言人说舆论对此项法案已经达成了共识。

    The spokesman said a consensus about the law had been reached.

  17. 他这人有什么说什么, 为人耿介。

    He is honest and straightforward, he will tell us everything he thinks.

  18. 他这人有什么说什么,为人耿介。

    He is honest and straightforward, he will tell us everything he thinks.

  19. 她说,议程的第一项内容将是交换信息。

    She says the first item on the agenda will be an exchange of information.

  20. 噢, 我认为别人可能说一个家庭有许多项支出。

    Well, I think others might say a family has a lot of expenses.

  21. 说你了解我的为人

    That you understand who I am.

  22. 想象一下国会议员想要鼓励某项活动,比如说猎鹬。

    Imagine that there is some activity say, snipe hunting that members of Congress want to encourage.

  23. 我与其说是反感威尔的行为,不如说是讨厌他的为人。

    I did not really object to Will's behaviour so much as his personality.

  24. 说他为人贪婪的责难

    the imputation that he is greedy

  25. 公司说这项业务不赚钱。

    The company said the service was uneconomic.

  26. 我说,你该做这项实验

    I said, You should actually do this.

  27. 这项报告并不是在说他。

    This report does not relate to him.

  28. 为什么说跳跃是一项重要技术?

    Why is jumping such an important skill ?

  29. 这项工作对我来说很难。

    This work make great demands on me.

  30. 他说这项决定是不可改变的。

    He said the decision was irrevocable.

