




1. 饮 [yǐn]饮 [yǐn]喝,又特指喝酒:~水思源。~酒。~泣(泪流满面,流到口里,形容悲哀到了极点)。~鸩止渴。指可喝的东西:冷~。~料。~食。中医汤剂的一种类型:香苏~。~子(不规定时间服用的汤剂)。中医学指体内水液传输不利停于……



汉语拼音:kuáng yǐn







  1. 纵饮,畅饮。

    五代 魏承班 《满宫花》词:“雪霏霏,风凛凛,玉郎何处狂饮。” 清 孙枝蔚 《望金山怀旧》诗:“畴昔论文明月夜,两人狂饮 妙高臺 。” 洪深 《申屠氏》第四本:“ 李逵 只顾狂饮,庄客只顾添酒。”



  1. But they were no more likely to have other psychological disturbances and no more likely to be classified as heavy drinkers.


  2. Scientists say the toothpastes do make enamel more acid-resistant -- but not enough to protect you if you guzzle soda all day.


  3. Stock Hemingway Narrating Character: "It was in Europe after the war. We were depressed. We drank a lot. We were still depressed. "


  4. Great! I must warn you though, whatever happens, don't let me go on a drinking binge. Trust me, it's not a pretty picture!


  5. Gordon : By the look of him he's full of Christmas, New Year, Easter and Thanksgiving cheer all at the same time.


  6. And the girl lived happily ever and went shopping , dancing , drank martinis , always had a clean house and never had to cook .


  7. Wealthy Romans stuffed their pillows with saffron after a night of drinking in hopes of relieving hangovers the next day.


  8. Yes, we provide champagne on tap, but that's because we know our clients are discerning enough not to drink us out of business.


  9. I must warn you though, whatever happens, don't let me go on a drinking binge.


  1. 沉溺于狂饮

    on the drunk.

  2. 狂饮三天。

    go on a drunken bender for three days

  3. 狂饮作乐。

    A drunken spree or revel.

  4. 他狂饮作乐。

    He went on a drinking spree.

  5. 进行狂饮作乐。

    go on a drunken debauch

  6. 闹酒狂饮者

    A boisterous reveler.

  7. 她偶尔会狂饮一通。

    She went on occasional drinking binges.

  8. 嬉戏, 喧闹, 狂饮, 纵酒取乐

    go on the randan

  9. 他在狂饮滥喝。

    He is drinking himself to death.

  10. 他们在筵席上狂饮。

    They liquored up at the feast.

  11. 他饮酒时总是狂饮。

    He always goes overboard when he drinks.

  12. 他们昨晚出去狂饮至深夜。

    They went out boozing late last night.

  13. 这星期她狂饮葡萄酒。

    She is mainlining wine this week.

  14. 兴致勃勃地狂饮麦芽酒

    quaffed the ale with gusto.

  15. 他们昨夜出去狂饮作乐。

    They went on a binge last night.

  16. 我们在聚会上狂饮暴食。

    We ate and drank copiously at the party.

  17. 他们过去习惯于狂饮烈酒。

    They were used to imbibing enormous quantities of alcohol.

  18. 她更有狂饮和自杀的倾向。

    She was prone to alcoholic binges and suicidal thoughts.

  19. 整个晚上他都在狂饮啤酒。

    He's been guzzling beer all evening.

  20. 反刍,吃芯片的电视机前,狂饮?

    Ruminating, eating chips in front of the TV, binge drinking ?

  21. 例如玩轮盘赌,狂饮和喋喋不休

    like playing roulette and drinking booze and yakking.

  22. 狂饮 震耳欲聋的音乐声 你知道吗?

    the drinking, the music okay, you know what?

  23. 你如果那样狂饮暴食,会生病的。

    You'll feel sick if you guzzle like that.

  24. 他们整晚都在酒吧间狂饮。

    They spent the whole evening in the bar boozing up.

  25. 他们狂饮了一通之后一直在打架。

    They had been fighting after a drinking bout.

  26. 他们狂饮着,好似没有明天一样。

    They were knocking back drinks as if there were no tomorrow.

  27. 他们狂饮着,好似没有明天一样。

    They were knocking back drinks as if there were no tomorrow.

  28. 这些男孩狂饮廉价得伏特加酒。

    The boys guzzled the cheap Vodka.

  29. 这些男孩狂饮廉价的伏特加酒。

    The boys guzzled the cheap Vodka.

  30. 这些男孩狂饮廉价的伏特加酒。

    The boys guzzled the cheap Vodka.


  1. 问:狂饮拼音怎么拼?狂饮的读音是什么?狂饮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狂饮的读音是kuángyǐn,狂饮翻译成英文是 To quaff immoderately; guzzle

  2. 问:狂饮作乐拼音怎么拼?狂饮作乐的读音是什么?狂饮作乐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狂饮作乐的读音是,狂饮作乐翻译成英文是 bacchanal

  3. 问:狂饮作乐的拼音怎么拼?狂饮作乐的的读音是什么?狂饮作乐的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狂饮作乐的的读音是,狂饮作乐的翻译成英文是 bacchanalian