




正,不歪斜:~正(a.事物不歪斜;b.正派,正确;c.使端正)。~丽。~然。~庄。~秀。~静。~坐。正派,正直:~方。~直。~重(zhòng )。品行不~。事物的一头:~的(dì)(a.事情的经过,底细;b.的确,果然;c.究竟。均亦称“端……


1. 邪 [xié]2. 邪 [yá]3. 邪 [yé]4. 邪 [yú]5. 邪 [xú]邪 [xié]不正当,不正派:~恶(è)。~念。~说。中医指引起疾病的环境因素:寒~。风~。迷信的人指鬼神给予的灾祸:中(zhòng)~。妖异怪诞:……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:yì duān xié shuō







  • 【解释】:指和正统思想不同的有害的学说。
  • 【出自】:《论语·为政》:“攻乎异端,斯害也已。”宋·朱熹《朱子语类·论语》:“若异端邪说释老之学。”
  • 【示例】:哥白尼的太阳系学说,曾被当时的宗教势力看成是~,受到野蛮的压制。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作主语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. Newton, whose secret heresies and scholastic superstitions it had been the study of a lifetime to conceal!


  2. Despite his failure, Nom Anor continued to risk heresy in his quest for information he could use to his advantage.


  3. Indeed, despite his own heterodoxy, Angel often felt that be was nearer to his father on the human side than was either of his brethren.


  4. Whisper it quietly, and be prepared for accusations of heresy to rain down on your head, but that might be a deal worth making.


  5. That the sun and not the earth the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages.


  6. She tried to muffle the heresy within herself and couldn't; even the word possibilities was splendidly dangerous and ignoble.


  7. They appealed immediately to the socialist, even communist, instincts with which she liked to shock her parents.


  8. That he held this heresy was a further aggravation of his silence and secrecy and inwardness of disposition.


  9. These other Christologies were all declared heretical at some point in Christian history.


  1. 他不容异端邪说。

    He is intolerant of heresy.

  2. 早期新教徒的异端邪说

    the heresies of the early Protestants

  3. 克制是异端邪说的敌人。

    Continence is the foe of heresy.

  4. 我们应该公开指责异端邪说。

    We should denounce a heresy.

  5. 所有的这些都是异端邪说。

    All this is grand heresy.

  6. 似是而非及异端邪说被视为真理。

    Halftruth and hearsay was called truth.

  7. 现在,在设计界 这是异端邪说

    Now, this is heresy in the design world.

  8. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。

    It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force.

  9. 她认为应该增加税收,这是异端邪说。

    Her belief that taxes should be higher was heresy.

  10. 在火刑柱上烧死异端邪说者。

    Burning heretics at the stake.

  11. 在其他时代, 基督教也被当成异端邪说。

    Other times, christianity was considered heresy.

  12. 他的一些同时代的考虑他的一些想法是异端邪说。

    Some of his contemporaries considered some of his ideas to be heretical.

  13. 他就早期新教徒的异端邪说作了演讲。

    He gave a speech on the heresies of the early Protestants.

  14. 提出这样一个观点可能会被视为异端邪说。

    It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.

  15. 果尔德施坦因及其异端邪说将永远存在。

    Goldstein and his heresies will live for ever.

  16. 没有艾滋病的成效,被忽略了在该中心的异端邪说。

    No aids to effectiveness were to be neglected in that centre of heresies.

  17. 我发誓放弃, 诅咒并憎恶上述错误及异端邪说。

    I abjure, curse and detest the abovementioned errors and heresies and in general, each and every other error thereby and cite contrary to the Holy Church.

  18. 在封建社会,罗马教会把科学理论当成是异端邪说。

    In feudal society, the Roman church regarded scientific theories as heretical beliefs.

  19. 在封建社会,罗马教会把科学理论当成是异端邪说。

    In feudal society, the Roman church regarded scientific theories as heretical beliefs.

  20. 但不同种类的异端邪说的余烬今后是否还会再燃?

    But will the embers of a different kind of heresy continue to burn?

  21. 异端创始或领导人异端邪说或运动的发起者或主要倡导者

    One who originates or is the chief proponent of a heresy or heretical movement.

  22. 动物有感情的观念,要么遭摒弃要么被认为是异端邪说。

    The idea thatanimals had feelings was either dismissed or considered heresy.

  23. 狄龙当时在国家计划这种异端邪说面前有点畏缩不前。

    The Dillon of that day recoiled from such heresies as country planning.

  24. 其它基督论在基督教历史的某个时期,被视为异端邪说。

    These other Christologies were all declared heretical at some point in Christian history.

  25. 为世人所知的所有真理都曾经是智者们眼中的异端邪说。

    All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man.

  26. 他说认为女性不应该主持宗教仪式的观点是一种异端邪说。

    He said it was a heresy to suggest that women should not conduct services.

  27. 虽然乔丹没有因为鼓吹异端邪说而被烧死,可也真够悬的。

    While Jordan wasn't burned for heresy, she came damn close.

  28. 梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其圣职。

    Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.

  29. 不过,如果瑞德放其他的那套异端邪说,生活就会惬意得多。

    However, life would be pleasanter if Rhett would recant his heresies.


  1. 问:异端邪说拼音怎么拼?异端邪说的读音是什么?异端邪说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:异端邪说的读音是yìduānxiéshuō,异端邪说翻译成英文是 broadly referring to proposals or ideas that ar...

