




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:biàn yào






  1. This article will analysis this problem from both the differences of the literature concept and writer's talent.


  1. 对普通逻辑学教材中几个理论问题辨要

    Distinguish from Some Theoretical Problems in Common Logic

  2. 中风辨治述要

    Key Points of Pattern Identification and Treatment Administration in Wind Stroke

  3. 真伪要辨明。

    The true is to be distinguished from the false.

  4. 明辨是非当然要紧。

    It is certainly important to distinguish between right and wrong.

  5. 慢性胃痛辨治归要

    Therapeutic approaches for chronic gastralgia based on differentiation of symptoms and signs

  6. 慢性肾盂肾炎辨治举要

    Essentials of Differential Treatment for Chronic Pyelonephritis

  7. 强直性脊柱炎辨治掇要

    Summary of Treatment with Syndrom Differentiation on Tonic Rachitis

  8. 我必须要辨明它,且放胆奔跑。

    I must identify it, and then run.

  9. 辨方律师想要再次直接问话吗?

    Does the defense wish to redirect?

  10. 我们要找些陆标来辨明方位。

    We'll locate some landmarks to get our bearings.

  11. 現在要辨認這些怪獸的身分 其實非常簡單

    Now it's actually very simple to put a face to many of these monsters.

  12. 有要澄清阐释和辨明得人得本能冲动

    There is a human urge to clarify, rationalize, justify

  13. 有要澄清阐释和辨明的人的本能冲动

    There is a human urge to clarify, rationalize, justify

  14. 我要感谢你的非常盛情和雄辨的讲话。

    I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks.

  15. 在辨明身份之前,不要把东西交给他。

    Don't give him the item before he identifies himself.

  16. 在辨明身份之前,不要把东西交给他。

    Don't give him the item before he identifies himself.

  17. 我们要明辨两种不同类型的怀疑主义。

    We want to distinguish between two different types of scepticism.

  18. 对一个小孩而言要明辨是非是不容易的。

    It is not easy for a child to tell right from wrong.

  19. 你不要为了赢而总是争辨,应该接受不同意见。

    You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

  20. 要买古玩的话可一定要识辨真伪, 谨防仿品乱真。

    One must distinguish between the real and the fake if one wants to buy antiques.

  21. 要买古玩的话可一定要识辨真伪,谨防仿品乱真。

    One must distinguish between the real and the fake if one wants to buy antiques.

  22. 论以辨病为前提之金匮要略病证结合模式

    Mode of Combination between Disease Differentiation and Syndrome Differentiation Based on Disease Differentiation Described in Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber

  23. 要从报纸的报道上去辨明一个事件的真实性很困难。

    It is often difficult to discern the truth of an event from a newspaper report.

  24. 我们要不断地培养自己的思辨能力, 锻炼思辨性思维。

    We should keep on developing our ability to think logically and exercise speculative thinking.

  25. 我们要不断地培养自己的思辨能力、锻炼思辨性思维。

    We should keep on developing our ability to think logically and exercise speculative thinking.

  26. 至于变证,不应拘于误治,要在辨其寒热虚实。

    As for the complications, attention should be paid to the differentiation between cold and heat and between deficiency and access.

  27. 要从报纸的报导上去辨明一个事件的真实性是困难的。

    It is often difficult to discern the truth of an event from a news paper report.

  28. 肾虚与卵巢早衰机理及补肾填精辨治述要

    An Outline of Mechanism of Deficiency of the Kidney and Premature Ovarian Failure Treated with Diagnosis and Treatment Based on TCM by Tonifying the Kidney and Replenishing Essence

  29. 第一个要采取的步骤是辨明优先事项、能力和重点领域。

    As a first step, identifying priorities, capacities and areas of focus would be undertaken.