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1. 嗔 [chēn]嗔 [chēn]怒,生气:~怒。~喝(hè ㄏㄜˋ)。~诟。~斥。~睨。对人不满,怪罪:~着。~怪。~责。……
汉语拼音:chēn hèn
Sometimes the thought of ill will or anger is very small, very fleeting and the results will not be very pronounced.
有时恶意或嗔恨的念头只是小小一点、转瞬即逝,那么果报就不会那么显著。But sometimes the intensity is so great that you may actually kill someone and then get very bad results.
但有时嗔恨心如此之强以至于你实际上会杀人,然后就会得到很坏的果报。Everyone will always experience happiness when their hatred, desire or ignorance are not so strong.
每个人都可以在他们的嗔恨、贪欲、无明不那么炙盛的时候经验到喜悦。Buddha described nirvana as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger and other afflictive states ( ailes).
佛陀把涅槃描述为心灵超越于贪欲,嗔恨和其它的折磨状态(烦恼)后至极的宁静。Be free of attachment and aversion. Keep your mind pure. And unite your mind with Buddha.
放下执著或嗔恨,让心保持纯净,与佛融合为一。Always recognize the dreamlike qualities of life and reduce attachment and aversion .
要时常惦记着生命有如梦幻泡影,减少执著和嗔恨。Yes, but the results vary in degree according to the intensity of the ill will or hatred.
是的,但是果报严重程度会随恶意或嗔恨的强度不一样。If Schadenfreude, but is a long aversion, aversion heart will make our hearts increasingly narrow.
如果幸灾乐祸,长养的却是一颗嗔恨心,嗔恨心会使我们的心胸越来越狭隘。However, it must be understood and realised that we also play a part in causing a hateful situation.