


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……


1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……



汉语拼音:cóng fú








  1. 为姻亲或君上的亲属服丧。

    《礼记·大传》:“服术有六……六曰从服。” 郑玄 注:“从服,若夫为妻之父母,妻为夫之党服。”《宋书·礼志二》:“御服大功九月,设位 太极 东宫堂殿。中监、黄门侍郎、僕射并从服。从服者,御服衰乃从服,他日则否。”

  2. 归附;顺服。


  3. 遵从。




  1. Acts 19: 22 And having sent into Macedonia two of those who served him, Timothy and Erastus, he himself stayed in Asia for a time.


  1. 从工装服上洗去油腻

    wash grease out of overalls.

  2. 他退后几步,从病号服中拿出一张卷起的纸。

    He backs off and removes a rolled piece of paper from his jumpsuit.

  3. 服从者的德性

    morality of obedience.

  4. 军人应服从命令。

    Soldiers should listen to orders.

  5. 强制服从惩罚或给予惩罚

    To exact or mete out punishment.

  6. 你要训练你的狗服从你。

    You must school your puppy to obey you.

  7. 不愿意向权威服从的。

    Unwilling to submit to authority.

  8. 一切事物都服从于金钱。

    All things are obedient to money.

  9. 他只得甘心服从他的命运。

    He resigned himself to his fate.

  10. 倾心服从上帝的律法吧。

    Incline your hearts to obey God's laws.

  11. 我拒绝服从于他的控制。

    I refuse to submit myself to his control.

  12. 实际上群众不一定会服从你。

    In fact, the masses will not obey you, I am afraid.

  13. 刀法必须服从于篆文的内容。

    The carving skill must comply with the content of the seal character.

  14. 刀法必须服从于篆文的内容。

    The carving skill must comply with the content of the seal character.

  15. 确保短期计划服从于长远目标。

    Just be sure your short term projects lead to longer term goals.

  16. 心甘情愿服从于责任感的,或敬重的。

    Willingly obedient out of a sense of duty and respect.

  17. 我会服从她所做的任何决定。

    I would stick by her whatever she decided.

  18. 让吾等倾心服从上帝的圣诫。

    Let us incline our hearts to obey God's commandments.

  19. 向副总经理报告并服从其的领导。

    Report to DGM and obey his work arrangement.

  20. 向生产经理报告并服从其的领导。

    Report to production manager and obey his work arrangement.

  21. 他使自己的愿望服从于集体的利益。

    He subordinated his wishes to the general good of the group.

  22. 我们罗马人是自己服从于罗马,并且只服从于罗马。

    We Romans subordinate ourselves to Rome, and only to Rome.

  23. 向正副总经理报告并服从其的领导。

    Report to GMDGM and obey his work arrangement.

  24. 雷竹株数按径阶分布服从正态分布。

    The number distribution of diameter grade obeys normal distribution.

  25. 有些父母强令其子女服从是不现实得。

    It is impracticable for some parents to exact obedience of their children.

  26. 有些父母强令其子女服从是不现实的。

    It is impracticable for some parents to exact obedience of their children.

  27. 而因为我们要服从于时间,我们发明了音乐。

    And for being subjected to the clock, well, we invented music.

  28. 如果以说理来缓和批评, 谁都会服从你。

    If you temper criticism with reason everyone can obey you.

  29. 戏剧的形式与结构服从于主题与内容的需要。

    Thus the form and structure of the drama is subject to the requirements of the theme and the content.

  30. 为了避免内战, 服从于某人的绝对君主王权是值得的。

    And in order to avoid that civil war it was worth subjecting one's self to absolute sovereignty.


  1. 问:从服务器上获取图像拼音怎么拼?从服务器上获取图像的读音是什么?从服务器上获取图像翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从服务器上获取图像的读音是cóng fú wù qì shàng huò qǔ tú xiàng,从服务器上获取图像翻译成英文是 fetch an image from a server