


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……









汉语拼音:yǒu lái wú huí







  • 【解释】:只要来了,就回不去。指彻底被消灭。
  • 【出自】:周立波《暴风骤雨》第一部十三:“有这玩艺儿,慢说他‘种殃军’,他洋爸爸鬼子来,也给他有来无回。”
  • 【示例】:[如果]胆敢侵犯我们伟大的社会主义祖国,我们就一定叫他~。


  1. If the enemy dare come, they will never be able to get away.


  2. The banks, although on government life support, resisted lending out their capital.


  1. 多少年来, 一直有人不惜冒险入洞探宝, 终是有去无回。

    Many people have taken adventures to enter into this cavity to seek for treasures for thousands of years but no body came back alive.

  2. 必将有去无回。

    You ain't gonna be coming back down.

  3. 必将有去无回。

    You ain't gonna be coming back down.

  4. 送去那里的人都有去无回

    They send you there, you never come back.

  5. 那是一次有去无回的自杀性使命。

    It was a kamikaze mission.

  6. 我的书决不外借,因为总是有去无回。

    I never lend books; you never get them back.

  7. 从金融角度看,该国已经越过了极限点,有去无回了。

    Financially, that country has passed the point of no return.

  8. 的确,谁都不愿做肉包子打狗有去无回的傻事。

    Really, everybody does not wish to do fleshy steamed stuffed bun to hit a dog to have go having the hooey that answer.

  9. 现在,德国有无可能回馈这一恩惠?

    Is there any chance that Germany will now return this favour?

  10. 我无宗教信仰,不管是否有来世。我只珍惜今世!

    I have no religion, in despite of afterlife I'm just want to treasure this life!

  11. 花中有人采,心中无去处。不知如何归,自有来去处。

    Hard put to return, from have already come and gone place.

  12. 八月二十五日到二十八日有一个团,坐火车来回。

    There is a tour group for August 25-28 by train back and forth.

  13. 你, 作为一个上帝, 能够从无中生出某种有来。

    You, as a god, could create something by nothing.

  14. 对于批评家来说, 观看与认识艺术究竟有无持久的意义?

    Is there any enduring meaning in watching and appreciating art, critics ?

  15. 又不是人人都有时间来假死一回。

    Not all of us have time to fake our own death.

  16. 福无重受日, 祸有并来时

    good fortune never repeats itself, but troubles come thick and fast

  17. 我来这有寄回了。

    I've come up here a couple of times.

  18. 我来这有寄回了。

    I've come up here a couple of times.

  19. 对于一朵云来说,从有到无是不可能。

    It is impossible for a cloud to pass from being into nonbeing.

  20. 今天不会再有顾客来了, 我们打烊回家吧。

    We'll get no more customers today, so let's put up the shutters and go home.

  21. 湖上有条无甲板的划艇。用来储藏救生艇的高层甲板。

    There is an undecked rowboat on the lake. the upper deck on which lifeboats are stored.

  22. 对于玛丽巴赫来说,2分钱并非可有可无的零钱。

    For Mary Bach, 0 cents isnt chump change.

  23. 但因着他持久的存在,所有的一切都将停止并回到无有。

    But for His sustaining presence, all things would cease to be and fall back into nothingness.

  24. 有一回, 一个非常有权势的官员带了他的儿子来算命。

    Once a very powerful government official brought his son to Yuan to have his fortune told.

  25. 有一回, 一个非常有权势得官员带了他得儿子来算命。

    Once a very powerful government official brought his son to Yuan to have his fortune told.

  26. 有一回, 年长的那个宦官回过头来, 冲我不怀好意地笑了笑。

    Once the elder of the two turned round, and smiled at me with an evil smile.

  27. 我想你搬回家住罢,免得讨人家厌,同时好有我来管教你。

    I think you'd better move back home so as not to make a nuisance of yourself, and so I can keep you under my supervision.

  28. 好!一叶兄看来是有备而来, 接着有无更系统的论证?

    Good! Brother Yiye seems to have made preparations, what more systemic demonstration are you going to give

  29. 你有朋友能来接你回家吗?

    You got a friend who can drive you home?

  30. 这么多年来,头一回有人要我出示身份证。

    For the first time in many years, I got carded.