




1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:zěn zhe







  1. 网络
  2. zengjuo

  3. >

  1. 你当我怕谁是怎着?

    Think you scare me?

  2. 非去出臭汗不过瘾是怎着?

    Are you only happy when you're sweating your guts out?

  3. 教我一个跟头摔死, 你看着可乐是怎着?

    I sup pose you'd think it funny if I dropped dead in the street!

  4. 多喝水, 多休息, 最好出一次透汗。非去出臭汗不过瘾是怎着?

    Drink water more, rest more, had better go out to perspire all over.

  5. 大家都在想着怎办。

    Everyone was thinking what would be next.

  6. 你竟然学跳伞!还想怎麽着!

    You're learning to be a parachutist! Whatever next!

  7. 他晚上怎睡得着呢?

    How can he sleep at night?

  8. 想拥抱怎能握着拳头?

    How can we hug together with the fists closed?

  9. 一个人怎能带着这样的心存活?

    How can one live with such a heart?

  10. 我真不懂你怎会厚着脸皮去批评别人。

    I don't know how you have the face to criticize other people.

  11. 如果你不属于我,这距离又怎会伤害着我的生活?

    If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?

  12. 我握着她的手有一会儿功夫,考虑着要怎幺回答。

    I held her hand for a moment, debating a reply.

  13. 她怎能睡得着呢?思嘉忘记了自己生完韦德之后睡着过。

    Scarlett forgot that she too had gone to sleep after Wade was born.

  14. 怎麽也睡不着。

    Try in vain to sleep

  15. 我的脚怎麽也够不着踏板。

    My feet can hardly reach the pedals.

  16. 我得脚怎麽也够不着踏板。

    My feet can hardly reach the pedals.

  17. 它怎能让我醉着呢,爸?

    How could it make me tipsy, Pa ?

  18. 耳听鸟语,眼望着荷花,怎能不陶醉在其中。

    Ears to birds, the eyes looking at flowers, how can we not revel in it.

  19. 我们先等着看看竞争对手怎麽办再说。

    We're waiting to see what our competitors do before we make a move.

  20. 狗拴着子, 是怎麽挣脱开的?

    The dog was chained, so how did it get free

  21. 狗拴着子,是怎麽挣脱开得 呢

    The dog was chained,so how did it get free

  22. 我怎愿怀着我的思念而失去了。

    I will not have my thoughts instead of thee.

  23. 我知道怎麽弄保险丝, 用不着你管!

    I know how to mend a fuse and I don't need you shoving your oar in!

  24. 怎厶没人评论呢, 茎看着不舒服。

    Why does nobody comment on itThe stalk looks uncomfortable.

  25. 怎麼又是打咚咚?记者在心里嘀咕着。

    Pound, how is playing? Reporters and thinking to himself.

  26. 假如再让我逮着你偷东西, 看我怎麽揍你!

    If I catch you stealing again, I'll beat the daylights out of you!

  27. 他看着我死里逃生了好几次,此话怎讲

    He's seen me through nine lives. How's that?

  28. 经管如此, 为什么, 我怎是被这股冲动驱使着。

    But, why ? Why do I get driven by this impulse ?

  29. 孩子的姊姊远远站着, 要知道他究竟怎吗样。

    And his sister stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him.

  30. 包着狗屎的叉烧包, 怎可说是真正的共和?至于。

    Bun which is crammed with shit. So, how could you say it was a real democratic republic Concerning.

