如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
循序移动:~行。~动。~转(zhuàn )。搬送:~输。~载。~营(交通工具的运行和营业)。~力。~销。空~。海~。使用:~用。~算。~笔。~筹(制定策略)。人的遭遇,亦特指迷信的人所说的遭遇:~气。命~。幸~。国~。南北距离:广~百里。姓……
1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……
汉语拼音:yùn jià
The drop in rates was led by a build up in capacity among the various vessel class sizes, especially for Capesize vessels.
运价下降是因为不同吨级船舶(特别是好望角型大型散货船)的运力出现增长。Last week was no exception, with the rate out of the Center Gulf up nearly $10 per tonne.
上周也不例外,由中心海湾发货的运价每吨上升了近10美元。We have the best advantage of the services and tariffs look forward to working with you every cooperation.
我们以最佳的服务和具有优势的运价期待与您的每一次合作!The Baltic Exchange Dry index, which measures the cost of dry bulk shipping, continued to drop.
作为衡量世界干散货航运价格的指标,波罗的海干散货运价指数持续下跌。Each Contracting Party may unilaterally disallow any tariff filed or charged by one of its own designated airlines.
缔约各方可以单方面驳回其自己指定空运企业任何提交的或收取的运价。Railway freight is the expression form of money of its own value.
铁路货物运价是它本身价值的货币表现形式。Beijing will watch closely to see whether taxi drivers in other Chinese cities are emboldened to demand higher fares.
中央政府将会密切关注事态发展,看其它城市的出租车司机是否有胆量要求提高运价。Besides, the predictions on the transportation volume and freight index were also carried out with proposed models.
同时,本文利用模型对未来一段时间的煤炭海运需求及运价进行了预测。The Merchant shall take delivery of the Goods within the time provided for in the Carrier's applicable Tariff or as required by the Carrier.