










  1. And Pharaoh said, Go up, and bury thy father, according as he made thee swear.


  2. Making a bed naturally actually is very normal physiology reaction, have nothing to do lascivious , want you to want to call you only!


  3. O young lady, you young lady of the distant land. Excuse me for addressing you as "young lady" , for your name is still unknown to me.


  4. Please hang up and wait. I'll call you back in just a moment.


  5. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.


  6. You never tidy your room, you're lazy, you never clean your shoes and I have to tell you to take a bath.


  7. Maybe you think Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea should be called You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat.


  8. Please wait here. The doctor will call you when he is ready to see you. I will leave now.


  9. You've probably had one or several bosses who told you to "think outside the box" and "come to me with solutions, not problems. "


  1. 女人叫你胖子?

    Do women call you Shortie

  2. 她叫你邦妮吗

    She calls you Bonnie?

  3. 叫你猜对了。

    You've guessed right.

  4. 叫你柯尼基,好

    I'm gonna call you Kenickie. Yeah!

  5. 叫你怎样做就怎样做。

    According as you are told.

  6. 什么叫你不知道

    What do you mean, you don't know?

  7. 他叫你安德烈?

    He calls you Andre?

  8. 他叫你安德烈?

    He calls you Andre?

  9. 我说了叫你走。

    I told you to leave.

  10. 他们叫你红色精灵。

    They call you the red genius.

  11. 让我叫你甜心

    Let Me call You Sweet Hear.

  12. 老师叫你马上去。

    The teacher asked you to go to his office immediately.

  13. 楼下有人叫你。

    Somebody is calling you downstairs.

  14. 叫你会想我的。

    It's called, You're going to miss me.

  15. 他叫你兰斯小姐

    He called you Ms. Lance.

  16. 不是叫你走了吗

    Thought I told you to go.

  17. 我可以叫你维琪吗

    May I call you Vicky

  18. 他想叫你干什么?

    What did he want you to do?

  19. 他想叫你干什么?

    What did he want you to do?

  20. 我叫你要结果了我。

    I toid you to ghost me.

  21. 我决定了再叫你。

    We'll order when we've decided.

  22. 我叫你摆平他的!

    I told you not to deal with him!

  23. 你父母是叫你黛安娜吧

    Do your parents call you Diana

  24. 什么叫你装成她

    What do you mean you assumed her identity.

  25. 我不知道该不该叫你

    I wasn't sure if I should wake you.

  26. 停!谁叫你领队了?

    Stop! Who told you to take the iead?

  27. 我叫你爸爸可以吗

    Is it okay if I call you Dad?

  28. 我叫你干什么你就干什么。

    You shall do what I tell you.

  29. 你叫你哥哥起床了没?

    Did you wake up your brother?

  30. 叫你干什么,你就该干什么。

    You should do as you are told.