







汉语拼音:sī chě







  1. 撕开扯裂。

    茅盾 《水藻行》三:“叉港里泥草像一片生成似的,抵抗着人力的撕扯。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“敌人把她严刑拷打之后,丢到一个干涸的池塘里,让三只猛虎似的‘洋狗’去撕扯她。”



  1. Wit is often a mask. If you could tear it you would find either a genius irritated or cleverness juggling.

  2. Some thought the lover was a soul mate, but for one reason or another did not leave their husband and did not feel torn between the two.

  3. The name stirred something inside me, something that began to claw its way toward the surface, something I knew I didn't want to face.

  4. With both of us pulling, the seam of his pocket rips and he starts yelling at me to stop, but I won't.

  5. 'Read this one about how friendship among the young can't last, it will rip your heart out of your chest! '

  6. horny as hell. No sooner is the door shut than they're all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together.

  7. The Miser, on his next visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to make loud lamentations.

  8. No sooner is the door shut than there all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together.

  9. Protesting parents clashed with police trying to block the march.


  1. 撕扯自己的衣服

    to show grief or frustration.

  2. 可以延伸,也可以撕扯

    They can stretch. They can tear.

  3. 拉裂撕扯的动作

    The act of ripping.

  4. 柔柔得风, 撕扯头发。

    The bland wind across my hair.

  5. 柔柔的风,撕扯头发。

    The bland wind across my hair.

  6. 柔柔得风,撕扯头发。

    The bland wind across my hair .

  7. 她捶打胸部, 撕扯长袍。

    She smote her breast and rent her garments.

  8. 战争继续撕扯着这个国家。

    And so the war went on, tearing at this country.

  9. 我的酒你喝, 我的面饼你撕扯。

    My wine you drink, my bread you snap.

  10. 我和霍斯金姨夫撕扯着。

    Uncle Hoskins and I tussled.

  11. 扯断, 断裂通过扭曲, 撕扯分开

    To separate or become separated, as by twisting or tearing.

  12. 他们互相撕扯着,打得不可开交。

    They are tearing at each other, locked in a titanic struggle.

  13. 他们互相撕扯着,打得不可开交。

    They are tearing at each other, locked in a titanic struggle.

  14. 这种材料经得住磨损和撕扯。

    This material can stand a lot of wear and tear.

  15. 这种材料经得住磨损和撕扯。

    This material can stand a lot of wear and tear.

  16. 这种透明胶能抗撕扯和老化。

    This type of adhesive tape is resistant to tearing and aging.

  17. 这种透明胶能抗撕扯和老化。

    This type of adhesive tape is resistant to tearing and aging.

  18. 风猛列地撕扯着栽得树苗。

    The wind tore at the newly planted sapling.

  19. 肉应该足够柔软, 很容易撕扯开。

    The meat should be soft enough to pull apart very easily.

  20. 肉应该足够柔软,很容易撕扯开。

    The meat should be soft enough to pull apart very easily.

  21. 德位的手指撕扯着绳子和包装纸。

    Della's fingers tore at the string and paper.

  22. 我越是挣扎, 记忆越是把我向下撕扯。

    The more I struggle, the more memories pull me down.

  23. 然后, 试着撕扯, 试着把它撕成两半。

    Then, try to tear it. Try to pull it in half.

  24. 分开或成为分开的状态, 如通过扭曲或撕扯

    to separate or become separated, as by twisting or tearing

  25. 女粉丝冲破保安的阻拦,撕扯他的衣裳。

    Female fans fought their way past bodyguards and tore at his clothes.

  26. 他把她顶在墙上,用力撕扯她的裙子。

    He slams her against the wall, ripping her skirt.

  27. 他们像疯女人似地撕扯自己的衣服。

    They tore at their clothes like madwomen.

  28. 我是如此爱这男人,当我撕扯他的衣裳。

    How I loved the man, as I teared off his clothes.

  29. 他双手接过那部手稿并用力撕扯它。

    He took the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear.

  30. 只要再次浏览,心好像又一次被撕扯著。

    My heart seems to be torn if I browse them.


  1. 问:撕扯拼音怎么拼?撕扯的读音是什么?撕扯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撕扯的读音是sīchě,撕扯翻译成英文是 To tear or pull.




拼音:sī chě 基本解释 [tear] 撕开扯裂 衣服给撕扯坏了 详细解释 撕开扯裂。 茅盾 《水藻行》三:“叉港里泥草像一片生成似的,抵抗着人力的撕扯。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“敌人把她严刑拷打之后,丢到一个干涸的池塘里,让三只猛虎似的‘洋狗’去撕扯她。” 词语分开

解释: 撕 : 撕 sī 用手把东西扯裂:撕开。撕破。撕碎。撕扯。撕毁。撕票(绑票的匪徒因勒索金钱的要求没得到满足)   扯 : 扯 chě 拉:扯住不放。牵扯别人。 撕破:把信扯开。 不拘形式不拘内容地谈:扯谎。扯闲篇。 无原则� 详细>>